Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic

Edmonton's superior Naturopathic Doctor clinic. Our renowned Doctors use natural health solutions for all illnesses and people of all ages.

Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic Description

Edmonton's superior Naturopathic Doctor clinic. Our renowned Doctors use natural health solutions for all illnesses and people of all ages.



A step in the right direction by Government of Canada:…/modification-pr ohibiting-use-partia…


This. Is. BIG. Nothing like this has been brought to the world of health and nutrition before. Going Beyond The Food Project is a movement to Make Peace With Food by Ditching Diets and calorie counting…Sounds interesting? My good friend Stephanie Dodier is taking FREE registration for her online event –Gotta act quick!


There is a lot of things naturopathic doctors can do to help heal Leaky Blood Brain Barriers. Being proactive to help prevent Alzheimer's might not be a bad thing, as this disease is on the rise.


Them sneaky bacteria.


Happy 13th Anniversary to my Husband -Michael Mason-Wood <3 - You have truly stood by me in sickness and health == have gone above and beyond what any husband should have to do, from committing me to the psych ward when I needed care, to loving me through each depressive and anxious and manic episode I have had. I am grateful to all you do for our family to keep us healthy and happy <3


Beautiful walk in nature today ❤️


Interesting study on AntiDepressants and AntiBiotic E.coli resistance.…/arti… /pii/S0160412018304823…


Yes! Hydrotherapy for Mental Health!! While I don't swim in cold water 1x/week I do finish my showers with cold water:


Our bodies. Food. Feeling not good enough. Our weight. Our relationship with ourselves. How much of your day is spent thinking about these things? That you need to lose weight? That you aren’t the right size? As many of you know, my relationship with my body, weight and food was rocky for many years. My eating disorder road to recovery has been full of pot holes, bumps and twists and turns. What helped me the most was getting help. My friend Stephanie Dodier has created the G...oing Beyond The Food Project - a free online conference with 21+ amazing teachers! Learn the tools you need to understand why you eat and how you can transform. Register for FREE here: Let us help you Go Beyond The Food! Make Peace with Food & your Body! Ditch the Diet Mindset You’re going to LOVE it!
See More


Sugar and its ill effects on the immune system. Take note that the average bowl of sugary cereal would hold about 1.5 servings of sugar, so if your kids eat an average-size bowl of this cereal, they are getting a whopping 18g of refined sugar in the morning. Sugar intake has direct linkage with obesity rates in children and adults, increasing rates of hyperactivity and ADHD and compromises immunity. Dr. Christina Bjorndal - Author, Beyond the Label & The Essential Diet


Get outside with someone you love. <3


Tame the Inner Critic - Make Peace with your Mind and Regain your Mental Health ~ I hope to see you at the talk! Please share with your Edmonton friends
Mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, suicide/suicide attempts, addictions, etc are on the rise in North America - and these health concerns do not discriminate by age, gender or social status. There are many steps to regaining ones mental health and one key aspect relates to recognizing the voice of the inner critic.... Getting to know and learning to challenge this “voice” is an essential hurdle to overcome in order to manage our minds. To make this shift, we have to understand how our inner voices operate. Where do they come from? What’s their purpose? How can we tap into our real, positive sense of self and learn to shift towards self-compassion? How can we learn to trust the voice of our hearts or intuition versus the voice of our mind/ego? Is it even possible? Dr. Chris has regained her mental health from four major mental health conditions: anxiety, depression (attempted suicide), bulimia and bipolar disorder type 1 (psychosis). Her talk will outline a step-by-step plan for taming the inner critic so you can learn how to manage your mind.
See More


Listened to this podcast on my drive back from Calgary - All women need to listen in: From my colleague Dr. Meghan Walker : "Of all the things I talk about in my practice, this is the one where women are searching for the greatest level of honesty and clarity: the influence of the birth control pill on their long-term health. The effects and implications for susceptible people can be devastating.
In this episode with Dr. Ginger Nash, we’re going to get into some of the problems with the pill, and some of the things you can do if you choose to stay on it. Because when you know better, you can do better.
[LISTEN NOW:Entrepreneurship and Hormonal Balancing — How You Can't Have One Without the Other with Dr. Ginger Nash, ND]


Thanks to everyone who came to my talk in Calgary last night! I love teaching people how to regain their mental health - to learn more read Beyond the Label <3 Need a speaker for a mental health event - PM me!


Another reason not to take Aspirin.


A few quotes from my talk that I am giving in Calgary tomorrow: “Sugar is the most hazardous foodstuff in the American diet.” - Linus Pauling "No Illness which can be treated by the diet should be treated by any other means.“ - Moses Maimonides ”Healing happens when you return to yourself and let go of what no longer serves you.” – Dr. Chris Bjorndal "It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.“ - Hippocrates


Powerful Poem <3 "Treat yourself like someone you love. You are already enough" ~ Adam Roa


It's finally here! We now take online booking for Dr. Mason-Wood and Dr. Bjorndal (follow ups only for Dr. Chris)


So much gratitude ☺ i feel very fortunate to have Dr. Chris on my health team!


Dr Chris is great and has been an amazing help for me. I would highly recommend her.


So much gratitude ☺ i feel very fortunate to have Dr. Chris on my health team!


Dr Chris is great and has been an amazing help for me. I would highly recommend her.

More about Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic

Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic is located at 200 - 6650 177 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5T 4J5
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -