21 Day Foodbank Challenge

About 21 Day Foodbank Challenge

Magnussen Real Estate is spear heading an initiative to raise $2100 in 21 days for the Okotoks Food Bank Association.


Donate $21. 00 via then nominate someone else!


21 Day Foodbank Challenge Description

Meet the challenge, pass on the challenge!

From October 3 - 24, 2016 The Jay Magnussen Real Estate Team is spear heading an initiative to raise $2500 of FRESH FOOD for the Okotoks Food Bank Association.

What can you do?

Step 1: MEET THE CHALLENGE! Donate $25. 00 via https://www. canadahelps.org/en /charities /okotoks-inter-faith-food-bank / which will be used to purcahse fresh & nutritious food!


Donate $25 worth of fresh food (think fruits & vegetables) at the Okotoks Food Bank Association located at: Unit 7, 109 Stockton Pt Okotoks

Step 2: CHALLENGE SOMEONE! Challenge an Okotoks business or individual to do the same.

Step 3: SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! We need your help to spread the word - share the badge or share a photo of your fresh food donation on social media using the hashtag #21dayfoodbankchallenge!

More about 21 Day Foodbank Challenge

21 Day Foodbank Challenge is located at Unit 7, 109 Stockton Pt, Okotoks, Alberta T1S 1B3