A Need To Understand

About A Need To Understand

It doesn't matter what it is, if you HAVE to know, you're driven by A Need To Understand.

A Need To Understand Description

I've always been interested in what I don't understand, and even before the internet, my copy of the Britannica was well-thumbed and well-loved. Many years later, with the rise of the internet, the encyclopaedia was donated and Google took its place in ways no one could have imagined 50 years ago.

It's been a crazy ride and, even with the sum total of the world's knowledge seemingly at our fingertips, some of us are still driven by a need to understand why things are they way they are. It's what makes us human, after all.

Please, help me make this page something interesting and relevant by making suggestions and contributions - the informational kind. While the page is moderated, only a small number of words (less than six, and likely not all the one's you'd expect) will cause your post to be rejected. If your post is manually deleted, I will contact you directly and tell you why.

Keep thimkin'