100 Fun Learning Centre

About 100 Fun Learning Centre


100 Fun Learning Centre Description

周 Sir (Jeffery Chow) 於香港長大,中學時期在香港中學會考數學科考獲A級成績,是當時全校唯一的一個,也是當年會考考試成績最好的學生。


周Sir 於卡城有多年補習高中數學的經驗, 十分理解這裡數學科的課程及制度,以香港式的重點教學方法,令這裡的學生可以有效地學習數學。由於這裡12班的校內成績跟公開考試成績為7: 3 之比。周sir 著重為學生溫習校內功課,並於公開考試之前教授其獨特的應試技巧,令學生溫習數學時事半功倍,多年來被周sir 補習過的學生超過9成均有明顯進步及順利進升大學。

周Sir 除了關心學生們的讀書成績,更加注重個人成長,補習以外會帶領學生參與社區活動及戶外活動,讓學生可以均衡發展及健康成長。若果你想找一個令學生開心家長又放心的補習老師,周Sir將會是你的不二之選。

Growing up and educated in Hong Kong, Jeff has always been gifted in mathematics. He was the best performer from his high school in the all-important public high school exam the HKCEE, and also the only one to obtain an A in mathematics in the exam.

After graduating from college, Jeff went back to teach mathematics in his high school. Finding out that many of his students were not keen on their studies due to a lack of interest, he tackled this problem with fun and stimulating teaching methods. He also added in intensive trainings for his students in preparing for examinations, resulting in huge improvements among his students in public examination performances.

With years of experience in tutoring high school mathematics in Calgary, Jeff is extremely familiar with the mathematics curriculum and assessment system. With the province changing the count of the diploma exam to 30% of a student’s final mark with the rest counted by in-class work and exams, Jeff spends most of the time with his students on their mathematic schoolworks and equips them with specific skills and strategies as examination approaches. Over 90% of students receiving Jeff’s guidance had significant improvements with many of them successfully enrolled into college.

Apart from teaching, Jeff also cares for his students in their overall development and well-being. Jeff brings his students to participate in different social and outdoor activities and is always open for a conversation on studies, career, or any concerns they have in life. If you are looking for a tutor who is fun, caring, and does a good job in improving your mathematic scores, Jeff is definitely your best choice.

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