John Walter Museum

About John Walter Museum

Discover a part of Edmonton's history in the heart of the River Valley.

John Walter Museum Description

John Walter Museum is a small facility located in the heart of the river valley. The site interprets the life of John Walter and the Strathcona community of Walterdale from 1875 to 1920.

We tell the story of a rugged Scot who came from the Orkney Islands to Canada in 1870 to build York boats for the Hudson's Bay Company.

Five years later John Walter acquired River Lot 9, located between present day 105th and 107th Street, University Avenue to the North Saksatchewan River. Here he built one of the first permanent residences on the south side on the river. Along side that residence he also built a ferry.

Through numerous business ventures (ferry operations, general store, lumber mill a coal mine to name a few) he became one of Edmonton's foremost entrepreneurs and a community, Walterdale, formed around him. Other folks began business and soon Walterdale was home to Pollard Brothers Brick Yard, Bedard Tannery, a brewing company, blacksmith and school.

More about John Walter Museum

John Walter Museum is located at 9180 Walterdale Hill, Edmonton, Alberta T63 2V3