Ajna Spiritual Arts

About Ajna Spiritual Arts

Ajna Spiritual Arts
* Intuitive Readings
*Usui and Karuna ReikiTreatments
*Spiritual Empowerment Coaching
*Goddess Healing Sessions
*Intuitive Dance

Ajna Spiritual Arts Description

Ajna Spiritual Arts is a business owned and operated by T. MacNeil offering clients remote and in person services. With a profound love of nature and animals, Terri also offers healing services to pets and various animals. Please private message for a larger group rate or workshop interest. Terri puts great emphasis on creating a safe and sacred space for each client at all times. All services are Divinely guided and Spirit led.



Full Moon Reading for June 9, 2017 Just because...
With this June full moon, opportunities to release resentments and heal animosities are abundant. If there is a turbulent situation with anyone of dominant masculine energy...male or female, it is a great time to extend peace. I definitely sense an opening for resolution whether the conflict is old or new, subtle or intense. Now is the perfect time for disarming another with loving thoughts and gestures of compassion. Standin...g in your grounded power and speaking your truth is always a must, but from the heart and with softness at this time. The masculine is receptive and embracing vulnerability right now, opening to the call of heart to heart communications. If there has been an area in life where you have been struggling for clarity and chasing it hard, the pushing urgency is going to dissipate. Answers and solutions are slowly emerging and the need to force for a sign is falling away. For a small window of time at least, surrender becomes less of a challenge. This full moon will provide some ease in this area where for most of us, the struggle is real. With regard to releasing what needs to be released from your life right now, go easy on yourself. The message is to stop digging so deep for every perceived wrong doing or bad behaviour you judge yourself for. There will always be another full moon, so do not try to strip yourself of all that makes you human. Give it up to the Divine and just say thank you. Whatever is meant to fall away is already falling away. If there is a true area of inner hurt that is active and raw right now, breathe into it under the light of the moon and trust in the healing power of the unseen. More light is being offered to you as the heart softens and allows for luminous intervention. I leave you now with the various images being shown as perhaps they were meant for you...daffodils, lollipops, and a tiny hand of a child. 💚
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Spirit Reading for April 2016
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone..." These are the lyrics being provided as I tune into our card for the month of April. Interesting. ... I feel as if we all understand how important it is to allow ourselves to surrender to the calling of the innocent inner child dwelling within us. We know to make time for joyful pursuits... I think some of us are just falling short a little bit. The "sunshine" or sparkle in our eyes greatly fades as we lose the connection to laughter, silliness and play. Spirit is definitely telling us to bring back the fun. I am being shown an image from my own life... It is my favourite shirt being stretched out to the point where I don't like the look or fit anymore. (Stay with me) I then see it being placed in the dryer on high heat and coming out back to the perfect size and fit. This is a great metaphor for what life has felt like for some of us lately. The energy of the past few months has brought a lot of necessary growth and change. We were at times having to make huge stretches that were not always comfortable or flattering. The great news and point I am trying to deliver is that we stretched ourselves,(some of us to the point of almost breaking) but the growth looks amazing on us😀. Yes, the month of April feels like the comfy well fitted shirt! Time to bask in the sunshine again, connect to your sense of innocence and joy, maybe even build a sand castle. Have you noticed also, that there is a greater calling for your authenticity at this time? I am seeing it all around me and within me. Life just flows better when our words and actions come from a place that is real. Spirit really asks us to pay attention to the opportunities that show up as we settle into our uniqueness. Embrace the ease and grace. Lots of purple this month...peace, prayer, and connection. I also feel emotional breakthroughs on the horizon. Likely tears will be shed, but the beautiful gentle kind will fall. Tears of gratitude and appreciation. Not too many ugly cries this month.💚 April feels like a time of great freedom and emotional transformation. There is no better time than now to love being you😘
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Spirit Reading for March 2016
