Open To Receive



Well. Here is my something new. I’m a bit nervous and unsure but here goes nothing. Have a great night all. Love and light to you.


Changes are coming for me. I have been quiet for a while and realize that was time needed for me to choose my path. I am starting something new and collaborating with someone dear to me. I felt I wasn’t entirely ready until now and was advised NOW IS THE TIME. I have been given a clean slate. I have goals set out and I have a timeline. And procrastination is not an option. 😂 Please be patient with me. I will need all of your help to move forward. It’s time to create and I want you all to be part of the journey, whether it’s patience, practice or good vibes. 💗. Thank you all for being a part of the journey so far. 😍💗


🔮 I will be here with other amazing practioners. Come down and check us out. And bring a food bank donation. 🎴🔮 I will be here with other amazing practioners. Come down and check us out. And bring a food bank donation. 🎴


I have always known things. Sometimes it was little things, like where presents were hidden, and sometimes it was bigger things, like dreaming that my aunt moved home from the US, 4 days before she made a surprise move home from the US. I have seen and lived with ghosts, and I have always had a healthy intuition. As I got older, I sort of put some of it on the back burner, as we do when we get busy in our lives, but I always had a sense of what was happening around me, ...
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Had an amazing Akashic records reading with Natasha Mott. Everyone must try this. 💞. Thank you so much for the insight and information. Hmmm, now where did I put my ship?🤔Had an amazing Akashic records reading with Natasha Mott. Everyone must try this. 💞. Thank you so much for the insight and information. Hmmm, now where did I put my ship?🤔


Blessed day to you all. And an enormous hello and thank you to those who are new and to those who support me through this journey. 💞. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful souls in my presence. As we enter into a new week and into a new month, we should all count or blessings and send out our heart felt gratitude to those around us and to the universe. We are entering into a time of change and abundance, as such we should be giving thanks for all that we have experienced as it has made us stronger. All that we love as it makes us brighter. All that we accomplish, as it pushes us move forward to do more. Please do not forget the little things. For some days they are the most important. I send love to all and healing to those in need. Enjoy your week. Be kind to one another.


Who is experiencing these symptoms. I am having the sleeping troubles. 😢😩. What about you?


Good morning my beauties. What a beautiful day we are having out there. I am feeling grateful and generous today and as a result, here is my Monday morning give away 😊. Like, comment (and share this post for more chances to get a surprise☺️) this post for a 1 card reading. With the full moon and lunar eclipse happening this weekend, we will all need some insight. 😘 Love and light to all. **this offer is good for a one card reading Monday July 23, 2018.


Buckle up folks. It’s going to be a bumpy ride l-meaning-of-the-b…


😍Good Morning Everyone.😍 I’m thinking about a giveaway🤔. What will it be?!?!?! Stay tuned .....😍Good Morning Everyone.😍 I’m thinking about a giveaway🤔. What will it be?!?!?! Stay tuned .....


Good night my lovelies. 🙏🏻


Stolen from a friend. Thanks PAM Weber. 😘


So, I’m not going to lie. I struggle. I struggle with staying positive. I struggle with gratitude. I struggle with money and balance and love and life. But don’t we all? In the last couple of days I have been struggling and ungrounded and having my own personal pitty party. Then I talked to some really good friends. Gained some perspective and realized. Man am I ever grateful to not have their troubles right now. And it dawned on me. 🤯💡🤦🏻‍♀️. I have so much to be GRATEFUL ...for. I have wonderful friends. I have a wonderful partner. I have fantastic kids. I have family that is always there for me. I have a job that pays to keep me housed, fed and clothed (maybe not all in the same month, but you get the picture. 😉). Sometimes stepping out of our own misery and taking a look around and truly seeing what we have, even if we are still struggling, is all we need to be grateful. I challenge you all, right now, to list what you are grateful for. You can add it here or in a journal just for you. It will make a difference in your day I promise. (Believe me, I’m a psychic. 😂) even if it’s just that you had enough milk for your coffee this morning. That is something to be grateful for. There is so much negativity and shame and feelings of not enough. What if we changed that to positivity and pride and abundance. How much better would we feel about our day? Love and light to you all. And make today so awesome that yesterday is Jealous. XO
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Open To Receive is located at SW Airdrie, Airdrie, Alberta T4B4C7