Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy



Weekly Challenge 434 . Time For Our Elders – Times are constantly changing, forcing us to learn about and understand new technologies and methods. That process can make it seem as if we have nothing to glean from our parents and elders – but nothing could be further from the truth. History often repeats itself, and so it would be prudent to realize that our elders are the caretakers of that knowledge. Challenge yourself to make new habits that involve the elders in your life:... Ask for their advice and counsel; visit or call regularly; talk to them not just about your life, but ask them about their experiences, heritage, and traditions. . & . Superman Push Ups – When doing daily push ups (you are doing daily push ups, aren’t you?) it’s important to keep them fresh, and involving a variety of auxiliary muscle groups. This challenge adds some upper and lower back work to your basic push ups: Start with your basic push up for 5 reps; then lay flat on your chest with your hands outstretched like Superman and raise your upper and lower body a few inches off the ground for a 5 second count; repeat for 1 to 3 minutes a day. . Good luck 😊
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Weekly Challenge 433 . Right Now – You probably have elements of your past that cast you in a different light than you see yourself now. Perhaps it was over eagerness, immaturity, ignorance, or poor judgement that found you in a place that you not longer agree with: Maybe you are still in that place. But the time to change is now – right now. You can learn from others and experience, open your mind to better solutions, become a more mature person – you just need to start doin...g something. Challenge yourself to make a list of some of your past follies and errors that you would like to move beyond, and start making the change. You can be right, right now. . & . Side Kick Extensions – Start by standing with your right hand in contact with a balance point – a chair or wall work - then raise your left leg straight out to your side. You want to have your leg at waist height, and upper body leaning no more than 45 degrees away. Maintaining your extended heel pointing at the same spot, and draw that knee towards your chest – then extend out again. Challenge yourself to 20 seconds of slow side kicks, followed by 20 seconds as fast as you can, and then another 20 seconds slowly. Repeat on the opposite side. Challenge yourself to squeeze this small (but powerful) exercise in-between your regular workouts this week! . Good luck 😊
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New Year Sale Yearly Programs 20% Off ONLINE ONLY This offer only applies to new students Sale Ends January 31, 2019




2018 Henson Yee Diamond Attendance Award Winners 💎 Amanda 183💎 💎 Mohamed 230 💎 💎 Milla 237💎 💎Rachel 295💎


Adult Student of the Year 2018 Congratulations James!


Top Advanced 2018 Congratulations Seth!


Top Beginner & Intermediate 2018 & Diamond Attendance Award winner 😊😊😊 Congratulations Peter, Amanda & Rachel!


Top Advanced Youth 2018 Congratulations Mohamed!


Top Intermediate Youth 2018 Congratulations Alan!


Top Beginner Youth 2018 Congratulations Karina!


Congratulations to Paul & Eric on their exams this December! 💯😊


Weekly Challenge 432 . Wrap Up 2018 – With 2018 almost finished you’ve probably got an abundance of things remaining to do (possibly shopping and eating), but it’s important not to forget the people who help fill your life with happiness and joy. We often tell ourselves that we will stay in touch with them, but life and schedules happen – It’s a good thing you’ve got some time off coming up! Challenge yourself to spend time or at least reach out to all those persons that you ...might not otherwise make the time for. Be sure to wrap up 2018 on a high note, setting the stage for 2019. . & . Just A Few Minutes – You’ve worked all year (hopefully) and deserve a break from all your super workouts. To ensure that you don’t completely lose your progress and gains over the holidays, it’s important that you give yourself a solid 5 minutes of exercise each day. Try alternating days getting your heart rate pumping – jumping jacks, squat hops, jogging knees, touch & tucks: Opposite days should be a slow burn – push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, dips. Challenge yourself to make 5 minutes of exercise every single day this holiday season. . Good luck 😊
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Christmas Party Tickets now available! Dinner, Awards Night & Bowling West Edmonton Mall 3rd Floor & Bowling at Ed’s Tix $25 (children 3 and under free)


Weekly Challenge 431 . Not a Zero Sum Game – Understanding that beneficial positions can be reached for multiple parties at the same time is critical to building momentum towards success. Prosperous teamwork starts with that realization as well. Treating things as a zero sum game is what sows the seeds of contention and friction, leading to long-term failure. Whether in the workplace, social settings, or in the classroom – success should help everyone in some fashion. yourself to use this approach this week! . & . Weighted Full Extensions – Take your core workouts up a notch with this weighted variation of full extension sit-ups. Two medicine balls will work great for this (or something similar). Start by laying flat on your back with your arms above your head opposite your legs, while you hold a medicine ball in your hands and the other ball held between your feet. Squeeze your knees in to your chest while crunching your upper body up, and drawing your hands in front of your head – then release to the original position. Try this variation instead of your regular daily sit-ups all this week! . Good luck 😊
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Weekly Challenge 430 . Your People – Age, race, gender, belief, income, and education: these are some of the ways that we may identify and classify ourselves, and juxtapose alongside others. While spending time with like-minded people may be advantageous at certain times, it’s too easy to develop a myopic view and become isolated and fixated on “your people.” Challenge yourself to open up and reach out beyond your demographic. Getting to know and understand others will bolste...r our appreciation and respect, and help to build bridges not walls. . & . Push Up Squats – This push up variation ensures that your core muscles get a better burn. Start with your hands on the ground while you are squatting down with your knees in front of your chest. Hop both feet back into a basic plank position while you lower your body into a push up. As you rise from each push up, hop your feet back to your original squatted position – repeat. Challenge yourself to try this variation instead of your regular daily push ups! . Good luck 😊
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November 2018 Exams Congratulations to Lisa, Alyesha, Amanda, Bir, Alan, Jaasnoor, Ethan, Nelson, Alex & Max! More to come still 😊👍


BLACK FRIDAY CARDIO KICKBOXING SALE Yearly Pass $675 10-Class Pass $100 Friday ONLY at Max 2 passes per person... Limited supply available! . . . #cardiokickboxing #yegfitness #yegmartialarts #blackfridaysale
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While I have had lots of experience in different forms of self defence martial arts, I have found that my experience with Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy provides a better facility and curriculum. Their instructor provides excellent teaching methods that will help you become more motivated in reaching your goals. The location is very easy to access and the surrounding environment is safe. Instructor Phil is an amazing teacher that will encourage you and will help you to strive, persevere and work hard to reach your goal(s).

There are also a variety of classes that may interest you such as Little Dragons (Beginner/ Advanced), Youth (Beginner/ Intermediate Advanced), Adult (Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced), Cardio Kickboxing, Black Belt Club (Youth/ Adult).

The facility itself is very nice and clean and the fact that Mr. Woo is very kind and polite helps the fact that you will feel welcomed into this clean facility.

Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has trained me to become a better person physically and mentally. I recommend this Academy to everyone.


Kick-your-butt kickboxing is my kind of cardio! I highly recommend the cardio kickboxing class! This class is a total body workout with easy to follow instructions that will have you sweating out of every part of your body. �

Phil is an excellent instructor who encourages and pushes you while helping you with your form and perfecting your technique. Tom, who greets you when you enter, is so friendly, welcoming and warm.

The space is really modern, clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love that it is so open and that there's an oversized door that can be opened during the summer. The music is popping and really gets you excited and pumped up.

I'm really looking forward many more classes to come and building my strength, agility and confidence! Thanks Phil!


I discovered the Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy as an adult. I didn't know anyone before I signed up, but immediately felt welcomed by the community. Even though the other students in my classes were a mix of different ages, abilities and walks of life, everyone worked hard; challenging, encouraging and supporting each other as we worked on our individual curriculum goals.

I liked classes not just for the strength they developed in my body but for the "art" side of the martial art. I've always loved the grace of a well practiced 'form'. And of course, despite all the sweat and hard work, I loved the classes because they were fun. I have a lot of respect for Instructor Phil's ability to teach, inspire and entertain his students every single class.

I have since moved to another province and have not been able to continue my training, however the things I learned at the studio still contribute to my life. I would definitely say it was a wise investment of the time and effort I put into it.

And even though it's been years, I still miss it. Thanks for everything Instructor Phil! And Henson too! Sending you both warm thoughts from Winnipeg. :)


Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has a little bit of everything. If you are researching for a professional yet extremely family orientated Kung Fu studio this is the perfect place to train.

Whether you are looking to improve your self-defence, join the most invigorating kick boxing class, develop a healthier lifestyle or you are simply looking for some structure for your children; this studio has something to offer everyone!

Once you start on your martial arts career, you become part of the extended family and it makes training that much more exciting, competitive and enjoyable. Instructor Phil has a great philosophy on Kung Fu and offers insight into the world of ancient Kung Fu traditions along with his new world thinking. This combination is a great environment for our kids to be immersed in.

Instructor Phil is one of the most patient, caring, perceptive individuals my son and I have ever had the pleasure of training with. That's why after almost two decades of training at the studio we still enjoy going back and taking part in the variety of classes.

I highly recommend Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy!!


While I have had lots of experience in different forms of self defence martial arts, I have found that my experience with Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy provides a better facility and curriculum. Their instructor provides excellent teaching methods that will help you become more motivated in reaching your goals. The location is very easy to access and the surrounding environment is safe. Instructor Phil is an amazing teacher that will encourage you and will help you to strive, persevere and work hard to reach your goal(s).

There are also a variety of classes that may interest you such as Little Dragons (Beginner/ Advanced), Youth (Beginner/ Intermediate Advanced), Adult (Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced), Cardio Kickboxing, Black Belt Club (Youth/ Adult).

The facility itself is very nice and clean and the fact that Mr. Woo is very kind and polite helps the fact that you will feel welcomed into this clean facility.

Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has trained me to become a better person physically and mentally. I recommend this Academy to everyone.


Kick-your-butt kickboxing is my kind of cardio! I highly recommend the cardio kickboxing class! This class is a total body workout with easy to follow instructions that will have you sweating out of every part of your body. �

Phil is an excellent instructor who encourages and pushes you while helping you with your form and perfecting your technique. Tom, who greets you when you enter, is so friendly, welcoming and warm.

The space is really modern, clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love that it is so open and that there's an oversized door that can be opened during the summer. The music is popping and really gets you excited and pumped up.

I'm really looking forward many more classes to come and building my strength, agility and confidence! Thanks Phil!


I discovered the Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy as an adult. I didn't know anyone before I signed up, but immediately felt welcomed by the community. Even though the other students in my classes were a mix of different ages, abilities and walks of life, everyone worked hard; challenging, encouraging and supporting each other as we worked on our individual curriculum goals.

I liked classes not just for the strength they developed in my body but for the "art" side of the martial art. I've always loved the grace of a well practiced 'form'. And of course, despite all the sweat and hard work, I loved the classes because they were fun. I have a lot of respect for Instructor Phil's ability to teach, inspire and entertain his students every single class.

I have since moved to another province and have not been able to continue my training, however the things I learned at the studio still contribute to my life. I would definitely say it was a wise investment of the time and effort I put into it.

And even though it's been years, I still miss it. Thanks for everything Instructor Phil! And Henson too! Sending you both warm thoughts from Winnipeg. :)


Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has a little bit of everything. If you are researching for a professional yet extremely family orientated Kung Fu studio this is the perfect place to train.

Whether you are looking to improve your self-defence, join the most invigorating kick boxing class, develop a healthier lifestyle or you are simply looking for some structure for your children; this studio has something to offer everyone!

Once you start on your martial arts career, you become part of the extended family and it makes training that much more exciting, competitive and enjoyable. Instructor Phil has a great philosophy on Kung Fu and offers insight into the world of ancient Kung Fu traditions along with his new world thinking. This combination is a great environment for our kids to be immersed in.

Instructor Phil is one of the most patient, caring, perceptive individuals my son and I have ever had the pleasure of training with. That's why after almost two decades of training at the studio we still enjoy going back and taking part in the variety of classes.

I highly recommend Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy!!


While I have had lots of experience in different forms of self defence martial arts, I have found that my experience with Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy provides a better facility and curriculum. Their instructor provides excellent teaching methods that will help you become more motivated in reaching your goals. The location is very easy to access and the surrounding environment is safe. Instructor Phil is an amazing teacher that will encourage you and will help you to strive, persevere and work hard to reach your goal(s).

There are also a variety of classes that may interest you such as Little Dragons (Beginner/ Advanced), Youth (Beginner/ Intermediate Advanced), Adult (Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced), Cardio Kickboxing, Black Belt Club (Youth/ Adult).

The facility itself is very nice and clean and the fact that Mr. Woo is very kind and polite helps the fact that you will feel welcomed into this clean facility.

Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has trained me to become a better person physically and mentally. I recommend this Academy to everyone.


Kick-your-butt kickboxing is my kind of cardio! I highly recommend the cardio kickboxing class! This class is a total body workout with easy to follow instructions that will have you sweating out of every part of your body. �

Phil is an excellent instructor who encourages and pushes you while helping you with your form and perfecting your technique. Tom, who greets you when you enter, is so friendly, welcoming and warm.

The space is really modern, clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love that it is so open and that there's an oversized door that can be opened during the summer. The music is popping and really gets you excited and pumped up.

I'm really looking forward many more classes to come and building my strength, agility and confidence! Thanks Phil!


I discovered the Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy as an adult. I didn't know anyone before I signed up, but immediately felt welcomed by the community. Even though the other students in my classes were a mix of different ages, abilities and walks of life, everyone worked hard; challenging, encouraging and supporting each other as we worked on our individual curriculum goals.

I liked classes not just for the strength they developed in my body but for the "art" side of the martial art. I've always loved the grace of a well practiced 'form'. And of course, despite all the sweat and hard work, I loved the classes because they were fun. I have a lot of respect for Instructor Phil's ability to teach, inspire and entertain his students every single class.

I have since moved to another province and have not been able to continue my training, however the things I learned at the studio still contribute to my life. I would definitely say it was a wise investment of the time and effort I put into it.

And even though it's been years, I still miss it. Thanks for everything Instructor Phil! And Henson too! Sending you both warm thoughts from Winnipeg. :)


Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has a little bit of everything. If you are researching for a professional yet extremely family orientated Kung Fu studio this is the perfect place to train.

Whether you are looking to improve your self-defence, join the most invigorating kick boxing class, develop a healthier lifestyle or you are simply looking for some structure for your children; this studio has something to offer everyone!

Once you start on your martial arts career, you become part of the extended family and it makes training that much more exciting, competitive and enjoyable. Instructor Phil has a great philosophy on Kung Fu and offers insight into the world of ancient Kung Fu traditions along with his new world thinking. This combination is a great environment for our kids to be immersed in.

Instructor Phil is one of the most patient, caring, perceptive individuals my son and I have ever had the pleasure of training with. That's why after almost two decades of training at the studio we still enjoy going back and taking part in the variety of classes.

I highly recommend Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy!!


While I have had lots of experience in different forms of self defence martial arts, I have found that my experience with Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy provides a better facility and curriculum. Their instructor provides excellent teaching methods that will help you become more motivated in reaching your goals. The location is very easy to access and the surrounding environment is safe. Instructor Phil is an amazing teacher that will encourage you and will help you to strive, persevere and work hard to reach your goal(s).

There are also a variety of classes that may interest you such as Little Dragons (Beginner/ Advanced), Youth (Beginner/ Intermediate Advanced), Adult (Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced), Cardio Kickboxing, Black Belt Club (Youth/ Adult).

The facility itself is very nice and clean and the fact that Mr. Woo is very kind and polite helps the fact that you will feel welcomed into this clean facility.

Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has trained me to become a better person physically and mentally. I recommend this Academy to everyone.


Kick-your-butt kickboxing is my kind of cardio! I highly recommend the cardio kickboxing class! This class is a total body workout with easy to follow instructions that will have you sweating out of every part of your body. �

Phil is an excellent instructor who encourages and pushes you while helping you with your form and perfecting your technique. Tom, who greets you when you enter, is so friendly, welcoming and warm.

The space is really modern, clean and aesthetically pleasing. I love that it is so open and that there's an oversized door that can be opened during the summer. The music is popping and really gets you excited and pumped up.

I'm really looking forward many more classes to come and building my strength, agility and confidence! Thanks Phil!


I discovered the Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy as an adult. I didn't know anyone before I signed up, but immediately felt welcomed by the community. Even though the other students in my classes were a mix of different ages, abilities and walks of life, everyone worked hard; challenging, encouraging and supporting each other as we worked on our individual curriculum goals.

I liked classes not just for the strength they developed in my body but for the "art" side of the martial art. I've always loved the grace of a well practiced 'form'. And of course, despite all the sweat and hard work, I loved the classes because they were fun. I have a lot of respect for Instructor Phil's ability to teach, inspire and entertain his students every single class.

I have since moved to another province and have not been able to continue my training, however the things I learned at the studio still contribute to my life. I would definitely say it was a wise investment of the time and effort I put into it.

And even though it's been years, I still miss it. Thanks for everything Instructor Phil! And Henson too! Sending you both warm thoughts from Winnipeg. :)


Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy has a little bit of everything. If you are researching for a professional yet extremely family orientated Kung Fu studio this is the perfect place to train.

Whether you are looking to improve your self-defence, join the most invigorating kick boxing class, develop a healthier lifestyle or you are simply looking for some structure for your children; this studio has something to offer everyone!

Once you start on your martial arts career, you become part of the extended family and it makes training that much more exciting, competitive and enjoyable. Instructor Phil has a great philosophy on Kung Fu and offers insight into the world of ancient Kung Fu traditions along with his new world thinking. This combination is a great environment for our kids to be immersed in.

Instructor Phil is one of the most patient, caring, perceptive individuals my son and I have ever had the pleasure of training with. That's why after almost two decades of training at the studio we still enjoy going back and taking part in the variety of classes.

I highly recommend Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy!!

More about Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy

Alberta Shaolin Kung Fu Academy is located at 9723 45 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E-5V8