Cancer - You Are The Cure

About Cancer - You Are The Cure

Taking Charge of Cancer Healing – Practical Ways for you to Help Yourself.

Cancer - You Are The Cure Description

Cancer - It's not just physical - What are you being called to heal in yourself, in your life, in your relationship with others? Where cancer shows up in your body is a clue. It's showing you where to look so you can have a deeper understanding of what has contributed to this.

There is more awareness now about how emotions create illness. How we process and how we store emotions can contribute to this. For example: Something that happened to you in your past may be the very thing that is contributing to your cancer. We often hold onto our pain, our fears, our frustrations and we often refuse to forgive ourselves and others.

Holding onto all that darkness creates more darkness in the form of cancer but you can learn how to transform that into light. You can learn how to heal yourself using love and finally let go of what no longer serves you. We can help because we have been there and we are happy to share with you what worked for us and our families.

Note: Please refrain from using the following words:
Hate…Kill…Fight…Beat…Or any negative word. This is your body that you are aiming these hateful, hurtful words at and it is having a serious reaction! ! We must learn instead to "love" our bodies and treat them with kindness and respect, then it will work "with" you instead of "against" you. . . therein lies the healing.

How about this instead. . .
I "Cancer"tainly…
…Think positively…Create a positive outcome
…Love my body
…Be happy : )
…Eat healthy
…Be kind to myself and others
…Live for today only and enjoy it as much as possible

Our intention is simply to help empower you to heal yourself because you have the ability to do so. We hope you enjoy our page and all the tips to help you. Thank you

More about Cancer - You Are The Cure

Cancer - You Are The Cure is located at 47 Athabascan Avenue #101, Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A4H3