Aileen Graham, Arbonne Independent Consultant

About Aileen Graham, Arbonne Independent Consultant

Pure Safe and Beneficial health and beauty products with results. These products can change your skin and health, but the opportunity can change your life!

#mompreneur #momonamission #thisiswhyiarbonne #cancersucks #financialfreedom

Aileen Graham, Arbonne Independent Consultant Description

Hi my name is Aileen Graham and I am a District Manager and Independent Consultant with Arbonne International and a stay at home mom to an amazing little boy named Liam.

I was introduced to Arbonne 7 years ago by my roommate at the time who hosted a workshop at our home. Before Arbonne I’m ashamed to admit I only washed my face once a day with Dove bar soap and that was it. After the presentation I thought I couldn’t afford the product but realized I was worth the investment and had to stop polluting my body with all the toxic beauty products I was currently using. The consultant and now my friend and sponsor suggested that I host a workshop so I could take advantage of the great hostess benefits and get the products at 50% off. It was at this party that I was first approached by her about starting an Arbonne business.

My first reaction was are you kidding me? Do I look like someone who would want to schlep lipstick? At the time I was working in a luxury hotel and managed my own department and team of people. I thought I’m way too sophisticated for that - I wear a suit and heels every day and deal with the rich and famous…why would I ever want to leave a successful career that allowed me to live and travel all over the world and meet incredible people?

I blew her off and politely said no… not for me.

I wasn’t ready to admit it at the time but I was miserable at my job. I was living pay cheque to pay cheque and had nothing to show for the 60 hours a week I worked. It was expected that I sacrifice my evenings and weekends to run my department and I was never compensated financially nor with any type of recognition for all the hours I put in. This way of did not allow me to have a meaningful relationship with anyone nor did it allow me to live a healthy lifestyle. I didn’t have time to exercise, I didn’t have time to prepare healthy meals, and I didn’t have time to sleep. I didn’t own a car, I didn’t own a home, I had very little in my savings and I was in my late 30’s living with two roommates in their twenties. Not at all where I thought I would be at this stage in my life.

Fast forward a few years my life still looked the same and then I received some devastating news. A friend, and mentor in my hospitality career had passed away. She was 42, married, and had two young boys under the age of 5. She passed away from ovarian cancer. This hit me hard…. . I had wanted to be her… she had everything that I never knew I always wanted. It was then I knew I needed to make a change in my life so I took a leap of faith and left my 12 year career in hotels.

I met my then boyfriend, started a career in HR, and then bought a house. 3 months after we bought our home we became causalities of the Oil & Gas crisis in Alberta and my boyfriend lost his job. We got behind on our bills, had to dip into our savings, and sell a vehicle in order to make ends meet. After 6 months my boyfriend thankfully was able to find a new job and then we began to recover very slowly from the financial tailspin we were in.

My friend approached me again about this business and this time I was ready to hear her out…I was definitely skeptical but what did I have to lose.

After actually seeing what an amazing business model this was and learning about the potential income I could earn and what that would mean for my boyfriend and I decided to go for it. I also knew in honour of my friend and mentor it was my duty to educate as many people as I could about the toxins in their beauty products that cause cancer and to encourage them to seek out safer alternatives such as Arbonne.

Within 5 weeks of starting my business I received my first promotion, within 3 months I recouped my initial investment and added two members to my team. Along the way I’ve earned jewellery, countless gift cards, and my conference fees to our Canadian National Training Conference in Niagara Falls. Along with the gifts, and financial rewards I’ve also received many other blessings in my life including an engagement, and a baby boy!

I’ve decided that by June 2018 I am going to promote to Area Manager and I am going to promote again in December 2018 to Regional Vice President earn my Mercedes Benz and continue to work my business part time from home.

I’ll be earning an average of $6, 000 a month which is double what my salary was as an HR professional when I become a Regional Vice President and what this will mean for my growing family is we will be able to have the wedding of our dreams, live a life by design where we can afford to give our baby all the things we didn’t have growing up. I am soooo excited to travel with my soon to be husband, and my child and show them all the amazing people and places this beautiful planet has to offer.

I am looking to teach and train people to do what I do and take as many people to the top of this business with me as possible. If you can read you can do this business. Let’s chat about who you know that could benefit from a second stream of income, and a plan B that could become their plan A. I'm just a mom on a mission to help women just like you design a life they are obsessed with!

So if you are looking to earn a few extra hundred dollars a month or even a replace a 6 figure income while working part time from home MESSAGE ME! ! I'd love to show you in detail how you can start making money today! !

More about Aileen Graham, Arbonne Independent Consultant
