
About Bodycherish

Organic Beauty Treasures, Reiki & Crystal Healing, Empowerment Coaching <3 Cherish your Body, Nourish your Spirit & Adore your Life with Radical Self Love & Care!



Hello & happiest Friday!рҹҷӮ I realized that I have never really explained what my corporate career was (before I broke free to become a Soulpreneurрҹ’ғрҹҸ»). IвҖҷve been asked a lot what that job was so today IвҖҷd like to share.
I worked as a Primary Therapist & Exercise Therapist in the injury rehab рҹӨ•and return to work planning world. At any given time, IвҖҷd have 10-20 clients enrolled in the program that would range from 3-16 weeks in length. My duties included physical rehabilitation ...but more so work in transitioning my clients back to work (and also life!).
Over the course of 9 years, I worked with 2000+ clients from every single walk of life, age, culture, you name it!

Over the years I became, more than anything, a mindset coach. My clients who were able to shift perspective and create new belief systems experienced BY FAR the most transformative results.рҹ’ҳрҹҷҢрҹҸ»
The clients who held onto victim mentality, not only didnвҖҷt improve, their lives got worse. Every. single. Time.рҹ’Ҙ
2 of my clients (who responded well to my approach) were even featured in newspapers and magazines highlighting their mind-boggling transformation from traumatic brain injury (Peggy) and debilitating back pain (Danny).
I know, with every cell of my being, my holistic and all encompassing approach to transformation in both life and business success works.рҹҳ„
ThatвҖҷs why I had to break free from corporate, so I could have freedom to create my very own Signature Program (ELEVATE YOUR LIFE & Become An Energetic Match To Your Deepest Desires & Wildest Dreamsрҹ’•вҡЎпёҸ)
If this excites you, I invite you to explore for more details or рҹҚғрҹҷҢрҹҸ» (sold out but cart back open mid-September!!)
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Fun times today! Will be here today & Thursday the 9th, 16th and 23rd then thatвҖҷs a wrap for the summer рҹ’Һрҹ’Һрҹ’Һ


So this one time, I decided to relearn gymnastics рҹӨёрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
Sure, I did it for a couple years as a child but that was 20-25 years ago. .рҹ‘¶рҹҸ»
When I first got back on the gym mat at 29, I couldnвҖҷt do anything.. barely a handstand! BUT as I became older (now 33!рҹ’ғрҹҸ») I gradually became stronger, more agile, more flexible and perhaps a bit more braveрҹҰҒ
... This was exciting as it taught me first hand that that getting older does not mean getting unhealthier (unless you **BELIEVE** that to be true).
Do you believe your body only can get weaker, less flexible and less agile as you age? рҹ‘өрҹҸ»рҹ‘ҙрҹҸ»
Are you willing to embrace *new thoughts and belief systems* on what your body can do? If you desire a fit and healthy body, it is possible, no matter your age.рҹ•әрҹҸҪрҹ’ғрҹҸ»рҹ•әрҹҸҪрҹ’ғрҹҸ»рҹ’Ҙр ҹ‘ҠрҹҸј #HighVibinSoulpreneur #ElevateYourLife
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Have you ever read the ingredients on the back of your bottle of lotion or face wash?рҹҳ®
I did and realized it was a completely foreign language! I later discovered, through extensive research,that those hard to pronounced words are simply cheap, low quality and toxic ingredients that harmed my body internally & externallyрҹ‘Һ
It actually made me quite mad at first.. рҹҳӨI thought "how can this be allowed?" Then I decided that I (and everyone) deserves better.
... Everyone deserves real, healthy and natural ingredients versus simply the most cost effective and longest shelf life (where the majority of operations is spent on marketing, building costs and staff wages vs the skincare/ingredients!рҹҳө).
So, that's what you're gonna get with BodycherishрҹҢҝReal, organic ingredients (the best of the best!) sourced straight from mamma nature and mixed by hand, with positive energy, directly into the jar! рҹ’ҡрҹҢ·вңҢрҹҸ»пёҸрҹҳҳ
Post office shipments out Thursday and Monday mornings and available for pick up at the @124grandmarket between 4-8 pm Thursday, Aug 2, 9, 16 & 23rdрҹ“Ұрҹ’ҢвҖҰ/вҖҰ/produc ts/facial-toning-elixir #cherishyourbody #nourishyourspirit #adoreyourlife
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Check, check & check!вң…
One of the most spiritually aligned things you can do is take ACTION on your deepest desires & wildest dreams!рҹ’Һрҹ’Ҙ
Not just dream, journal and meditate on what you want, but take those big, bold and often scary steps toward itвӯҗпёҸрҹҷҢрҹҸ»
... ThatвҖҷs what the Supertribe of fabulous women are doing right now inside the exclusive Elevate Your Life Community. рҹ’ҳрҹ’Ҙ
To ensure even more positive momentum toward their deepest desires and wildest dreams, each enrollment I host a Live Mastermind Event! This next one is taking place on August 12th and the value is going to be monumental and game changing !рҹҰҒрҹ’ҘрҹҷҢрҹҸ»
If this intrigues and excites you, next enrollment opens late September рҹҚӮрҹҚғрҹҚҒ
Details at or рҹҢёрҹҢёрҹҢё
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Now available in JUMBO size as requested by my beautiful customers!!!рҹ’•
If there's one thing my face cannot live without, it's the рҹҢҝFacial Toning Elixir рҹҢҝmade with the absolute best organic ingredients & essentialoils for the face, plus glacial spring water infused with gemstone energy рҹ’Ұрҹ’Һ . This Elixir cleans, tones and tightness the pores + even removes eye makeup (when applied to cotton pad)вҳәпёҸ !!!
... Available online and at @124grandmarket Thursday August 2, 9, 16 & 23rd from 4-8рҹҢҝ (at this market you can also pick up your gem elixir water bottles to save on shipping)рҹҳҮрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј рҹҢҝ рҹҢҝ
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The crystal healing gem elixir water bottles are now available via the online shop!рҹ’Һрҹ’•
These magical glass bottles come with large sized crystals inside so that all your water becomes charged with healing crystal energyрҹ’•рҹ’Ұрҹ’Һ
The vibration of the water literally takes on the exact same vibration and healing properties of the crystal inside!рҹ’•рҹ’Һ (for you science nerds like me, check out Dr. EmotoвҖҷs research that proves how this works!)
... Link in below to scoop these babies up during the pre-launch sale price ($10 off!!) ergy-healing
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This is super exciting!! The Facial Toning Elixir is now available in a JUMBO, beautiful glass bottle (120 ml)!рҹ’•рҹҢҝрҹ‘ҮрҹҸ» l-toning-elixir


Bodycherish is soon selling crystal healing gem elixir water bottles!!рҹ’Һ Given all the skincare I handcraft is blended with crystal energy, these bottles will be a perfect addition to the online store (
New smoky quartz, chevron amethyst, rose quartz and clear quartz bottles will be available for $10 off launch price next week!!рҹ’Һрҹ’Һрҹ’Һрҹ’ҳ


Wishing you a weekend full of self love & careрҹ’•рҹ’•рҹ’• IвҖҷd love to hear what you ladies are up to to refill your cup and keep your vibration high this weekend?рҹҢҲвҳәпёҸ
#selfcaresaturday #nourishyourspirit
... рҹ’•
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Hi Green Beauty LoversрҹҢ·I now have pictures up for the High Vibin' Body Scrub in Mocha Orange вҳ•пёҸрҹҚ«рҹҚҠ
This scrub has been made with the best ingredients mama nature can offer including the vibrational healing powersрҹ’Ҙ of flower рҹҢә & crystal рҹ’Һ essences.
This scrub is truly as 3 in 1 as it effectively exfoliates, cleans & moisturizes the skin while in the showerрҹҡҝ!
... Due to the caffeine, it helps reduce cellulite if more strokes are rubbed on those dimples tooрҹҳ„
Shipments рҹ“Ұ go out every Monday and Thursday morningрҹ’Ңрҹ“ӘвңҲпёҸвҖҰ/vanilla-b erry-bliss-body-scrub
p.s. USA customers have a new lower rate shipping option and with the insane exchange rate you save 33-35% all prices listed in Canadian рҹҳ®рҹҷҢрҹҸ»
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Who else schedules their detox salt bath on the new / full moon cycle or eclipse?!! Extra powerful time to clear out the old energy and physically cleanse the body.


