I Am An Animal Community

About I Am An Animal Community

This is a community where everyone can either embrace their inner animal or I will help you with to discover!

I Am An Animal Community Description

This is the roots to my destiny of helping as many people in this world as I can. I make it my goal everyday to touch a life in any way possible. So if you know someone who needs a place to call home for developing anything from self confidence, physical accomplishments, to the beginnings of a dream, do your part and make them join this page. We all deserve to live life with purpose and fulfillment. Strength comes in numbers and the more of us who join the more support we all have. I didn't grow up with a lot of family so I choose you all to be my family. I'm sure you have all had some amazing dreams in your time, especially childhood. My dream has always been to CHANGE THE WORLD, I have been told way too many times in my life that that is "CRAZY" So like my wife said yesterday" You need to change that word out with what it really is; Your" instinct"
So here I am feeding my instinct of wanting to help anyone or any thing that I can. There is 1 specific thing that has given me a brighter future and that is starting my day with gratitude. So I would like to share with you guys my board of gratitude. I am going to post something everyday that I am grateful for and I hope you all join in with me on that tradition you deserve the happiness it will root into your life. . .
Live with Passion

More about I Am An Animal Community

I Am An Animal Community is located at 232 windsor Dr, Fort McMurray T9H 4R3