Aboriginal Head Start Edmonton

About Aboriginal Head Start Edmonton

We are a FREE Early Intervention Aboriginal Pre-School program offered to 3 1 /2 - 5year old Aboriginal Children in the city of Edmonton.



Tansi Everyone!
It’s been one week since our program gained some new friends and Head Start officially started for our little ones. If you or someone you know is looking for a preschool program that serves ages 3 years 6 months to 5 years old...Aboriginal Head Start is for you!! We have program enrollment 2x per week and have space available at each site. Call the office at 780-640-9799 Ext #102 to register today!!


Happy Long Weekend Everyone! Just a couple more days until the start of the 2018-2019 school year for Head Start! If you haven’t already done so, call the office and get your little one registered ASAP! Tell one, tell all! We’d love to have your preschooler join our program to have some great fun along with many great experiences throughout the upcoming school year. 780-640-9799 Ext #102 is our number-call and register today!! There’s no time like the present. 😉Registrations will be ongoing until each of our classroom sites are full.


Good Day Everyone!
Where has the summer gone?? Hope you are all fairing well through these last few smoky days...keeping Safe, hydrated and staying indoors if needed! Aboriginal Head Start is back from summer vacation this upcoming Monday...our main office will be open and ready to take your calls!! If you personally or you know others looking for an amazing Cultural preschool program-look no further!!! Our Aboriginal Head Start program is FREE and has FREE transportation if you live within our site boundaries! Don’t delay..give us a call 780-640-9799 Ext 102 and get your little one registered today! Classes start Tuesday September 4th, 2018!! Children must be 3 years 6 months and fully potty trained to attend! Looking forward to seeing you all this fall.


Happy Summer Everyone! As time for sun, sand and relaxation is upon us....please keep Aboriginal Head Start in mind for your preschooler at home when thinking about school for the fall!! We have space available and would love to be your first choice when looking for the best program to put your little one into. It’s a FREE program with FREE transportation if you live in the site boundaries so give us a call!! Children must be fully potty trained, 3 1/2 yrs old to start in September and be ready to come and have some FuN! Call 780-640-9799 Ext 102 to register your child today!!


Here’s your friendly reminder for this FREE event!!!


Hey everyone! Here’s your friendly reminder to Take a look at this FREE opportunity being offered to Aboriginal families in the city...all you have to do is get yourself there. It’s a fun filled activity to take part in with your kiddos in a family friendly, fun environment. Our former Head Start teacher Miss Michelle is ready to get active with all of you today! Please call or email to register today!!


Happy Fall Everyone!!! What a fantastic start to the school year and the best start up ever to Aboriginal Head Start! We hope your little ones have embraced going to school and are having fun and making new friends!! We are full at our West End site location, but if you have friends or family wanting to be a part of our dynamic program....give our office a call today! 780-640-9799 Ext#100. We still have spaces in both our Abbott and St. Francis site locations; so spread the word...come one come all!! We look forward to meeting you soon.


Happy September Everyone!!! First day back to school for all the kiddos and we are excited to be back into the swing of things!!
While the program officially started up today, please don't panic! Enrollment is ongoing and we would love the chance to have your child a part of our Head Start family!!
If you or anyone you know is looking for a fantastic preschool program-Look no further. Call our office at 780-640-9799 Ext #100 and get your little one registered today!!! Tell one...tell all...you won't be disappointed. 😉


Hi All!! Not much longer now before we are all back into the swing of things and setting up for the new school year ahead!! Our office opens on Monday....just under 1 week from now so please---tell one---tell all and call today to get your little one registered!!!! 780-640-9799 ext #102


Happy Summer Everyone!!! While you are all enjoying the nice break...school is just around the corner! If you or anyone you know has a preschool aged child(ren) ages 3 1/2 - 5yrs and they are looking for a Culturally Enriched dynamic program...then we are the place for you!!! Call and register today...it will be a great start for you all!!! 780-640-9799 Ext#102. Office re-opens August 21st, but messages are checked regularly as are emails to this page! Hoping to hear from you soon!!!


We had our Graduation last night for the little ones, what an awesome night. To register your kids for Aboriginal Head Start next year please be sure to check out our website, http://aboriginalheadstart.com/…/availa bility-to-pre-scho…/8


Good Day All! The Aboriginal Head Start program is currently in our last month of programming and June is flying by!!! We have a few great activities left in the year and graduation is just around the corner. We are currently taking registrations for September, so please give our office a call @ 780-640-9799 Ext# 102 and register your little one today!!!
Also, Aboriginal Head Start would love your thoughts on the program...This is a call out to all past, present and future... Head Start participants to have a voice and share your thoughts to our National funders in Ottawa. They are looking for feedback on AHS in Urban and Northern communities, so if you would like to provide your support, please click on the link below and share your thoughts...!!!
Online Survey link for Parents and families. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AHS-Parent Survey
See More


Nearing the end of the first month of 2017 and we still have space for your little ones. Call the office, speak to Sarah and register today!! 780-640-9799 Ext #102


Happy December Everyone!!! While Mother Nature has been good to us keeping the white stuff away-it's odd to look outside and not feel like it's truly winter! May the joys of the holiday season be with you all and please keep sending friends and family our way to fill our programs up! There is still room in the programs...so call 780-640-9799 and enroll your child today! Give them the gift of an amazing program this holiday season!!!!


Hey All! Space is still available to get your little one into our program! Children must be 3 years 6 months to start and we are needing more friends to come and play.....so tell one-tell all; and register your child today!!!! 780-640-9799 Ext #102


Hi Everyone!! It's mid October and enrollment is still ongoing!!! If you or someone you know needs a fun-creative program for your little one...please give us a call!! We still have space and are eager to have new friends join us to play!! Call 780-640-9799 Ext#102 to register your child today!!


We just passed the middle of September and enrollment keeps increasing! Be sure to continue to pass along information about this great program to your friends and keep those little faces coming in! Call the main office @ 780-640-9799 Extension 102 and enroll your child today!!!


School might start on Tuesday September 6th, 2016....but don't worry! Call the office today and let's get your little one registered. We have on-going registration throughout the month of September and beyond so let us be the preschool program for you! Call the main office at 780-640-9799 Ext #102 and take the first step to a creative, fun and one of a kind experience!!!


I'm so glad to connect with Edmonton Head Start all the way from Head Start in Vancouver BC :-)


I'm so glad to connect with Edmonton Head Start all the way from Head Start in Vancouver BC :-)

More about Aboriginal Head Start Edmonton

Aboriginal Head Start Edmonton is located at 13235 - 146 street, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5L 4S8