Bodycherish is at the 124 street Grand Market today from 4-8 pm!! :-)


Anyone else obsessed with the crystal kingdom?!рҹ’Һрҹ’•Back in my 20вҖҷs (IвҖҷm now 33), I never imagined IвҖҷd become a Reiki & Crystal Healer.. if someone told me that, IвҖҷd think it was really weird and coo coo actually. рҹҳҜ Boy, things sure do change and now the elemental kingdom Is part of my everyday life.
So much so, I make Gemstone/Crystal essences (pics below on how I make these healing Vibrational Tincturesрҹ’Һрҹ”®) and add them to the entire skincare line (рҹҢұ, which ...makes it an exceptionally unique and truly Holistic Beauty Experience that positively influences your Body, Mind & Spirit рҹ’•рҹҷҸрҹҸ»
I also add them to my bathtub water, to my drinking water (read Dr. EmotoвҖҷs research on this topic), I sleep with them, meditate with them, and bring them around in my portable office, always! рҹ’Һ I would like to know, whatвҖҷs your favorite gemstone? рҹ’Һ How do you use most enjoy using them?? рҹ’Һ рҹҚғ рҹҚғ
#crystalessence #crystalhealing #selflove
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Each time you commit to expansion (learning, evolving, taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone), you will up-level your lifeвӯҗпёҸand within an incredibly short period of time, youвҖҷll have access to opportunities & fabulous life experiencesрҹ’ҳ that wouldnвҖҷt have previously been availableрҹҳҠ
Being a вңЁ*wildly successful spiritual woman*вңЁ is not just about meditatingрҹ§ҳрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸ and dreaming. ItвҖҷs about taking вҡЎпёҸACTIONвҡЎпёҸ and moving toward that thing that scares the hell out of you...рҹҷҢрҹҸ»вӯҗпёҸрҹҰҒ
Ps. Elevate Your Life (Signature 16 Week Program that Supports You Become An Energetic Match to Your Deepest Desires & Wildest Dreams) opens back up late September!!рҹҚӮрҹҚғрҹҚҒрҹ’ғрҹҸ» Details Belowрҹ‘ҮрҹҸ» #HighVibin #Soulpreneur #ElevateYourLife
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Get Ready For It!рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹ’•
With us being in the middle of eclipse season (next full moon lunar eclipse рҹҢҳ on July 27, followed by a new moon рҹҢҡ рҹҢһsolar eclipse on August 11), you can expect life to change for the better... BIG TIME!
Eclipses are the most powerful transit that bring in fated changes. This can be in the form of something ending ( for your highest good ) or something completely new beginningрҹҢёрҹҢҹ
... Get ready for life to uplevel and be allowing to roll with the changes that are on the way and already happeningрҹҢ·рҹҢҲ
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This mega-potent & powerful (one of kind) Organic Body Detox (purifying oil) delivers results due to the synergistic blend of pure plant botanicals, essential oils & crystal essences. рҹҚғ All ingredients are from Mama Nature & rich in nothing but the good stuffрҹ‘ҠрҹҸ»рҹҢ·рҹ’Һ click link in bio to read the dozens of testimonials about this remarkable beauty treasure! рҹ’ҡрҹҳҠ
As a Certified Physiologist, I formulated this oil to be used on the breasts, cellulite (stimulates new blood flow to st...agnant tissues), major lymph node bundles (groin, armpits, etc.) and even bottoms of feet, which have the largest pores for easy absorptionрҹ’«рҹҢҹ... but as an Energy Healer, I also prepared (on a super full moon рҹҢ• ) Gemstone Essences of carnelian, citrine, amethyst and smoky quartz and have blended them inside for extra detoxification to the body, mind & spiritрҹ’Һ -body-cellulite-oil #holisticbeauty
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Receiving customer skincare testimonialsрҹҢ·literally makes my heart skip a beat!рҹ’•
Thank you so much Pauline for sharing with me about your skin transformation using The Facial Ritual KitрҹҷҸрҹҸ»рҹҢёрҹҢұ
This Kit truly gets results as it offers an exceptionally unique approach to skincare ... and the bonus is it makes it a fun ritual that you actually enjoy doing!рҹӨ—рҹ’•
... click link below to watch video tutorial on how to use рҹҢұ | |
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|рҹҢҝBeauty Inspired By NatureрҹҢҝ| . Have you met Bodycherish 's most adored set..."The Duo"? . This perfect pair includes Facial Toning Elixir & Organic Facial Serum. Ladies everywhere are loving this simple (yet so effectiveрҹ’•) combo.
... This powerful duo turns your facial care routine into a sacred selflove & selfcare ritual that is truly enjoyableрҹ’һрҹ’һрҹ’һ
This is all I use every morning and every night (plus a mask/polish 2 x/week)!рҹ’ҡ
No face wash is needed as the ingredients in the Facial Toning Elixir clean the skin while toning pores. This elixir evens removes makeup!рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹ’•
It lasts me 2 months and only costs $42!рҹҢҝрҹҳҠвҖҰ/the-duo-fa cial-toning-elixir-oвҖҰ
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рҹ’һвҳәпёҸLove yourself more... Period. . Then hold on tight and see the magic that happens in your lifeвңЁрҹҷҸвңЁ рҹ’• #cherishyourbody #nourishyourspirit #adoreyourlife #selfcaresaturday