The two words that echo in my head as I set up for this reading are path and purpose. I feel as if March is going be a powerful month of opportunity to fully embrace our mission. Various opportunities may present themselves to share who we are and what we are here to do. These invitations could be catalysts for transformation in how we previously viewed our capacity for impact on this world. I definitely foresee a powerful shift in mindset for m...any of us. With opportunity for expansion and huge growth, we may have to deal with residual fears. The ego will likely be quite loud this first week of March. Feelings of being small, inexperienced or inadequate will likely surface. Be sure to find your stable ground and allow these energies to pass through as you fully commit to walking your path. Keep in mind that everybody has to start somewhere and your time is now. By the end of the month, you will be soaring with confidence. There is nothing to hold you back as long as you self-manage with grounding, breath and self-care. The vast openings of this month are in alignment with our innate gifts held within the heart. Make a point to really listen to what the heart is desiring moment to moment. It is in the heart space that many of us will receive divine guidance. A lot is being communicated here, so take the time to check in and listen. On a different note...I am seeing that a few of us are continuing to manage fear, stress and a variety of other feelings through vices that appear harmless, but are actually hindering us. These are not the tools of self-management that spirit would have us choose. There is no judgement only strong guidance to release these unsupportive tendencies. I feel that these behaviours are up for us right now because they are showing us where we could love ourselves more. In truth, they are ready to be released so that our creative forces can move through us with ease instead of being stifled. We will feel so much more alive and aligned to our greatest good without these unconscious vices. The month of March is a pivotal month to step into your greatness and own it. There is nothing to fear and so much to gain! 💛
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Spirit Reading for February 2016
The month of February is going to be a month of extremes for some of us. There is a definite feeling of carefree days followed by a day or two of irritation or uncertainty throughout the month. Momentum is full on, yet we are trying at times to move at high acceleration with one foot still on the break. That being said, the less intense days will bring many blessings of fun and freedom. When the days are feeling trying during this month of e...bb and flow, look at the areas of life where you are in resistance. I feel as if we are on a path that is taking us where we want to go, but we get tripped up with fear or unwanted emotions. Allow yourself to feel what is arising so it can move out instead of being held in. This will get you back on track with all of the love and laughter that is available to you this month. Transparency is also a theme right now. Be who you are and speak your truth! Inner peace emerges in the light of authenticity. This is especially important for those of us who fall into the category of sensitive. Allow any and all feelings to flow without judgement. Many of us are expanding in our gifts of empathy which is beautiful, but be mindful of cleansing and clearing the energies of others that we take on. Valentine's Day will be the usual celebration of romantic love for most, but we may be called upon to comfort a friend who is struggling through a loss of a partner. This is where our unique sensitivities become a blessing to help uplift and support others. We are truly powerful and purposeful in our capacity to nurture another. I also get the sense that the exploration of Eastern medicine could be beckoning some of us. This could be to treat ourselves or potential clients. The thumbs up sign is being given! Divine work is part of your calling. Have a great February! Make sure to play when overwhelm tries to creep in and incorporate some self work when the lighter days are here 💚
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Spirit Message for December 2015
This is a late monthly message due to following my own innate guidance around joy this month. Spirit truly is guiding us to engage in all that brings us heartfelt fulfillment. Let go of the heartaches, grudges and financial worries at this time. Bring in more light through joyful experiences to share with others and to stay in a vibrational match to a rich holiday season. We have all experienced arduous moments this past year, yet here we are.... The pains of growth were real, but so was the release of the lessons our souls had to learn. Take comfort in the strength of experience and breathe into the freedom of letting it all go. We may find ourselves in accelerated alignment with romance for the remainder of December. Our inner beauty is radiating and it might be hard for others to resist! I feel a definite movement in all matters of the heart. The word I am being shown is ENCHANTMENT. We may even have a secret admirer...someone kind of shy who is definitely under our spell. Take time in the next few weeks to connect with spirit as this will allow us to stay open yet grounded in the beauty and whimsy of December. I feel the strong presence of the Ascended Masters wanting to come through. Perhaps include them in your prayers or ask for clarity on any pressing matters. I would even suggest asking them how to align even more fully with the joyful energy at this time. Light a candle, close your eyes and see what wants to be revealed. Instincts and intuition are spot on right now. Signs from Spirit are also all around us. Pay attention because if you ask for a sign you will receive it instantaneously! If missing a loved one who has transitioned, I feel like they are closer to you than you might realize and wanting your attention or just a connected conversation. Stay open and feel the subtleties of their presence. Have a beautiful and joyous holiday season! Xox
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Spirit Message for November 2015
Is there a place in life where you are hesitating? Perhaps a talent that is unique to you that has been quietly waiting in the heart space to be shared? Spirit is wanting us to allow the pieces of us that we have held sacred, yet kept hidden to finally be seen and November is the time to share. This is the month to truly cultivate trust in Spirit as well as trust within ourselves. Many of us strive to learn more which is wonderful, yet we get ...caught in the trap of wanting to know "enough". I am being shown an image of a textbook being slammed shut...Spirit means business! Our wisdom, passions, gifts and talents are not meant to be contained. It is an act of love to share of ourselves wholeheartedly. Allow the weight of withholding to be set down. There is also an aspect of allowing others to share themselves with us that is being pointed out. Some of us have been holding onto some residual heart hurt from past experiences of being vulnerable that blocks the gateway to receiving. Let in compliments from time to time without deflection! Own the epic light that you are here to shine! We are worthy. We are beautiful. We are love. The energy of November is vast, creative and full of potential. There is a definite quality of completion and opening to the new. Allow the heart to make choices this month and try to keep the mind from second guessing. I keep seeing a pair of eyes looking at me which I interpret as confidence...If larger than life opportunities present themselves in the next few weeks, don't bow down! Accept the opportunity with a smile, confidence and direct eye contact. You got this! As i clothes my eyes down and take a breath, my inner vision is filled with a bright yellow light. I always take this as a sign of a bright future taking shape. This month is wired for the lay out of loving goals to move us onward to our boldest of dreams. Share your heart and watch the magic happen!
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Spirit Message for October 2015
The colourful month of October is bringing us a much deserved time of rest. The weighty issues that we have been dealing with may be placed down gently behind us. Spirit wants for us to take a breath and move inward for a time. In these moments of quiet we give to ourselves, Spirit will gift us with the Divine love and clarity our souls are hungry for. The answers and signs we are chasing after and are looking for will flow more readily. In the... business that has been taking over our lives lately, we have lost touch with the voice of our intuition. It is now time to get still and listen once again. Within the whispers of the Divine, the seeds of creative inspiration are being planted in the heart. All we are being guided to do is to allow...to receive. The murkiness of old stagnant patterns and behaviours are being shed. Now is the time of recognizing that what was weighing us down is not ours to hang onto anymore. The gifts of a new way of being in the world are being bestowed upon us. The diamond self is emerging. The gifts we came here to cultivate and share are front and centre. It is an important time of owning our greatness and merging the heart with the soul. Quiet contemplation is essential. Take quality time this month to just breathe. Spirit is carried on the breath and longs to connect. Our intuition and psychic abilities are heightened right now. If at anytime we are doubting what to do in any given situation...trust the gut. There is a likelihood of being in a leadership role this October whether at work or in relationships. We must make sure to not only follow our hearts, but lead with our hearts as well. Indulge in lots of food for the soul at this time. Perhaps we could skip the Netflix and watch a Ted Talk instead. There is a true desire to go deep, so maybe pass on the drinks out with the crew and breakout the Osho cards as an alternate activity! Simply put...Spirit is calling us!
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Spirit Message for September 2015
Happy September! The theme of this month seems to be one of positive expectations. A beautiful golden light at the end of a tunnel is the image I am graced with. The sun shining energy of this uplifting light speaks to me of living our lives from the next level. After the daunting challenges we have navigated our way through this lifetime, we are more than equipped to live this life with less fear and a profound open heart. I am being guided ...to make a suggestion. Take a moment if you will and connect to the heart centre. Recall in your life that which excites you or fills you with a sense of freedom. Hold that image and emotional experience as you give it breath. Visualize the radiant golden light of the Divine shining brightly into your heart. Just as the sun would beam upon a flower to give it life...feel the expansion and the radiance of your soul as you project forth the life you were born to live. I feel as if many doors will open for us this month and many opportunities will present themselves. Proceed with excitement, yet know that we do not have to say yes to everything. The feel good heart opening adventures are the ones we will benefit from most at this time. Spirit is also showing me that many of us are ready to embark on new relationships. Trust that with unwavering self love and the help of our guides, we may very well align with a true spiritual partnership. Be open to the unexpected this September! The last incite that I am receiving is for us to tidy up loose ends or complete any unfinished projects. New ideas are emerging right now for many entrepreneurs, so let's make space. Have fun this month!
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Spirit Message for August 2015
August is emerging as a month of beauty and ease. We are in a very creative and fun phase of our journey. Spirit would like for us to flow with this energy for a while and enjoy the essence of play. This month will be a great opportunity for us to continue working on ourselves at a deep level, while doing so in collaboration with a gentle and childlike spirit of adventure. In truth, clearing our chakras and focusing on positive manifestation can... feel daunting when the energy around us feels harsh or abrasive. Now is perfect timing to engage in the intense work of our souls. We can do the deeper work without the drain we may sometimes experience when the world around us does not feel fun or whimsical. Lay in the grass and stare at the stars...see where the spirit of magic will take us! Some of us are really being guided to pay attention to our throat chakras at this time as there is a little bit of stifling taking place. What is it that wants or needs to be expressed? These words or emotions are wanting to move through us. August is a perfect month to work on any throat centre blockages. Our words will be delivered and received with a much lighter heart than they were in months past. Releasing the tendencies we may have to paint others or ourselves in a certain light is being strongly encouraged. The true colours of anyone who we feel has wronged us will show on their own. Our time and energy could be better used daydreaming something amazing into creation. As for the way we have painted ourselves...good or bad...it is time to let our most authentic expression emerge. A lot of growth is happening this month, yet with a gentleness we have been longing for and missing. Growing does not always have to feel uncomfortable or painful! We are being divinely guided this month to co-create with the Universe all of the heart centred dreams we have held so dear. August is a month of powerful manifestation, so let's play and create! A true time of significant invention. Shine bright like the sun magnificent one!
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Spirit Message for July 2015
Take a deep breath and exhale. We have been trekking a challenging up hill climb for what feels like forever. The journey has been one of necessity. A climb that is taking us to a greater place...yet difficult because the beautiful vistas are not quite within view. This month will bring a bit of a break from the arduous efforts we have been putting forth. The climb will continue, but July may bring what feels like a rest from the exertion. Spirit... acknowledges the letting go process many of us have been going through. Many of us have let go of jobs, relationships, outdated ways of thinking, and even vices that we love, but no longer are in our best interest. We are being commended and encouraged to just be with the catharsis of it all. Enjoy the lazy summer days ahead with loved ones and stop worrying about what is on the other side of the mountain. Do not forget that there are a team of beings around us who love us unconditionally at all times. We are being encouraged to mindfully reach out to them. None of us are on this journey of ascension alone...even in the loneliest of moments. I am being shown a beautiful rhodonite crystal being place in my left hand. To me this signifies receiving loving support in surrendering the fears that hinder our climb upward. All of us are truly supported. Patience is also important at this time. The urge to get where we are "suppose" to be might be felt with intensity periodically through out this month. Do not fall into the trap of pushing and instead relax into your breath and the arms of Spirit. Feeding and nourishing all parts of ourselves will be helpful in gaining strength for the next leg of the trek, but for now do not eat on the run! Be still. Eat Pray Love!
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Spirit Message for June 2015
The month of June is a month full of momentum. There is a real quality of strength and leadership emerging from within us. I am vividly being shown the image of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. It feels as if some of us have been laying low the past little while...perhaps tending to our wounds. Spirit is indeed letting us know that it is time to reclaim our power and to move forward in a steadfast manner. Most of us will begin to feel this surg...e of awakening empowerment. All that we had been relying on others for is now in our own hands. We are creating a new map of our destiny that feels much more authentic to who we really are. The qualities we so diligently chased after in others are now being integrated within us. It is most definitely a time to lovingly assert our independence and to navigate this journey with unwavering confidence. Spirit is pushing us forward through any doubt and residual fear we may hold in regards to our place in this world as unique individuals. Our gifts are greater than us and must be shared. If the familiar hand that we once held has dropped away, embrace the unknown with grace and gratitude. We are radiant and beautiful beings. We have everything we will ever need within us. Taking some time to reflect upon what is most important to us could be quite useful at this time. A lot of us have lost touch with our deepest desires and it is now time to reconnect. This process will assist in strengthening us even deeper as we stand strong and rebuild various aspects of our lives. I also get the sense that as we anchor into our authenticity, we become more aligned with the joy of receiving. I am being shown the word "abundance" resting at the heart and feet of a woman. It is safe to open to the gifts that are waiting to be bestowed upon us. A new chapter is beginning...the excitement is palpable! We are ready.
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Spirit Message for May 2015
As I begin to piece together this months reading I am caught off guard by the old "Dukes of Hazard" theme song playing in my head. The lyrics being repeated for me are..." Making their way the only way they know how..." Spirit makes me laugh sometimes at how simply yet so profound messages come in. These lyrics along with the "Artemis" card set the tone for my May reading. We are safe. We are protected. We are indeed watched over. There have been n...umerous experiences as of late to make some of us question this, but in truth we always have with us the guardian energy of Goddess Artemis. If in doubt just call it through now. So many of us are going through great shifts and changes at this time. It can feel uneasy, confusing or downright unbearable at times. We must give ourselves and others a break. Just like the lyrical message states, we are all "making our way the only way we know how. " We all cope with change and expansion in different ways. Not everyone has the same set of tools to help cope or adapt to the endings and beginnings brought on by profound growth and expansion. Do not be anyone's doormat but do try to view situations from the highest perspective possible. As the journey slowly unfolds before us, we are being encouraged to turn to what lifts us up when feeling uncomfortable with the unknown. There is a strong focus on creativity as medicine. Keep the energy of emotion moving through your system. Write a magical, mythical story of your own adventure as a Goddess or paint a landscape so beautiful you cannot help but escape to it. The options are endless. When the discomfort arises, dance it out and let it go. The energy of May is continuing to burn away the old. Most of us have asked for this, but yes, the fire can be hot. Stay true to YOUR path. Gentleness is on its way. The fire is not just burning around us, it is burning within us as well. Light the way for others who are not coping as well with change...lead by example whenever possible. I am being asked to remind everyone that we do not have to force anything at this time. Life is unfolding exactly as it should. Stay open to adventure and get excited about the new. Stay well and shine on!
