Mindset Master Podcast & Coaching

About Mindset Master Podcast & Coaching

Just your average 'metaphysician', making sense of the world!

Mindset Master Podcast & Coaching Description

He who looks inside, awakes. . . . .



Who wants a card today? Comment or message me!
The card I drew for myself talks about reaping all that I’ve sown. Take time to enjoy the fruits of my labours. It is also a reminder to keep working methodically towards my goals.
Seven of pentacles also indicates good news coming about financial matters.


When it comes to forming relationships, there are a few key guidelines and tips I have when getting to know someone new.
❤️First rule is... Pay attention to how they talk about others. You know how some people pay attention to how their date treats their server? Same deal here. This can go anywhere from how they talk about old relationships...and current ones. It’s also evident in how they see humanity as a whole. Do they give people the benefit of the doubt or do they beli...eve the worst? This’ll give you some foreshadow as to how they’ll see YOU. After all, you’re human too...right?
❤️Second rule is... Do they actively take time to listen and ask you questions to get to know you better? How well do they summarize your points in an effort to make sure they understand you? People who do this well can own their misunderstandings rather than making something all your fault when conflict arises. It’s an active demonstration of their willingness to believe the best (see first rule) in you.
❤️Third rule is... Pay attention to their priorities. People love to talk about what excites them, especially in the initial stages of relationships. What they also talk about, quite often without knowing it, is how well they manage their world. If it appears that they’re stressed out a lot, then your presence in their world just might add fuel to their fire. It’s a recipe for disaster down the road.
❤️Fourth rule is... If, at any time, should you find yourself in a place where they even slightly insinuate that what you think, feel or do is wrong and try to correct your behaviour for you by purposeful contradiction, manipulation or feeling the need to teach you...peace out. We call that controlling and abusive behaviour. Likewise, if you see something that’s shady...do them a solid and walk away too. Any imposition of personal will on another is to tear apart their human spirit. Lessons are learned by all of us and life is the best teacher.
What other guidelines would you add? Let me know in the comments!
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So how’s it going?
Have you figured out love languages for your kids? Friends? Spouse?
Iola’s love language is quality time.
... Kane’s is words of affirmation...like me!
Yesterday, Iola and I snuggled and watched a show together. And then Kane and I sat down and talked about 9/11, vaccinations and how he had an awesome day at school.
What about you? Let me know how it’s going for you!
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A true healer lets you know...


Love language challenge!
Wanna take the test? Here ya go:


There isn’t a single person in my life that presents themselves as ‘easy’...
They are strong.
They are determined.
... They rise.
And their love and support is something I value.
They evolve and refine...constantly and consistently.
They are amazing examples of what it means to change. They are loving the entire way.
Stay tuned for Friday’s video.
Let’s talk love languages!
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How to beat negativity...


Wherever we go, there we are!


It's here! Celebrating!!!


So I've got a 2019 Focus list...
What would you add? Care to share your favourites in the comments?


I've recently added a new tool to my box...
I'm a certified relationship workshop facilitator!
The materials can be used one on one...in a group or for couples.
... The incredible things I learned are:
1. Understanding the science and biology of love and why love and drama are addictive (and how to stop the cycles) 2. Learning how happiness affects relationships and how to create happy relationships 3. Exploring the power of forgiveness and effective strategies for letting go, as well as apologizing 4. Understanding how the unconscious mind drives our relationships and how to reprogram beliefs, patterns, habits and triggers 5. Detailed activities to use on topics such as roles, beliefs, communication, love languages, forgiveness, happiness, relationship vision and more
Stay tuned for potential workshop dates and individual package opportunities!
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In the end...


Sometimes, this may be hard to see...
But when we're operating from a place of integrity, no matter what someone does, we can return back to ourselves knowing that we offered the benefit of the doubt because we came from a pure place.
What anyone else does is their own business. It's not ours to own.
... To offer the benefit of the doubt is a gift of love.
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I'm so blessed to be able to share an astrology workshop with an amazing group of women that not only empower and help other women...
They take the time to celebrate their wins!!
Want an inspiring get-together with your ladies? Check it out here:
... https://www.mymindsetmaster.com/servicesc lasses.html
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Celebrate your wins....weekend challenge!


Let's start a movement...
Share a recent win in the comments!


It's kinda cool to think...
That as a collective, our ability to link our minds is what advances us as a species. We work together.
This makes me think about both sides of a certain coin; namely, the stark difference between those who blame everyone else for the world's problems(or their own) and those who see the higher order and claim their destiny by diligently choosing what's important and worth paying attention to. They don't play victim and they don't treat others like... a victim either.
Let's call that coin reality.
The first group might have value...but perhaps only to serve as a challenge to stretch the true ability of the second group. Maybe this is what they really mean when they say love is louder than fear.
I've come to learn that the latter creates curiosity. Fosters creativity. Nurtures happiness and fulfillment. And is far more likely to not only connect with others...but continue to find brilliant ways to evolve. #promotewhatyoulove #stayinspired #attract #win #stayopen #evolve
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So my teenager now has a Facebook account...
And I'm a little nervous. I know I can't hide him from all the bad things in the world, but I do feel the need to chat with him about social media etiquette.
Parents, did you do this with your kids? What's the advice you gave?

More about Mindset Master Podcast & Coaching

Mindset Master Podcast & Coaching is located at 79 Somerset Lane SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1B 0E7