This is the only skin care I'll use! The face serum is my favourite.


IвҖҷve been using the facial ritual kit for about a week now and I can already see the difference in my skin. Absolutely amazing! Not only that but it elevates my mood too! IвҖҷm a certified aesthetician and IвҖҷve never came across and product thatвҖҷs so simple and works this great! Every time you wash your face you feel fabulous! #IActuallyWokeUpLikeThis


I received the Facial Toning Elixir last week and it is AMAZING! I have extremely sensitive skin and would recommend it in a heartbeat. I also ordered the Organic Body Detox oil and love it!


I received my Body Cherish face products and body butter last week and just love my products!! Christine packaged the products so neatly and even enclosed a personal note accompanied by beautiful stone as a thank you for my order! I received my package quickly too. I highly recommend these high quality products рҹ’•


I purchased the Facial Ritual kit over a month ago and I am so happy with it. Thank you for creating such magical potions. :)

I have struggled with acne and scars since puberty and more recently my skin started being more dry and dull. But not anymore!! My skin is brighter, firmer, and hydrated. I still have the odd breakout, care of my frenemy chocolate, but those pesky zits don't hang around long and the scarring is minor. This kit has some serious magical super powers.

Between the simplicity of the routine and the super powers of the ingredients, the way I take care of my skin is forever changed. Thank you!


I ordered the facial ritual kit from you a couple weeks ago and wanted to thank you for the beautiful rose quartz that you added, that was such a nice surprise! I have had the opportunity to watch the videos and try each of the masks and OMG they are amazing!! The Glacial Clay I think is my favorite. The vitamin c nice and refreshing and the green tea, the smell reminds me of the Skinners Pond harbor in P.E.I.....seaweed or something lol. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! I had purchased the duo from you at the New Earth expo and used it dailyish...just running out last week. Now cant wait to wash my face when I get up and bedtime cant come soon enough! Looking forward to ordering more in the future!! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing creation and your energyпҝҪпҝҪ


I just wanted to send you a message and say thank you for your kind words and Citrine stone I received with the two facial kits yesterday. So kind! The facial kits are birthday presents for my Mom and sister, I'm sure they will love them as much as I have been loving them. My skin is already starting to improve and for the first time in ever it feels like my face is "breathing" if that makes sense. I'm really looking forward to a few months from now with this ritual based care. Thank you for your dedication and care with your products. As an ultra-sensitive person, the crystal and energy infusing is felt and appreciated. Its like the bottles glow by my sink, and I have never ever looked forward to do a face mask, but now I have to remind myself all the time to wait a day or two before doing another one. Also, yours are the only products I have tried in the last year that don't cause another reaction as I am sensitive. Looking forward to receiving my other orders and trying out your body oils and clearing candle for my meditation time.


I got the facial toning elixir. It's absolutely fantastic!


I discovered Body Cherish about a year ago at the Holistic Beauty Expo in Toronto. I have been using The Duo off and on since then and I love it! Just received an order with a personalized hand written note from Christine in box. I'm looking forward to trying more of her products in the future пҝҪпҝҪ


I LOVE my BodyCherish products! The face serum and the organic body detox, the candles, the bath salts, the body butter... amazing products!


Hello & happiest Friday!рҹҷӮ I realized that I have never really explained what my corporate career was (before I broke free to become a Soulpreneurрҹ’ғрҹҸ»). IвҖҷve been asked a lot what that job was so today IвҖҷd like to share.
I worked as a Primary Therapist & Exercise Therapist in the injury rehab рҹӨ•and return to work planning world. At any given time, IвҖҷd have 10-20 clients enrolled in the program that would range from 3-16 weeks in length. My duties included physical rehabilitation ...but more so work in transitioning my clients back to work (and also life!).
Over the course of 9 years, I worked with 2000+ clients from every single walk of life, age, culture, you name it!

