Chemaine'S Model Health

About Chemaine'S Model Health

Model of Health 'a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being & not merely the absence of disease or infirmity'

Biohacker Nutritional therapist Trainer

Chemaine'S Model Health Description

Chemaines Model Health is here to give women the hacks and guidance they need to optimize their LONG TERM health and fat loss. I want to see people happy by optimizing the body to get to the mind.
With 12 years of experience in the health industry I am an expert in my field, offer high quality affordable services and guarantee results.
I specialize in weight loss, autoimmune disease and addressing underlying health issues.

View services here -

Hours -
Monday - Thursday 5. 00pm to 9. 00pm

We aim to gain total human health optimization!



Antioxidants can stop cholesterol from becoming oxidized 🤓
What happens is when your cholesterol gets oxidized it goes from this really smooth round bubble floating through your arteries to this lumpy spiky bubble.
Antioxidants can protect the cholesterol from being oxidized though so your immune doesn't attack it and create a thing called a foam cell through calcification (that’s what hardening of the artery is).
... So whenever you consume antioxidants, you protect cholesterol from becoming damaged which can help plaque being formed. Antioxidants also maintain the elasticity in the artery wall so your artery walls can respond to blood pressure and make sure your blood pressure stays in a healthy range.
#healthfirst #holisticnutrition #cholesterol #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth #PG #BC
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What exactly does the immune system do, especially around COLD AND FLUE SEASON? When we talk about certain topics in health it is important to understand what we are talking about an how it works.
The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. It is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. Check out this weeks podcast where we look at how the 2 sides of the immune system actually work... 🤓
Episode #094 here ->…/find-your-mo del-he…/id1335813810…
#healthfirst #theimmunesystem #autoimmunity #biohacker #knowyourbody #airdrielife #localyyc #alberta #britishcolumbia
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💫THE IMMUNE SYSTEM - is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against attacks by “foreign” invaders.
There are various ways to boost the immune system. Exercise is great but another way to boost the immune system is with selected immune-boosting foods —- garlic, cayenne, parsley, turmeric, astragalus, schisandra, ginger and medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, maitake and cordyceps.
... Make sure you catch this weeks podcast where we look at how the immune system works and responds when UNDER ATTACK. Subscribe here ➡️…/find-your-mo del-he…/id1335813810…
#healthfirst #podcast #biohacker #immune #autoimmune #alberta #britishcolumbia
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Did you know the astaxanthin —- the compound that gives krill and salmon their red color and may have something to do with salmons amazing vitality!
It’s an important antioxidant from the carotenoids family and has been shown to improve cellular function and eye health 👀
#healthfirst #eyehealth #knowyourbody #airdrie #alberta


Did you know that chocolates scent increases theta brain waves 🌊
These brain waves are associated with relaxation, intuition and daydreaming 🙂
#healthfirst #chocolate #brainhealth #bohacker


Having troubles falling and STAYING ASLEEP?
There's stuff you can do before you go to sleep that can help you get to sleep and stay asleep longer --- ▶️ Some people just run out of energy - adding a little fat before bed can keep your body fueled while you sleep. Because when you run out of fuel when your sleep your body cant do the repairs it needs and you get a cortisol and adrenaline spike and you wake up. ▶️ Also for some people a 1/2 tablespoon of raw honey can help as ...raw honey preferentially stays in the liver and helps the liver fuel the brain more effectively. ▶️ A GABA, Melatonin or Magnesium supplement can help induce ‘relaxation’, block stress hormones from reaching the brain and improve your ‘quality’ of sleep ▶️ Relaxation and breathing exercises can help dramatically too before bed. ▶️ Keep your room cool and as dark as possible - this means no led lights from TVs or alarms and no light creeping around your curtain. ▶️ Also people with adrenal fatigue are more likely to wake during the night - so soothing the central nervous system before bed can be very effective. Some adaptogens and melatonin can help with this too 🤓
#healthfirst #sleephacks #biohacker #airdriehealth #airdrielife #localyyc
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Because my online program The HETA guide is so large already, I have decided to do some 'add ons' that will add to its purpose, support my clients further but also make them accessible to the public for free. Please enjoy this add on on SELF CARE 😘
#healthfirst #TheHETAguide #biohacker #momgoals #airdriehealth #yycliving #alberta #britishcolumbia…/ self-care-heta-guid…/


I'd only recommend it to clients if I would do it myself! So if I had period or PMS pains what would I do?
➡️load up on vitamin C (including ascorbic acid) because this has been show to help moderate hormone activity and eases PMS symptoms ➡️Drink chasteberry tea or take a chasteberry (AKA Vites) supplement because it has been shown to increase progesterone and even the ratios of estrogen to progesterone.... ➡️Include Turmeric into my day, not just for its anti-inflammatory benefits but also because it has some pain relief properties too. ➡️Take magnesium as it relaxes the body but its also essential for the metabolism of estrogen. ➡️Apply ylang ylang oil along with lavender oil to the lower abdomen to relieve stress and cramping. ➡️The adaptogen Ashwaganda has also been shown to reduce cortisol, balance hormones, and reduce PMS symptoms xo
#healthfirst #PMS #periodpains #biohacker #knowyourbody #airdriemoms #localyyc
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Did you know there are 6 members in 'The Biotics Family'?!
Most people know of the antibiotics, prebiotics and probiotics but not of the other members --- postbiotics, modbiotics and symbiotics. Check out this weeks podcast where we discuss how each of these work and how they play a part in your health 🤓
Find episode #093 here and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes ➡️…/find-your-mo del-he…/id1335813810…
... #healthfirst #guthealth #probiotics #podcast #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth #localyyc #alberta #britishcolumbia
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As we see more and more come out about Endometriosis and its association with inflammation and the dominance of the Estrogen hormone - we look towards resolving these to support someone with Endometriosis.
➡️By using an aromatase inhibitor like Chrysin - we can block the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen, so lowering the estrogen levels. ➡️We can then control the inflammatory pathways with some Turmeric and a good Omega 3 and CLA oil or another good omega 6 oil like Eve...ning Primrose oil or Safflower oil. ➡️Then the methylation cofactors like B12, B6, B3 and Vitamin C. This helps with detox and cellular function. ➡️Also add in some Vitex Agnus-Castus or Chaste berry to increase the Progesterone Receptor activity and sensitivity.
When you’re looking at your environment or nutrition -- you’ve got to be very specific about avoiding anything that might trigger problems with Aromatase (the enzyme that converts Testosterone to Estrogen), like all the Xenoestrogens, pollutants, BPA, BPS, BPF, DHT, plastics and basically avoiding as much plastics and toxins as possible INCLUDING grain fed red meats and pork (that aracadonic acid) 🤓
#healthfirst #endometriosis #inflammation #knowyourbody #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth #alberta #britishcolumbia
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Endometriosis - what is it? 🤓
Endometriosis is where there is just so much Estrogen - so much of this hormone that makes the period, makes the Endometrial Tissue, makes the Blood and the Menstruation. It also changes the breasts, it’s the one that causes blood clots and all the horrible stuff with the Menstrual Cycle.
There’s so much Estrogen floating around that the body is constantly making period in weird locations which then causes a lot of pain. This means instead of ha...ving a week long period relatively symptom free these women can constantly struggle —– when they’re not having a bleed they’re suffering from Estrogen Dominance symptoms like migraines, clots, insulin resistance and pains —- and not just period pains but also pains and issues in the gut and low back. Then, when their period finally comes they actually get very heavy clotty painful periods 😕
#healthfirst #endometriosis #infertility #insulinresistance #knowyourbody #airdrielife #yychealth
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BIO-INDIVIDUALITY means there will never be one diet that is right for everybody.
There is no single best diet that everyone should be eating; but rather, the diet that is healthiest for you depends on you, i.e. on your body's individual needs 🤓
#healthfirst #knowyourbody #bioindividuality #biohacker #alberta #britishcolumbia


Man this picture is hilarious and this girl is a joy to work with - if a client can make me giggle then we are both winning 🙌🏻
Sinuse issues, inflammation, headaches, cranium pressure and insulin resistance - that’s why Alyssa decided she needed some support with her health. She took the leap and we are on track with all ⤵️🤗
‘I didn’t realize how much pressure I had in my sinuses until it was gone.. and it happened in like 2 days. I can also take a whole deep breath through m...y nose which I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do in my life! It’s crazy!’
PS she also lost 7lbs in 3 weeks as a ‘bonus’ 😉
#healthfirst #inflammation #momgoals #airdrielife #yychealth #alberta #britishcolumbia
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Ever heard of ‘structured water’ - it’s this fantastic concept that water can be enhanced with negative ions so that it may more freely move into our cells 🤓
This is water from fruits and vegetables and natural sources like springs or lakes, has energetically been changed from UV rays and electrons from the earth. This is also know as the ‘exclusion zone’ and it’s the same type of water in your cells. This negatively charged water is said to be better for cellular hydration and overall health. Consuming structured water is a nice addition to your health journey and can easily be attained by placing your water in the sun for about 12-24 hours 🌞
#healthfirst #water #hydration #biohacker #alberta #britishcolumbia


This weeks podcast is a follow on of a post I did in my biohacking group this week and is super fun as we go through the 12 STAGES OF INTERMITTENT FASTING. Some will make you giggle - some you will cringe lol but all are a part of the IF journey 😊 .
Find episode #092 here ⤵️and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out of further episodes (also available on Android player and other audio platforms).…/find-your-mo del-he…/id1335813810…
... #healthfirst #IF #fasting #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth #workingonimprovingthesoundquality #AB #BC
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TRUE HUNGER —- most of us have never felt true hunger 🧐
For most people the sensations of hunger include stomach grumbling, headaches, light-headedness, shakiness, irritability, fatigue, and inability to focus. Since eating removes the symptoms, they are mistakenly believed to be signs of hunger. But as I have seen with the hundreds of clients I work with —- a lot of the time, this is just insulin or dehydration or even fatigue from poor nutrition.
True hunger is a feeling or... inate sense of the need of food for nourishment. There are no cravings. True hunger can be felt in the throat, your saliva glands will release digestive enzymes into your mouth and signal your body to prepare to eat. Some may even heave. Hunger increases as we move through our glycogen stores and our stomach empties - this then turns on fat burning and allows our body to do repairs 🙌🏻
#healthfirst #intuitiveeating #weightloss #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth
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We are officially SOLD OUT for Round 10 of The HETA guide 🎉
And because of high demand we have decided to open the cart for Round 1️⃣1️⃣ starting November 12th with module 1 being released on November 10th. Secure your spot here ⬇️ coz we only take 10 people 🙌🏻 ature-program/
... #healthfirst #TheHETAguide #momgoals #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth #princegeorge
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Big sustainable changes happen easiest when you make small changes consistently over time.
Today commit to taking on some of the below swaps; ✖️ veggie chips -> ✔️ Solar Raw kale chips ✖️ Milk chocolate -> ✔️ 80-100% dark chcolate... ✖️ Pop -> ✔️ Zevia or La Croix ✖️ Kraft peanut butter -> ✔️ Organic natural peanut butter ✖️ Low fat or regular yogurt -> ✔️ Full fat Greek or coconut yogurt ✖️ Flavored creamer -> ✔️ Heavy or whipping cream ✖️ Big mac -> ✔️ Home made beef burger with your favorite toppings (mmmm pickles 🥒)
#healthfirst #sustainablechanges #biohacker #airdrielife #yychealth
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Biohacking ---- where science, technology and nature meet to optimize your health and performance 💪🏻
As a communicator and researcher, I strive to give the best information and I promise to keep it up to date with current research and studies 🤓


This is the program that has changed my life. I'm strong, healthy and shedding fat every week. I've learned different ways to bio hack my body. Mind blowing info has been provided to me by Chemaine and I feel for the first time supported and educated about all my food choices. This is not a diet, it's not a temporary eating plan. It's a change for life and the best part; it's sustainable! � � �


Ok, off to snow blow yet again BUT I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I was happy with what I saw!! Before I really bundled up I thought I’d share! Less than 4 weeks in and I’m getting a stomach back! I’ve gone from Costco XL yogas to MMs!! � Health matters!! I’m down nearly 15lbs from 183-168lbs!! My menstruation cycle has change, less pain, clotting and duration. My chronic constipation is being resolved, I SLEEP, I have energy, I enjoy good food, I have body acceptance for the first time in my life! I was THE fat girl in class but with the tools Chemaine has given me I will never feel or be that way again. My son and family in general have a chance at a life with a healthy bodies and brains. Chemaine has truly changed my family’s life!


