18 Wheels Of Christmas

About 18 Wheels Of Christmas

Our ultimate goal is to use 18 Wheels Of Christmas to stock every Food Bank in every community across the country at Christmas time!

18 Wheels Of Christmas Description

18 Wheels Of Christmas was conceived in 2002. It was created to give the Global Transportation Community, a way to give something back to the communities in which they live and work.

The concept, though simple, has far reaching effects for the less fortunate in our communities. Though our collection efforts are centered around the Christmas season, much of what we collect in communities often lasts through the entire year. Every single item or dollar that we collect in a community stays in that community! Many people assume that a Food Bank is utilized by people who lack the ability or ambition to work or succeed in life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Throughout the country, there are many, many families who need Food Banks regularly. Many of these families have two parents working in low or minimum wage jobs and they struggle everyday just to pay the rent and utilities. At the end of the day, there is often not enough left for them to buy groceries for themselves and their children. These are the people that 18 Wheels is dedicated and committed to helping.

Over the past seven years, we have refined and built upon this concept, but, to continue it's growth and success, we need the support of all Transportation Companies in Canada. Rosenau Transport Ltd. , a major Western Canada LTL and Full Load carrier spearheads this campaign, reaching out to our competitors, our friends, interline partners and all others including our suppliers in the transportation industry for help.

We invite you to browse our site http://www. 18wheelsofxmas. blogspot. ca /, to read past news stories and check back with us often to read up on our successes and new partners.

And of course, none of this would be possible without the generosity and support of the corporate and public donors who give so generously to this wonderful cause. We thank you for your heartfelt contributions of money and non-perishable food items. It is because of you, that many families across the country, have access to nutritious food, not just at Christmas but year round.

More about 18 Wheels Of Christmas

18 Wheels Of Christmas is located at 3300 - 76 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta