Android Athletics

About Android Athletics

Imagine never having to suffer through another boring
cardio workout again. And along with that, picture
yourself being able to eat a juicy burger!

Android Athletics Description

We’ve helped HUNDREDS of people get the body of their dreams. It all starts with understanding a few simple, but controversial facts that the fitness industry doesn’t want you to know.
Listen, We don’t want you to feel stuck. We don’t want you to hate your body and feel ashamed about the way you look. We don’t want you to hear people talking about your weight behind your back. But the problem is that the fitness industry is more interested in taking your money than it is in helping you get amazing results.

My industry time has shown me the dark side of most
exercise advice being prescribed today. And worst of all…
I’ve seen thousands of people wreck their health by
slaving away on treadmills.
If you’re tired of workouts that take forever and leave you with a flabby belly, then this research is for you. If you’re tired of leaving the gym with sore knees, an aching back and foot pain from doing long cardio workouts then pay close attention. We have the good news you’ve been looking for all these years.

More about Android Athletics

Android Athletics is located at 5637 Riverbend Road, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6H 5K4