I've been seeing Chemaine for a month now and I am down 9lbs and I feel great. Before I met her I couldn't fit my wedding ring anymore, was waking up tired everyday even though I slept 8hrs and I had bad menstrual cramps. Well that's ancient history! She doesn't only tell you what to do to feel better and loose weight but she explains you why. She's also very supportive through the journey. I am so happy our paths crossed. Thanks Chemaine!


I started my journey with Chemaine about a year and a half ago. I was getting married and just wanted to look and feel my best. I have learned a whole new lifestyle in regards to nutrition and long term health. She taught me that if I wanted to be successful I would need to learn how to fuel my body not just loose weight. She continues to push me to push myself. I lost 20lbs since then and will continue to utilize my life long skills Chemaine has taught me!


I have been working with Chemaine since January of this year and I'm so glad I decided to put my faith in her. I have learned so much about my body, my metabolism and what truly nutritious food is. My PMS symptoms are almost non existent, my skin has cleared up so much, I no longer feel sluggish during the day and the weight loss was the icing on the carb free cake! Chemaine has been there 100% in her support of me. I went though a rough patch in my personal life in March and kind of fell under the wagon. Chemaine was right on me and in touch numerous times every day. She picked me up, brushed me off and got me back on track. I honestly don't know where I would be if I hadn't met this truly wonderful lady! �


I have been working with Chemaine for little over 4 weeks now participating in her HETA program. This program teaches you how to eat nutrient dense food and how to properly fuel your body. My mood has changed drastically, I now have more good days than bad, I have more energy and my favourite, I've lost 16 lbs in only 4 weeks! This is by no means a "fad diet", trust me I've tried them all! This is a healthy and sustainable way of eating with a great support group and I'm excited to continue my journey!


I have been working with Chemaine for just over a month and have loss just under 10lbs. But even better than the weight-loss, I'm sleeping better, thinking clearer, I'm more engaged in the world around me, and I'm just generally loving life more :) Chemaine is incredibly knowledgeable and is so supportive! I've never felt alone in my health journey for even one step of the way! She is the shit! ❤❤❤


I had been watching Chemaine for a long time before I made the decision to work with her.....and boy am I glad that I did. My only concern is that I didn't do it much sooner. We have been working together for 6 weeks now and in the that time I have released at least 16 pounds of fat (I have also gained muscle) and have gone down 2 sizes. I fell better than I have in years. Her philosophy is to get strong and healthy first and everything else will fall into place. She is SPOT ON!! I super extra highly recommend working with her....and sooner than later


I found Chemaine after a number of years of many epic fails with food, diets and nutrition. She has a no nonsense approach that is refreshing. Her support is real and she is always available. I like the idea of real food that is nutrient dense. I have had heart burn for as long as I can remember. It was gone after day two with Chemaine!! Other life changes include mood balance, improved energy, sleeping better and the list goes on - of course weight loss !! She is the real deal and so reasonably priced. If you are on the fence about where to go next with your health you have to connect with her. You won't regret it:)


I finally contacted Chemaine after I had tried on my own to lose weight for years.... after one week I was down 10lbs and sleeping again!! It has been amazing working with her, she is so supportive and was always available to answer all of my questions. Best part is she keeps things really simple, so it isn't overwhelming. She is so full of knowledge and teaches you everything she can to help you. I cannot say enough about how happy I am working with her!


I don't even know where to begin to describe how great Chemaine is. To say she is amazing would be an understatement by far. I met Chemaine after literally doing EVERYTHING. I thought I was eating the right foods and had been working out 4-5 times per week for over 6 months and and still NOTHING was changing. I was actually gaining weight! I was convinced something was physiologically wrong with me. I had read so many reviews on Chemaine and how she had helped people and even though I was still skeptical anything would work for me, I decided to give it a try. The first couple weeks were hard (no intense workouts everyday, and actually learning that carbs can be ok) but I was shocked that I actually lost weight AND felt better. She really is a genius when it comes to this stuff!

To make it even better her program is really easy to follow. The first time I went to make taco meat I asked for an easy recipe and she actually sent me pictures of packages that were ok! I cannot stress enough that If you're willing to follow what she says it really is easy. She works with your lifestyle and what types of things you enjoy and actually helps find food items that fits into her program. I can honestly say I don't ever feel deprived. Her program isn't a diet it is a lifestyle change but it doesn't feel restrictive at all. I would recommend her 100 times over to anyone regardless of whether you think you're doing everything right already or not. If you're on the fence honestly just meet with Chemaine and give her program a try. She really is a life changer and is such a small investment in health and happiness!


