3433 Sport Performance Centre

About 3433 Sport Performance Centre

Performance Sport Training, Triathlon, Swimming, Cycling, Running, Community, Calgary

3433 Sport Performance Centre Description

Repsol Sport Centre is proud of its in house performance division; 3433 Sport Performance Centre. The new brand identity identifies Calgary’s elevation in feet (3433); while bringing together our exclusive formula for performance coaching, sport science services, endurance and strength training. Our experts have broadened the Centre's programming approach to encompass all of the support tools that enhance an athlete's daily performance training environment.



Junior Triathlete Anthony Saenz-Cramer - Triathlete in his 3433 kit at the Subaru Lethbridge KOS Tri Race. Looking good Anthony!


It's tonight!


As the Open Water Swim season is upon us, here's a first-hand experience from Renata Hobbs with some informative and important advice. Thank you Renata for sharing!
----- How I learned about Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema By Renata Hobbs...
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Join us June 12 at 6:30pm-8:00pm for a "Mental Skills for Racing Triathlon" discussion and presentation with John Clubb, MSc.
FREE to attend, please RSVP at info@clubbsport.ca or call 587.435.5611.
See you there!


We are delighted to welcome John Clubb for a special presentation on Mental Skills for Racing Triathlon. John Clubb MSc is a sport psychologist and three times Kona finisher with many podium finishes to his name including two at IM YYC.
The timing of his clinic is perfect for those of you who are entering your race seasons. You can expect to get some helpful tips and strategies on how to effectively use mental skills to improve your performance. For those of you who many not... be racing, you are invited to attend, as you will likely pick up some tips on how to prepare, and improve, your mental performance. We look forward to seeing as many of you at the clinic as possible.
Repsol Sport Centre: Learning Room Tuesday June 12th 2018 6:30-8:00pm
To register, please RSVP info@clubbsport.ca or call 587-435-5611.
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Congratulations Anthony! Athlete of the week!


A few mechanical issues along the way didn't stop our groups today at their longest ride of the camp... Our participants rode between 170-210km and will enjoy a rest day tomorrow before their last day of riding will be on Saturday!


Another great day in saddle is laying behind our 3433 Cycling Camp participants! The different groups rode the beautiful climb to the small village called Orient and from there made their way home on different routes...


Another epic days in the mountains!!! Our Mallorca crew delayed their start this morning due to some rain but at the end did the day turn out to be spectacular!
All groups rode the legendary climb down to Sa Calobra! Our group #1 also rode the Col de Soller and Puig Major before the Sa Calobra climb!
Everyone was super happy and tired by the end of the day! Another good training day in the books! Tomorrow our athletes can enjoy a rest day!


Today our training camp crew rode to Porto Christo and they could not only enjoy beautiful sunshine but also this fantastic view during their lunch break! The ride was on of the more flat once you can do on Mallorca and still had 1000m of elevation over 130km!


Another fantastic day on the bike for our 3433 Cycling Camp crew in Mallorca, Spain! Today the groups rode up to the northern tip of the island at the Cap Formentor before climbing up to the monestary Lluc. All groups and riders stayed pretty close together today and started and arrived within minutes of each other!


This is the first gallery of our third day of riding in Spain! Today our group worked on their climbing and descending skills on the climb of Santa Magdalena before we rode to the iconic climb in Randa to use the skills again!


Our lunch spot after the session on the velodrome on day 2 of our Mallorca Cycling Camp!


A great day of riding for our team at the camp in Mallorca, Spain! Today they had the chance to experience riding their bikes in the veolodrom and work in a safe environment on some technical skills that they can transfer to the road later on! After that we had lunch together, before the groups made their way back to the hotel!
Day two was a great success and the coaches saw some athletes growing above themselves!


Today we kicked of the camp with our traditional ride to Petra! A must for every cyclist during a stay here in Mallorca! A market square full of cyclists and lots of coffee and cake! Tomorrow we will train at the velodrome, get ready for some great pictures!


Coach Jack is leading the way!
On the last ride before the camp will start our coaches rode 112km. They can confirm that the roads are in great condition, the weather for the next days will be warm and sunny. Let the fun begin!
Tonight at 8pm the camp will officially start and tomorrow morning the groups will go for their first ride!
... Stay tuned for more great pics and videos in the next days!
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Today our 3 coaches did the first ride in Mallorca, Spain. They prepared some of the key elements for the rides of the first few days! Checked out some unknown roads and got familiar with the area! They are looking forward to welcome all camp participants tomorrow evening for the first official meeting.

More about 3433 Sport Performance Centre

3433 Sport Performance Centre is located at 2225 Macleod Trail S, Calgary, Alberta t2g5b6