Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation

About Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation

Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation supports student-led mental health initiatives at students’ associations across the province.

Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation Description

Created through a partnership between the Alberta Students’ Executive Council (ASEC) and the Government of Alberta, Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation is a three-year fund aimed at addressing the growing mental health needs of Alberta's post-secondary campuses.

Two years after it was first announced, the Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation (ACMHI) fund has facilitated the launch of hundreds of events and student-led mental health initiatives at 16 post-secondary institutions across Alberta. So far, ACMHI initiatives have reached nearly 140, 000 students with support from institutions and community stakeholders. Students are taking ownership of mental health on campus to actively improve their fellow students’ mental health by hosting campus stigma reduction campaigns, and stress reduction events, among a series of new services and training opportunities.

More about Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation

Alberta Campus Mental Health Innovation is located at 9912 - 106 St., Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1C5