Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting

About Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting

Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting is dedicated to helping parents shape their children's sleep, from birth to 5 years of age.

Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting Description

My name is Pam Edwards and I am an Infant and Child Sleep Consultant, certified with the Family Sleep Institute, and the founder of Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting. My goal is to help families get the sleep they need and deserve. We are with you every step of the way, from transitioning to a 'big kid's bed', to that very first full night's sleep. Whatever the sleep dilemma may be, Wee Bee Dreaming is here to help your family become a well-rested family - a good night's sleep doesn't have to be a dream!



It's a rainy day here in GP so what better to do than add some fresh content to the blog! As many of you know, I'm navigating the newborn waters again, so I wanted to share with you what I've learned this time around with my newborn and sleep! I've really made a point to work hard to establish healthy sleep habits from day one and so far, it's really paying off! [knock on allll the wood] If you know someone expecting or who has recently had a baby, please sh...are!
I've also had a lot of messages lately asking whether I'm still consulting - yes! I just can't stay away ;)
Happy reading! And thank you as always for all the support! <3
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/my-blog/new born-sleep-tips
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Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mamas out there! We welcomed the 5th member of our family two weeks ago so it's an extra-special Mother's Day around here <3 Enjoy your day moms!!


As per request - Toddler Sleep Schedules! I hope you find them as helpful as my first schedule post, which I wrote almost 4 years ago (cannot believe that!) and is still viewed over 50,000 times/month (also cannot believe that!) If you find this article helpful or know someone who might, please like or share and as always - THANK YOU!!!
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/ŌĆ”/toddler -sleep-schedules-2-1ŌĆ”


NEW BLOG POST UP! Today marks the 4 year anniversary of WBD, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in any way over the past 4 years, whether it be hiring me to help your family, reading my blog posts, or just giving me a follow on Facebook - THANK YOU! October is also SIDS Awareness Month so I wanted to write an article that not only outlines some safe sleep tips for baby but also includes some helpful details on how to create a sleep sanctuary fo...r baby. When most families contact me for a consultation, they are looking for ways to help minimize the protest [a.k.a. crying!] at sleep times and one easy way of doing this is creating a 'Baby Cave' for baby. Read on to find out some ways to achieve cave-status and please like or share if you dig it!
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/ŌĆ”/creatin g-an-ideal-sleep-envŌĆ”
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I hope everyone is having an amazing summer so far. I say this every time but it's been WAY too long since I've written a new blog post, so here it is folks - hot off the press!
If you have a child there's a good chance you've dealt with early wake-ups at some point or another. This article gives you one effective strategy to help eliminate those pesky early mornings [especially cruel in the summer, I might add!] So please, take a read, let me know what y...ou think, share it with your friends, and let's put an end to early mornings!
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/my-blog/bab y-waking-early-help
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It's that time of the year again! Although it's -30 here today so it's hard to wrap my head around it, it's time to 'spring' forward! Check out my blog post if you're looking for some tips on how to adjust to the shift. I hear the moms of 5am wakers celebrating already... ;)
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/my-bŌĆ”/spr ing-forward-and-sleep


I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday with their families!
Another topic I've been getting a lot of questions about is babies standing in their crib and how to tackle this, so I am re-posting an oldie (but a goodie!) below to help with this phase (oh babies and their phases...)
Struggling with baby standing in their crib at sleep times? Here's a few tips to try:
... 1) Broken record but...make sure the room is pitch black. Less stimulation = more likely to get bored and go to sleep.
2) Sleepsack. It's not impossible to stand in a sleepsack but it's a lot trickier. And having to work hard to get up there may deter baby from the monkey business.
3) Practicing standing and sitting. Practice all day long! And especially right before sleep times. Incorporate a practice session into your nap/bedtime routine. Not only will it be fresh in his mind when he goes into his crib but the novelty will (hopefully) wear off.
4) Make sure your schedule is right. An undertired child = more monkey business. An overtired child = angry in the crib. Make sure baby's schedule is age-appropriate and you are getting him down within his optimal window of wakefulness and sleep will more easily overcome him.
5) Make a plan, and stick to it. If you know your child CAN sit down from standing on their own, you're doing a disservice by continually going back in and sitting them down. This can quickly and easily become a game of 'How to Get Mom Back in the Room' for babies. They are smart cookies! So either decide that you put baby down, you return ONCE to lay him back down (to let him know what is expected) and then no returning after. Or, if this seems too direct, you may choose to stay in the child's room with them and lay them down each time they stand up. For this method you want to make sure to remain completely emotionless - be boring and silent. The first night may take 40 times but he'll soon learn the jig is up - and will fall asleep again easily.
We can't blame those little turkeys for wanting to stand all day long - imagine if your whole life you saw the world from your hands and knees and now you're gaining a whole new perspective up on 2 feet - amazing!! But it doesn't mean we should slack on the 'sleep rules', as long as we are sending a consistent message, then baby will soon learn these rules are here to stay.
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It's been way too long since I've written a new blog post but here it is! The latest and the greatest! The 2,3,4 schedule is something a lot of families have been asking me about lately so I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you! Please take a read and if you like it, I would LOVE if you could share it!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my wonderful followers! I wish you all a VERY restful 2017!
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/my-blog//th e-234-schedule


My inbox is blowing up, you know what that means...it's time to fall back! If you take away one thing, it's don't panic. Daylight Savings is definitely an adjustment for everyone but it's never as awful and terrible as families think it's going to be. But you can still check out my blog post to help prepare/not prepare for it :)
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/myŌĆ”/dayli ght-savings-fall-back


To anyone in my contacts list, if you received a suspicious email from me please don't open! I have been hacked and my account disabled! Just a heads up and sorry for the inconvenience everyone!!


THE WINNER of my toddler giveaway is......
Nicki Newfeldt!!
If anyone knows Nicki and can tag/share this with her, that would be wonderful. Thank you to everyone who entered!
... And Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian families!
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As promised for all of you helping me hit 10,000 likes, I'm hosting an awesome giveaway for all of you lovelies!
Most of my giveaways up to this point have been targeted towards babies but I wanted to do something a bit different this time so it's all about the toddlers today! By entering this giveaway, you have a chance to win:
... 1) 'Ditch the Dummy' - the only one step pacifier weaning system available on the market today (if you win this product and use it, I'd LOVE to hear what you think of it, or if anyone else has tried it, please let me know!)
2) 'Kids Zip Sheets' - a type of zip bedding to prevent kids from kicking off or tangling in their sheets (I will say that I recently purchased these sheets for my son who is a WILD sleeper and was often waking at night needing me to replace his blankets and this is no longer an issue!)
3) 'Himalayan Natural Crystal Salt Lamp' - if you are looking for the best nightlight for your toddler - this is it. Salt lamps work amazing as nightlights as they emit an orange/red hue (which is the best color of light to ensure we aren't interfering with melatonin production) and salt lamps have also been shown to boost blood flow, improve sleep, calm allergy symptoms, cleanse and deodorize the air, ease coughing, and so much more! I have one in both of my children's rooms as well as my office :)
To enter this giveaway, please like this post and comment below with the age of your child(ren) and you're in! I'll be selecting the lucky winner on Friday. And again, thank you SO much for supporting WBD - you guys are the best!
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An exciting day today as I hit 10,000 likes (WOO!) and this happened.....Stay tuned for details AND for an awesome giveaway early next week! THANK YOU to everyone who continues to support WBD!!


