Akasha Clinic

About Akasha Clinic

Akasha Clinic is an holistic trauma sensitive therapeutic safe space where we support your healing journey through Coaching, guidance and somatic healing approaches.

Akasha Clinic Description

Akasha Clinic is an Aura, Soul & Energy Clinic.

We focus on the healing journey of our clients, and understand the root of all suffering comes from unhealthy attachments and not knowing the 'self'. We assist our clients by guiding them into their abyssal issues and confronting their shadows (Carl Jung's Shadow-work). We support our clients during this Shadow-Work healing process and teach them to master their emotions and selves, for a less stressful & quality life.

We offer alternative mental & emotional well-being therapies, such as: Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy and Anxiety & Stress Reduction Therapy.

Life Coaching to support and mentor clients to achieve their goals and live a healthy lifestyle.
Relationship Coaching for couples to enhance their romance and build their communication skills.
Shadow Coaching for clients to dig deep into their root cause of self destruction and emotional triggers.

Relaxing energy therapies such as, Buddhist Reiki Treatments and Peruvian Andean Aura Therapies, for stress & anxiety relief.

Creative therapies such as Meditative Painting and Intuitive Painting.

Akasha Clinic offers workshops, Certification Training, group support and healing circles.

"Our elemental philosophy is a unique approach to education through which our students independently discover and explore the sphere of consciousness with thought-provoking dialogue and literature. " ~Priscilla Cortes, Founder of Akasha Clinic.

For more information, please visit www. akashaclinic. ca

More about Akasha Clinic

Akasha Clinic is located at Edmonton, Alberta