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Spirit Message for April 2015
The collective message from Spirit for the month of April is all about inspired action. There has been a lot of releasing taking place this month within all of us. For some it might be felt physically as in symptoms of detox or cleansing. For others it might be felt as deep emotional clearing. The point is a lot of us are feeling tired, apathetic or just unmotivated to keep up with goals or daily responsibilities. Spirit is really encouraging us ...to honour the cycle we are in right now. If we are feeling somewhat less fiery than usual, that is okay. The take away message is to pay attention to when those moments of inspiration hit. Those are the times to take on tasks or further our creative endeavours. When we are forcing ourselves to work at things that feel lacklustre we become even more underwhelmed by life. It is key to respect the intuitive nudges as they come through. When the wave of energy emerges to exercise or create or do dishes you will feel it and know it. Ride that wave until this cycle of releasing is complete. Ask Spirit to show you with great clarity when to take inspired action. Being gentle and compassionate towards oneself is priority this month. For a few of us, I am being shown that our diets could be extinguishing our fire to move forward as well. Again, pay attention to how you feel intuitively. The nudges from Spirit in regards to what we feed our bodies is super important at this time. Yes, some of us are being asked to eat cleaner, but others are being urged to be less strict about food. Your body will let you know when it has had enough greens for the day and could benefit from a bite of chocolate. Eating from an inspired and intuitive place will really support us on our journey. Try to find inspiration this month in even the smallest of things. Honour yourself daily as you continue to move forward and stoke your internal fire with all that moves you!
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Spirit Message for March 2015
The month of March is feeling like a true time of balanced abundance. We have been in the flow the past few months of recognizing our greatness and validating it with boundless self care. It is now time to share the love with others. We are being asked to step up into a leadership role as far as mirroring to others the act of being of service. This will look different for each of us. For some it might be in the way of gifting our energy to other...s through volunteering our time. Others may be inspired to gift someone in need with monetary abundance. The point is to stay in the flow of balanced giving and receiving. We absolutely must continue to fill our own cup first, however it is important to share our blessings with others. The most important thing to remember is to give from a place of inspiration and not a place of wanting something in return. What are your greatest gifts to share? Spirit really wants us to take inventory of this. Are you a gifted lightworker? Shine your light on those who need it most! Are you a master of profit through entrepreneurship? Donate a small percentage to a cause that speaks to your heart. Think of one random act of kindness you could do this month...you are being asked to step up and share your gifts in anyway that speaks to you. There is a tendency that when abundance begins to flow, we become fearfull. We hold tight to the goodness, because it may come to a screeching halt. Spirit encourages us to shift our mindset and to look at how great we feel when we donate our time, energy or resources. Sounds cliche, but the gift is truly in the giving. Feel the expansion that the month of March is gifting us with. Breathe into the freedom of being able to give from a place of true inner wealth. Embrace the pure joy of inspiring others to match your generous nature and smile at their expansiveness. There will be a beautiful ripple effect taking place this month that we can all be a part of. Share the love!
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Spirit Message for February 2015
How timely to have drawn the Relationship card for the heart centred month of February! The first thing that Spirit would have me acknowledge is the depth of love we have access to in most of our various relationships right now. There is an element of support emerging from partners, friends and family that in the past we have chosen not to see or receive. It is truly beautiful and a reflection of our own inner work. The thing is...some of us ...are really coming into our power right now and in some ways the loving support does not feel as integral as it once was. There is a chance that the people who love us most may feel as if we are turning away from them. A lot of us are unaware of how our independence is being interpreted by those we are in relationship with as we have been more self focused latey. The good news is that Spirit is showing me that most setbacks with loved ones are likely temporary at this time. A slight turning towards the other with the intention of loving communication is all that is required. Dialogue is our opening to deeper connection and peace. Spirit wants us to continue on this pathway of higher self regard and interdependence. Our efforts are being applauded and there is no turning back! If by chance our soaring self worth cannot be met by those we love at this time, it is our job to just love and let go. Trust. Trust some more. Our loved ones may have their own inner work to do as well. Any and all important decisions this month would likely benefit from some moments of stillness. Get in touch with your soul guidance as you pause...and breathe. Soul counsel is always available to you. Really enjoy your continued inspired energy this February! Love yourself and those who love you with an ever expanding heart.
Love, Marigold
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Spirit Message for January 2015
Spirit assures me that the month of January will be full of creative flow. It will seem as if brilliant ideas are being dropped on us at rapid speed. If so inspired to take action on any of these ideas, be confident that most are Divine and you will be supported if followed through. I feel as if creative dormancy is falling away. Writers, artists and creators of all sorts will take inspired action with great ease and joy. The sparks of insight... and ideas will definitely fall upon you with little effort. You do not at this time need to assume lotus position for clarity. It is as if Spirit wants you to take note of your thoughts and ideas while going about errands or standing in the checkout line. Passions will be ignited with little to no effort on your part. That being said, for further exploration of your ideas or to collaborate with Spirit, set an intention for dream space downloads. The canvas of your mind is truly being painted! I also sense that many financial disruptions that some have been burdened with are coming to an end this month. It is as if our capacity to ground and expand our root chakra is creating a foundation of ease and flow that we have not felt in a long time. Do not question the the harvest...say thanks and have fun! The subject of relationships is also being brought forth to me. With this new sense of being guided and taken care of, it is time to add freshness to stagnant energies in our friendships and partnerships. The image I am being shown is that of a tree being watered. It is indeed time to nurture the connections we truly value. Typically January is a month where we retreat into the dark or hibernate from the cold, but not this year. This January actually feels like spring to me. New growth and emerging into the light! Enjoy!
Many blessings,
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Druid Animal Oracle Reading for December 2014
The Anima Oracle making an appearance for the month do December is the ever so intelligent Eagle. As he swoops into my awareness I am immediately show the number 17. I would advise everyone to feel into what this number means to you personally. Pay attention to any thoughts or images associated with 17. In Angel Numbers 17 is a number of reassurance that our plans are in alignment with our path and purpose. I feel great freedom wi...th the Eagle Oracle as he makes me feel that there is safety in optimism at this time. We are on track. The Eagle affirms that the beautiful dream we want to create for ourselves is a true possibility. There is no sense of false optimism here. This Animal Oracle soars to great heights and has view of the vastness of our potential. The dream of our heart space is emerging and he affirms that we know this to be true. Our foresight is on point. It is a great time to embrace the momentum of our courage and will and to move forward with confidence. There will likely be a time in the month of December when we are faced with an opportunity to take a huge plunge...a leap of faith if you will. Call on the Eagle to fly with you on this adventure of new opportunity. He will certainly assist us in trusting our knowingness of when to take the plunge. This is an amazing time to just surrender and enjoy life as we have worked hard this year. It is also a necessary time to keep our sights set accordingly to the hearts longing and embrace the peace in renewal. We are ready for the risk and the reward of December. Check in with yourself to make sure your thoughts are aligned with your heart and get ready for a stellar year ahead! Joy and peace to all of us.
~Marigold and the Eagle
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Druid Animal Oracle Reading for November 2014
The Animal oracle making itself known for the month of November is the joyful Druid Otter. This helpful animal oracle is here to remind us to check in with ourselves from time to time to see if the energy we are holding is overly uptight. What does the message on our face exude? Are we taking enough moments to play? Are we even taking enough moments to breathe? Ask the Otter to work with you on developing your sense of adventure a...nd play. It is in the state of joy where we are a match to greater and greater experiences of love, ease and happiness. Another message being given to me is about our homes. The Druid Otter makes it known that he is at home no matter where he dwells, whether he is diving into the water or climbing the riverbanks. We are to understand that our true home is within. No matter where we are physically residing for the time being, we are always at home. I also get that this is a time to just relax into the knowing that we are safe and protected. It is time to let the guard down and explore what it feels like to be free. Some of us are allowing our pasts to dictate whether it is okay to trust life. The Otter is urging a surrender to trust. Lastly I see new friends and acquaintances stepping forth. Many are aligned with joy and fun, so stay open to new experiences. Give yourself permission to say yes!
~Marigold and the Druid Otter
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More about Ajna Spiritual Arts

Ajna Spiritual Arts is located at Okotoks, Alberta T1S 1R6