Wellness For Thought Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching

About Wellness For Thought Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching

Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching, Private 1-on1 Consultations and Online Courses

Wellness For Thought Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching Description

Welcome to my page.
A C. H. N. Certified Holistic Nutritionist™ is a professional trained in Natural Nutrition and complementary therapies, whose principal function is to educate individuals and groups about the benefits and health impact of optimal nutrition.

Mainstream medicine does not emphasize the significance of poor nutrition as a major cause of a wide range of health disorders. Although most people are aware of the benefits of sound nutrition, the range of conflicting information available to the consumer is often confusing. Holistic nutritionists guide their clients through the maze of information from books, magazines, supplements and diets on the market. They work with clients to identify and help correct the nutritional causes of diseases, and they are qualified to design personalized diet and lifestyle programs that optimize health. Many holistic nutritionists also contribute to the health and well-being of Canadians by writing articles for prominent health magazines such as Alive and Vitality.

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver"
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Work with Me!

Working with Me is complementary to any healthcare provider such as your family doctor, specialist or naturopathic doctor and can provide a solid foundation to achieve your health goals.

How can you achieve optimal health and well being through holistic nutrition and lifestyle coaching? That is where my expertise come into play. After assessing your symptoms; health goals; current diet, lifestyle and stress level, I will:
1. construct a step-by step, easy to follow and fun program, which is tailored to your individual needs
2. work together with you to put down the foundation of your health and build on it, whether you would like a quick start or wish to be coached over a
longer period of time
3. help you to achieve radiant health through implementing small changes in a steady paste
4. teach you how to change your diet, introduce natural personal hygiene and cleaning products and add supplements (if needed)
5. introduce you to stress management techniques and proper self-care practices
At the end of your program you will:
1. know how to listen to your body to achieve continuous balance, which is the foundation of health!
2. feel empowered with the knowledge and experience needed to carry on with your health journey on your own!

My Areas of Specialty are:
Cardiovascular Health
Metabolic Syndrome - increased blood pressure, insulin resistance /elevated blood sugar, abnormal triglycerides /LDL cholesterol levels, obesity
Hormonal Imbalances - pregnancy, peri-menopause and menopause
Acne and Skin Issues

Other Areas I help Clients in:
Digestive Issues /Food Intolerances
Mood Disorders - anxiety, depression
Children and Adolescent Health
Learning Disorders - ADD, ADHD
Stress Related Health Issues
Fatigue and Exhaustion



https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/20 18/12/29/energy-balls


It's my Birthday. Celebrate with me! Ling is in description. #holistichealth #yeghealth #birthdaygirl #havefun #celebrate


It's my birthday today! Celebrate with me! This is my gift to you to help you achieve your New Year's health goals! Sign up: https://www.wellnessforthought.com/basic- nutritional-consul…


https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/in termittent-fasting-1…


Merry Christmas from my Family to Yours!


Merry Christmas Everyone! 😉#christmas #holidays #holistichealth #yeghealth


A little reminder to arm yourself with during the holiday season will #holidays #holisticliving #yeghealth #selfcare


https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/20 18/12/15/chia-lemon-…


This is Your time for that quantum leap You need to make, but before, take some time to rest today. #healthyliving #yeghealth #wintersolstice #selfhealingpower


I often see clients who have tried different "healing modalities" with no results by thectimecto come to see me. It is because the had given away the power to heal themselves to someone else. I believe that until we realize that this power is within us and we start owning it, true healing is not possible. #yeghealth #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #powerofyou #selfhealingpower


https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/cr eating-a-mindset-for…


When we face difficulties in our every day lives we often think that we have nothing but hardship and it's easy to overlook those beautiful moments we could cherish and hold onto to get through our challenges. This is a good excersize for practicing gratitude and then look back at the end of the year.


Happy birthday Papa. #heaven #memories #love


https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/15 /antioxidant-beverage


Most of us spend December beating ourselves up for all the goals we set a year ago but have not completed yet, and setting goals for next year. I think a lot of the times our goals are either unrealistic or we don't have the tools on how to achieve them. We grow continuously even if we cannot see that, just sometimes slower other times faster. Everything happens in time.#selflove #yeghealth #holistichealth #newyearresolution #holisticliving


https://www.wellnessforthought.com/…/ve 4q6mbiyvqc2j4iw4j7ob…


You know the saying "Treat others the way you want to be treated. But what about treating yourself with kindness? After all you take yourself everywhere you go. Don't you think that if you were nicer to yourself maybe your days would be nicer and others would treat you nicer, too? Give it a try....#yeghealth #holistichealth #selfcare #selflove#kindness


You know the saying "Treat others the way you want to be treated." But what about treating yourself with kindness? After all you take yourself everywhere you go. Don't you think that if you were nicer to yourself maybe your days would be nicer and others would treat you nicer, too? Give it a try....#yeghealth #holistichealth #selfcare #selflove#kindness

More about Wellness For Thought Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching

Wellness For Thought Holistic Nutrition And Lifestyle Coaching is located at 1228-161 Street SW, Edmonton, Alberta T6W 3N6