Over the years I became, more than anything, a mindset coach. My clients who were able to shift perspective and create new belief systems experienced BY FAR the most transformative results.рҹ’ҳрҹҷҢрҹҸ»
The clients who held onto victim mentality, not only didnвҖҷt improve, their lives got worse. Every. single. Time.рҹ’Ҙ
2 of my clients (who responded well to my approach) were even featured in newspapers and magazines highlighting their mind-boggling transformation from traumatic brain injury (Peggy) and debilitating back pain (Danny).
I know, with every cell of my being, my holistic and all encompassing approach to transformation in both life and business success works.рҹҳ„
ThatвҖҷs why I had to break free from corporate, so I could have freedom to create my very own Signature Program (ELEVATE YOUR LIFE & Become An Energetic Match To Your Deepest Desires & Wildest Dreamsрҹ’•вҡЎпёҸ)
If this excites you, I invite you to explore for more details or рҹҚғрҹҷҢрҹҸ» (sold out but cart back open mid-September!!)
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This is the only skin care I'll use! The face serum is my favourite.


IвҖҷve been using the facial ritual kit for about a week now and I can already see the difference in my skin. Absolutely amazing! Not only that but it elevates my mood too! IвҖҷm a certified aesthetician and IвҖҷve never came across and product thatвҖҷs so simple and works this great! Every time you wash your face you feel fabulous! #IActuallyWokeUpLikeThis


I received the Facial Toning Elixir last week and it is AMAZING! I have extremely sensitive skin and would recommend it in a heartbeat. I also ordered the Organic Body Detox oil and love it!


I received my Body Cherish face products and body butter last week and just love my products!! Christine packaged the products so neatly and even enclosed a personal note accompanied by beautiful stone as a thank you for my order! I received my package quickly too. I highly recommend these high quality products рҹ’•


I purchased the Facial Ritual kit over a month ago and I am so happy with it. Thank you for creating such magical potions. :)

I have struggled with acne and scars since puberty and more recently my skin started being more dry and dull. But not anymore!! My skin is brighter, firmer, and hydrated. I still have the odd breakout, care of my frenemy chocolate, but those pesky zits don't hang around long and the scarring is minor. This kit has some serious magical super powers.

Between the simplicity of the routine and the super powers of the ingredients, the way I take care of my skin is forever changed. Thank you!


I ordered the facial ritual kit from you a couple weeks ago and wanted to thank you for the beautiful rose quartz that you added, that was such a nice surprise! I have had the opportunity to watch the videos and try each of the masks and OMG they are amazing!! The Glacial Clay I think is my favorite. The vitamin c nice and refreshing and the green tea, the smell reminds me of the Skinners Pond harbor in P.E.I.....seaweed or something lol. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! I had purchased the duo from you at the New Earth expo and used it dailyish...just running out last week. Now cant wait to wash my face when I get up and bedtime cant come soon enough! Looking forward to ordering more in the future!! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing creation and your energyпҝҪпҝҪ


I just wanted to send you a message and say thank you for your kind words and Citrine stone I received with the two facial kits yesterday. So kind! The facial kits are birthday presents for my Mom and sister, I'm sure they will love them as much as I have been loving them. My skin is already starting to improve and for the first time in ever it feels like my face is "breathing" if that makes sense. I'm really looking forward to a few months from now with this ritual based care. Thank you for your dedication and care with your products. As an ultra-sensitive person, the crystal and energy infusing is felt and appreciated. Its like the bottles glow by my sink, and I have never ever looked forward to do a face mask, but now I have to remind myself all the time to wait a day or two before doing another one. Also, yours are the only products I have tried in the last year that don't cause another reaction as I am sensitive. Looking forward to receiving my other orders and trying out your body oils and clearing candle for my meditation time.


I got the facial toning elixir. It's absolutely fantastic!


I discovered Body Cherish about a year ago at the Holistic Beauty Expo in Toronto. I have been using The Duo off and on since then and I love it! Just received an order with a personalized hand written note from Christine in box. I'm looking forward to trying more of her products in the future пҝҪпҝҪ


I LOVE my BodyCherish products! The face serum and the organic body detox, the candles, the bath salts, the body butter... amazing products!

More about Bodycherish

Bodycherish is located at Edmonton, Alberta