Henna Blessings

About Henna Blessings

Henna blessings. Mother Blessing with henna.

Henna Blessings Description

Hello, My name is Frances and I first started being interested in henna after I became a Doula. I thought it would be such a nice thing to do for my clients. I started to really enjoy the beauty of the art so I decided to offer henna to anyone that is interested. I love the idea of you being blessed by henna. If you are interested in getting henna done feel free to message me.

What is a mother blessing?
Like most women, you probably already know what a baby shower is, and chances are you have either attended one or had one planned for you in the weeks leading up to an impending birth. However, there is a beautiful pre-birth tradition which is becoming more popular as word spreads: a blessingway – which is also known as a Mother Blessing.

A blessingway is an old Navajo (native American) ceremony, which celebrates a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. A westernised version of this is the ‘Mother Blessing’ which is the term I will use out of respect of the Navajo tradition, especially having read that the Navajo people don’t approve of the name being used this way (I have used it in the title as it is more widely known as a blessingway). Unlike a traditional baby shower, where gifts are purchased for the baby, a Mother Blessing is all about nurturing the mother-to-be and celebrating motherhood.

As with most special events in modern society, baby showers have become very commercialised. If you were to ask someone to describe what happens at a baby shower, the answer would probably be something like, ‘where women get together and give gifts for the baby’. There is also so much focus on the new arrival and excitement of meeting the baby, and very little focusing on and nurturing the mother – ‘filling her cup’ – so it overflows with love. A woman who is given lots of love has more love to give in return – and there is nothing like a circle of loving women to get that oxytocin (hormone of love) flowing!

A Mother Blessing is a beautiful and unique way to honour the mother, spend time with her, share stories, debrief fears and to instill confidence and strength.

What Happens at a Mother Blessing?

A Mother Blessing involves a gathering of the mother-to-be’s most trusted friends and family, who sit in the power of a circle and share amongst one another. Traditionally it is a woman-only gathering and may include her mother, sisters, aunts, daughters, best of friends, mentors – anyone she respects, looks up to or values. It helps the woman to prepare herself for the birth, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, for the all important role of a new mother. She feels ‘held’ and supported by those she loves and respects – a great way to help her release any blockages she may be feeling and to allow her to embrace what’s to come. Hearing other women’s birth stories as you share around the circle can be surprising, exciting and heartwarming to hear. A Mother Blessing can be very affirming, empowering and uplifting.

. Prenatal henna is a common tradition in middle eastern and south Asian cultures. It is thought that having henna applied to one's belly while pregnant brings blessings to both mom and baby. This tradition has become more and more popular in other cultures as well because it is not only a wonderful way to celebrate this time in life, but is also a very pampering and relaxing experience for the mom to be.

It doesn’t matter what religion (if any) the mother is – a Mother Blessing honors all belief systems.

I also do private henna blessings as well. Bellies feet and hands.

More about Henna Blessings

Henna Blessings is located at 403 35st Red deer, Red Deer, Alberta t4n0R2
403 550 9898