I could not be more grateful to My friend Aliser for introducing me to Chemaine! I have been working with Chemaine since November and could not be happier. I knew I always wanted to focus on health more in my life, however I would always start with random “hot topic” programs and fail them every time. Chemaine teaches the knowledge base I feel is crucial to being successful. She offers constant support on a daily basis and holds me accountable which was exactly what I needed. She has also introduced me to a community of people who are all after health and wellness as well. I could not be more grateful and am so glad I jumped on with her. I can’t wait to see where I am a year from now. Bonus is I know I am feeding my family so much better and I know with this knowledge my children will be happier, healthier people. Thanks Chemaine you are incredible!�


Chemaine's HETA guide is life changing, amazing and cutting edge information on health and nutrition. It's an easy to follow guide filled with tons of information. The support group is a wonderful place for us to get support and keep learning and be accountable. And the support from Chemaine is like no other. You will never feel alone in this process. She bends over backwards for her clients. I highly recommend Chemaine and Chemaine's Model Health to anyone looking for a change, guidance and support.


Chemaine is the most knowledge person I have ever met. She is passionate about health and teach all she knows to helping you to reach your goals. I start working with her 1 month ago and definitely it was my best decision. I had my third baby 5 months ago and was trying to recover my body and being a balanced mom for my kiddos but it was very hard to do it when you don't like what you see on the mirror, when you don't feel happy at all with yourself. My mood was up and down as a roller coaster of emotions. I got overwhelmed reading about health, loss weight and workouts to get fit but I didn't know where to start. Chemaine answered my thousand questions on a simple way. She gave me the control of my live again with all her knowledges, motivation and caring. The greatest part? I've lost 10lbs and the scale keeps moving down.

Chemaine your have been an angel for me on my journey to feel amazing �

I definitely will recommend Chemaine to everyone in this world. We deserve the best and she is! ����


Chemaine is extremely knowledgeable...definitely knows what she’s talking about!! She makes how and what you eat make sense to look & feel your best! Her passion shines through.....truly amazing & genuine! The proof is in the results!!


Chemaine is amazing!!! I’ve literally tried everything to lose weight and feel good. Actually I didn’t know what feeling good meant till I started with Chemaine. I used to have no energy at all, I was depressed a lot of the time and I kept adding weight no matter what I tried. Going into this I was very skeptical because I was convinced there was no way for me lose weight. I thought I was doing all of the right things. I was hesitant to reach out but I couldn’t be happier. My life has changed so much. I have more energy than I know what to do with, I am so productive each day and I’ve lots weight!!! I’m probably the smallest I’ve been since I was a teenager. But the weight loss isn’t even the part I think about. It’s the way my skin is, my joints no longer hurt and I’m so happy. Even if I want to be upset it’s like my brain won’t let me. I had no idea that food could do this!!!

The coolest part is that she teaches us everything. It’s not just eat this and do that, she educates us on why. She spends endless amounts of time learning so she can come back and teach us. She checks in all of the time and is there every time I have a question which is all of the time. Lol I am forever thankful that this has come into my life!! I have my confidence back. I’ve never met someone with this much passion to help her clients. It’s a blessing for anyone who has the opportunity to work with her.


Chemaine is amazing and incredibly smart! I have tried everything to drop weight and nothing worked until I had Chemaine helping me out.

Thank you Chemaine for being my biggest cheerleader during my journey with you! You always had faith that I could do it!

Before I started my journey I could never say no to cookies, candies, chips now I’m constantly saying no to that junk food! I’m feeling so much better and have so much appreciation for what I’m putting into my body now!


Chemaine is absolutely incredible for years i struggled with my weight and health. After meeting her and beginning my journey with hee not only have I lost 30 pounds my blood pressure is back to normal and I no longer get headaches I highly recommend her!


Chemaine helped me gain control of my cravings thus my figure and ultimately my health which is more important to me. He knowledge and support is invaluable for anyone who is willing to learn and take control of their own health and well-being.

More about Chemaine'S Model Health

Chemaine'S Model Health is located at Airdrie, Alberta t4b2t5