1Stborn Christian Church

About 1Stborn Christian Church

Believing, teaching, and preaching that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God(John 3: 16). That he was made flesh and dwelt among us, (John 1: 14)

1Stborn Christian Church Description

Believing, teaching, and preaching that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God(John 3: 16). That he was made flesh and dwelt among us, (John 1: 14) then was offered up as a sacrifice for sin;(Heb 9: 26) he was the lamb of God. (John 1: 29) Giving his perfect, sinless life, for all men that they could be forgiven their sins through the blood that he shed on the cross at Calvary. (Eph 1: 7) And though he died for our sin, he is now risen, and sits at the right hand of God in heaven above. (1 Pet 3: 22) There he sits our high priest, making intercession for all men: (Romans 8: 34) until he returns to set up his 1, 000 year kingdom on earth(Rev 20: 4) and to reign forever and ever. (Rev 11: 15)

All things that are, came by him and through him, and there is nothing made that is not of him. (John 1: 3)

Living according to Gods holy word:

Believing, teaching, and preaching that Gods word stands today as the foundation for the New Testament Church. That his people are those that are keeping the commandments of God; and the faith of Jesus. (Rev 14: 12) As given to us in and by the word of God. Knowing that our obediance will be counted as righteousness(Gen 15: 6) and that God gives his Holy Spirit to them that obey him. (Acts 5: 32) Also that by the Spirit the spiritual gifts are given to men, for the good of all, and for the edifying of the church. These gifts are all given by the same spirit to men, one or several gifts, according to the measure that the Lord Jesus Christ wills. (1 Cor 12: 4-11)

Searching the scriptures:

Believing, teaching, and preaching that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness: so that the man of God may be more perfect and equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3: 16, 17) That we might be more noble as Christians, (Acts 17: 11) studying to show ourselves approved before God and men. (2 Tim 2: 15) To know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Rom 10: 17) How else will we know if what a man says is so? To see whether it is according to the commandment of God or the traditions of men. To see whether we are worshipping Jesus in vain, honouring him with our lips but having hearts far from him. (Matt 15: 9) Jesus said if we love him then we will keep his commandments. (1 John 2;3)
Waiting for new Jerusalem.
The last days and prophecy:

Believing, teaching, and preaching that no prophecy of the scripture is of private interpretation. For the prophecy written in the word of God came not by the will of man: but by holy men of God that spoke and wrote what they were told by the spirit that was in them. (2 Pet 1: 20, 21) Like so many things written in the word of God: we find a little here and a little there; when put together with prayer and revelation from God, then we get understanding. (Isa 28: 9, 10) And let us remember that the wise shall understand but none of the wicked will understand. (Dan 12: 9, 10)

A word about this web site:

In this web site I will attempt to share my understanding and revelations from God with any and all that are lead to this site. I hope and pray that this may be a doorway to the truth that is in Jesus Christ. (Eph 1: 13) I will pray that the Lord Jesus by his spirit will lead me as I build this site in his name and for him. I will also pray that he will send to me any and all assistance that I will need to do this work that he has put before me. We all have needs, both physical and spiritual, that have to be met. If the Lord lays it upon your heart to help, please contact me. Come, let us reason together, (Isa 1: 18) and search our scriptures to see what the Lord Jesus Christ has written unto us so that we might know and believe. Let us gather together(Heb 10: 25) and be of one mind and accord. (Php 2: 2) The times grow more evil as we approach the second coming, to this earth, of our Lord and savoir Jesus Christ. (Matt 24: 21, 22) This is also the time of the harvest, so let us all pray that the Lord of the harvest will lead us, his workers. (Matt 9: 38) The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many. (Dan 11: 32, 33)