918 Griffon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Monday: 19:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 918 Griffon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Youth program for 12-19 year olds interested in becoming a leader, volunteering in their community, working on their fitness, and learning to fly



Mr Ponciano, 918 Griffon Squadron's Sponsoring Committee Chairperson, is graduating from his Basic Military Qualification Course. 918 Squadron cadets are invited to show their support and attend the graduation parade as a visitor. Cadets attending must sign up and are permitted to wear their uniform, but this will not be a cadet event. The BMQ Graduation Parade will be held on Sun 10 Feb, approx. 1430h at Mewata Armoury ( 801 11 St SW ). Come support Pte Ponciano on this achievement! Sign Up: OPI: Trg O http://918aircadets.ca/bmq-graduation-par ade-10-feb/


918 Griffon Squadron has been invited to an appreciation lunch by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #286 Jubilee. Cadets and staff who participated in this year’s poppy campaign are invited to enjoy lunch with our supporting legion. Details in the info notice. Sign ups are required. Questions to the OPI. OPI: Capt Richardson Info Notice: Sign Up: http://918aircadets.ca/legion-poppy-campa ign-appreciation-…/


#918Griffon senior cadets had a Professional Development day earlier this month. #leaders #nwcadets #aircadets #leadership


918 Griffon Squadron will participate in a sports day on 2 Feb. This mandatory event will encourage and engage cadets in physical fitness, as well as develop teamwork within their flights as each flight competes with the others. Many important details are in the info notice. Please review before signing up. All 918 cadet are required to go through the… http://918aircadets.ca/ex-sporting-griffo ns-2-feb/


Senior Cadets! There is another CAF Familiarization opportunity that has become available. Three cadets will be selected from Southern Alberta to join 12 other cadets region-wide, to observe CAF operations from all three elements on the East coast from 2 - 9 Mar. Selected cadets can expect to observe CAF operations at MARLANT (CFB Halifax), 12 Wing (CFB Shearwater), 14 Wing (CFB Greenwood), and 5 CDSB (Det Aldershot), as well as visits to museums and sites such as the Halifax Citadel, Immigration Museum, Maritime Museum and multiple aviation museums. [ 70 more words ] http://918aircadets.ca/caf-famil-atlantic -facilities/


Congratulations to the following cadets on their promotions and qualification badges: Promoted to Cpl: LAC Arnold Wong Qualified Proficiency Level 3 & Promoted to FCpl: Cpl Abigail Cadman http://918aircadets.ca/promotions-badges- 23-jan/


Congratulations FCpl Cadman for your hard work on your promotion! #918Griffon #nwcadets #aircadets


#918Griffon level 3/4 doing some drill with WO1 Wong tonight #nwcadets #aircadets


#918griffon marksmanship team practice standing shooting! #nwcadets


#918Griffon break time! #nwcadets


Hello parents, we need volunteers for mock boards. Please check the email from the Google group sent today for more informationHello parents, we need volunteers for mock boards. Please check the email from the Google group sent today for more information


Senior Cadets! There is a unique opportunity to join with a major Canadian Armed Forces training exercise in Haines Junction, Yukon. Cadets selected can expect to both observe and participate in CAF familiarization with 38 Canadian Brigade Group's Arctic Company Response Group, from 13-15 Feb 29. Additional details about this opportunity, including minimum requirements to apply, are available in the… [ 59 more words ] http://918aircadets.ca/ex-arctic-bison-19 /


Level twos working with FSgt Leung on communication skills! #918Griffon #aircadets #nwcadets #leadership


Proficiency Level One cadets will be participating in community service for the Calgary Food Bank on Wed 16 Jan by assembling birthday kits. The Calgary Food Bank provides birthday kits for youth with birthday's -1+3 weeks from when an emergency food hamper is distributed. They distribute an average of 234 kits each month. Level One cadets will be spending an evening assembling kits for delivery and distribution, but we need your help to stock these kits. [ 195 more words ] http://918aircadets.ca/birthday-kit-donat ions-requested/


To all of the cadets applying for National Summer Training this year - please attend these Mock Board sessions as per the calendar. http://918aircadets.ca/918-scholarship-mo ck-boards/


Parents and Guardians - our next parent meeting is happening on Jan 14th instead of at the end of the month due to the timing of the Scholarship process and the information we would like you to be aware of if you have a cadet who is applying, a cadet who will apply in the future, or if you are planning on assisting with the interview boards on Mondays throughout Jan and Feb or going to the boards in Innisfail on Feb 16th - this is a presentation you will not want to miss. http://918aircadets.ca/918-parent-meeting /

More about 918 Griffon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

918 Griffon Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron is located at 6311 Norfolk Dr NW, Calgary, Alberta T2K 5J8
Monday: 19:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -