Albino Muppet Photography

About Albino Muppet Photography

Wildlife and Fine Art Photographer based in Calgary, AB. Capturing animals and scenery from around the globe.



End the week with some more cuteness! Black Bear cubs in a tree taken earlier this summer. Their tree acrobatics were impressive!
Enjoy the weekend, hope the smoke clears up a bit!! I'll be indoors editing pics most of the weekend :)


A Pika with a mouthful of greens about to head back to its haystack. Since they do not hibernate, they must stockpile available food sources during the warmer months to sustain them through the winter. Share the Pika love :)


Definitely not ideal hiking weather. This panoramic photo is from August 11th at NOON in Kananaskis. Smoke from the forest fires rolling over the peaks and settling into the valleys adding haze everywhere you looked. Feel free to share this around or comment :) Kananaskis Country Friends of Kananaskis Country


We all have that friend/relative/significant other that tries to sneak a bite of our food. Happy #wildlifewednesday ! Taken in Calgary earlier this month


72 more hours until my Instagram contest closes.... Find my post with the 12x18" Owl print... It's simple...Follow me, like the print, and throw a comment on that post!! Good luck!


Here's a lamb in Kananaskis taken earlier this Summer. Find your happy place this long weekend.
Feel free to share or comment :)


Start the week off with a mystery.... I'm horrible at bird IDs to begin with, but even after extensive searching, I can't confidently identify these little birds. (these are 2 separate birds that were 30 feet apart) Found above the treeline, Highwood Pass area in Kananaskis this past weekend.


Happy Friday! Here's a European Starling backlit at sunset. Taken earlier this year in Calgary


Happy #wildlifewednesday
I am pretty sure this belongs on a beer bottle. This healthy Grizz took a short swim across an estuary in the #Khutzeymateen and posed for a second before shaking off. Don't forget to enter my free print giveaway on Instagram @albinomuppet if you haven't yet!!


Happy Wednesday! I'm doing a print giveaway on my Instagram page, check it out if you're interested :)

More about Albino Muppet Photography