**NEW (guest) BLOG POST UP!**
Oh man, it's been a while since a fresh blog post hit my website but it's not for lack of want! I promise!
This guest post is brought to you by Rob Lindeman of Sleep, Baby! We are talking Bedtime Fading.
... Bedtime Fading is an approach I occasionally use with toddlers (not 100% sure I would recommend it for children under the age of 2 but I could be wrong!) which can help children who tend to have long transition times before bed (i.e. they take their sweet time falling asleep) or who have anxiety around bedtime. This blog post breaks it down real nice on how to use this technique.
If you like it - please share!
PS - stay tuned for an awesome giveaway very soon as I am 65 likes away from 10,000! WOO!
http://www.weebeedreaming.com/ŌĆ”/guest-p ost-rob-lindeman-on-ŌĆ”
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The 2-1 nap transition is the mother of all nap transitions. It is a doozy and even the most well-rested sleepers will likely battle with overtiredness while they drop that PM nap. Below is an article I was included in for Today's Parent on tips for moving from 2 naps to 1. My very best tip is - don't rush it. One skipped second nap doesn't necessarily mean your child is ready to drop it all together.
If you're struggling with 2 naps, make sure that:
* your child isn't sleepi...ng too late in the morning. As we approach the 2-1 transition, sleeping much past 7am can push the whole schedule later, and a lot of children have a hard time falling asleep for that 2nd nap any later than 300pm.
* your child is awake long enough in between their naps. As we approach the 2-1 transition, baby may need up to 4 hours in between naps. Push that 2nd nap later to see if it helps.
* your child's 1st nap isn't too long. If you've pushed out the 2nd nap to 4 hours and there is still a struggle, start capping the 1st nap. If it's usually 2 hours, try 1.75 hours, then 1.5 hours, all the way down to 1 hour if needed.
And don't forget to check out the article for a few other tips from myself and other sleep experts!
http://www.todaysparent.com/ŌĆ”/how-to-tr ansition-your-toddlŌĆ”/
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In the throes of sleep training? Here's an article from Romper which includes tips from myself as well as other sleep coaches on how to make it through this tough (but rewarding!) time. One of the tips I include is a big mistake I see a lot of parents making that can sabotage a sleep training attempt!
https://www.romper.com/p/13-sleep-trainin g-tips-straight-frŌĆ”


What an adorable family! Kari and Ryan share their experience working with WBD and getting their sweet little guy a better night's rest! Thanks you guys!
http://edmontonjournal.com/ŌĆ”/hush-littl e-baby-new-parents-sŌĆ”


Getting grief from friends or family about your child's early bedtime? Here's some ammo for you ;)
http://www.slate.com/ŌĆ”/put_your_kids_to _bed_early_to_make_tŌĆ”


Guest-blogging on Sleep,Baby's site with one of my favorite articles that I've written - the Wonder Weeks and sleep! If you haven't read this one, check it out here!
http://www.essentiallyhealthychild.com/ŌĆ ”/guest-post-pam-edŌĆ”/


Honored to be included on Sleep, Baby's list of the Best Baby Sleep Blogs! I may not get to update it as much as I'd like (just yet!) but I'm VERY appreciative for those of you that take the time to read! Thank you!
http://www.essentiallyhealthychild.com/ŌĆ ”/best-baby-sleep-bŌĆ”/


We hired Pam for our second daughter. We know how important sleep training is and how beneficial it is. We sleep trained our first but it was a hard process. There was lots of second guessing and unnecessary crying. She is now 2.5 years old and sleeps 12 hours and puts herself to sleep. Teaching independent sleep is so important.

Our second daughter was a bigger challenge. I was rocking her to sleep for hours. Our first was watching so much tv because I was always putting our baby to sleep. We had terrible sleep habits. I knew we could solve them with sleep training but I needed a professional to help us. I didnŌĆÖt want to go through the hours of crying that I knew could potentially happen.

With Pam there was an incredibly clear plan. I know how much crying can happen when teaching a baby to fall asleep independently. But PamŌĆÖs plan made sure that day time sleep was a priority and that awake times were the main focus. Making sure that our daughter was never overtired meant that she didnŌĆÖt cry a ton when learning independent sleep.

She took 1 night to learn independent nighttime sleep. Naps have been a work in progress but honestly itŌĆÖs been amazing. Pam provided us with daily feedback. We adjusted awake times every day with PamŌĆÖs guidance.

She was so helpful and made sleep training the second time around so easy!

Thank you Pam!!!! IŌĆÖm so grateful for where we are now!


Pam is an absolute pediatric sleep genius! She created a custom sleep plan for our daughter when she was 4 mo old. At that time, we were bed sharing, she was nursing all night and I was getting no sleep. Pam took into consideration what we felt comfortable doing, and what we weren't willing to do, and created a plan that worked for us. In less than 2 weeks, our daughter was sleeping through the night in her own crib! Since then, Pam has been available to offer adjustments to her schedule as things change, which they always do. Pam is so knowledgable and so wonderful to work with. We cannot recommend her enough! If you are struggling with sleep for you little one, do not hesitate to contact Pam asap.


One week ago our 17 week old was waking 7-8 times a night and only going back to sleep after nursing. We were losing our minds! If you are reading this and thinking "that sounds like me" - Call Pam!!! He's now sleeping 11-12 hours a night with two night feeds that we wanted to keep.

We have our life back and know what our evenings will look like. We have routine and consistency where there used to be a lot of chaos and uncertainty. Pam is thorough - SO thorough, responsive and supportive and we couldn't be happier with the results. I know we will have ups and downs but I feel prepared for them and I can always re-connect with Pam if we get off track.

TOTALLY worth it!!


Just - wow! We knew Pam would be fantastic but she surpassed our high expectations. She is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, kind, fun and - best of all-time - gets amazing results. It was a real game-changer for us; sleep started to get better immediately and progressed from there. Pam is simply amazing.


We hired Pam for our second daughter. We know how important sleep training is and how beneficial it is. We sleep trained our first but it was a hard process. There was lots of second guessing and unnecessary crying. She is now 2.5 years old and sleeps 12 hours and puts herself to sleep. Teaching independent sleep is so important.

Our second daughter was a bigger challenge. I was rocking her to sleep for hours. Our first was watching so much tv because I was always putting our baby to sleep. We had terrible sleep habits. I knew we could solve them with sleep training but I needed a professional to help us. I didnŌĆÖt want to go through the hours of crying that I knew could potentially happen.

With Pam there was an incredibly clear plan. I know how much crying can happen when teaching a baby to fall asleep independently. But PamŌĆÖs plan made sure that day time sleep was a priority and that awake times were the main focus. Making sure that our daughter was never overtired meant that she didnŌĆÖt cry a ton when learning independent sleep.

She took 1 night to learn independent nighttime sleep. Naps have been a work in progress but honestly itŌĆÖs been amazing. Pam provided us with daily feedback. We adjusted awake times every day with PamŌĆÖs guidance.

She was so helpful and made sleep training the second time around so easy!

Thank you Pam!!!! IŌĆÖm so grateful for where we are now!


Pam is an absolute pediatric sleep genius! She created a custom sleep plan for our daughter when she was 4 mo old. At that time, we were bed sharing, she was nursing all night and I was getting no sleep. Pam took into consideration what we felt comfortable doing, and what we weren't willing to do, and created a plan that worked for us. In less than 2 weeks, our daughter was sleeping through the night in her own crib! Since then, Pam has been available to offer adjustments to her schedule as things change, which they always do. Pam is so knowledgable and so wonderful to work with. We cannot recommend her enough! If you are struggling with sleep for you little one, do not hesitate to contact Pam asap.


One week ago our 17 week old was waking 7-8 times a night and only going back to sleep after nursing. We were losing our minds! If you are reading this and thinking "that sounds like me" - Call Pam!!! He's now sleeping 11-12 hours a night with two night feeds that we wanted to keep.

We have our life back and know what our evenings will look like. We have routine and consistency where there used to be a lot of chaos and uncertainty. Pam is thorough - SO thorough, responsive and supportive and we couldn't be happier with the results. I know we will have ups and downs but I feel prepared for them and I can always re-connect with Pam if we get off track.

TOTALLY worth it!!


Just - wow! We knew Pam would be fantastic but she surpassed our high expectations. She is incredibly knowledgeable, supportive, kind, fun and - best of all-time - gets amazing results. It was a real game-changer for us; sleep started to get better immediately and progressed from there. Pam is simply amazing.

More about Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting

Wee Bee Dreaming Pediatric Sleep Consulting is located at Grande Prairie, Alberta