Angels Among Us - Kellie Boutot

About Angels Among Us - Kellie Boutot

I am a medium intuitive who believes in bringing messages from our loved ones who have passed, my goal is to bring peace love and stillness to your heart.

Angels Among Us - Kellie Boutot Description

Kellie is an internationally known Medium Intuitive, who not only brings messages from our loved ones that have passed, but also works energies within. She is also able to do past life regressions. When Kellie is doing a reading she works past, present, and future, all while clearing any pain or negative energy held within.
Kellie believes in spreading love and peace, while working through issues that may arise. She also believes that no matter what the message is, it has a purpose.
It is not her job to make you believe in what she does, she is just a messenger, wanting to bring peace, love and stillness to your heart and soul.



Snoop Dog concert with this guy for his early birthday celebration!!!!! Celebrating you today and for the next week!!! Babe !!!! #snoopdogg #earlybirthday #heisworthit #celebrate #anotheradventure #smile @ryerye2196 @littlekinggraphics


For all of you asking for an update on my nephew Tanner here it was an up day on the last meeting with the doctor and last CT scan come back with the cancer decrease at a 60% so that is amazing news still he’s not free of cancer yet on and other hand the same scan came back showing something on his right lung that was not there before so today he got another PET scan to see what it is, the doctors don’t want to miss anything so we are praying 🙏🏻 that it’d nothing and... that this Pet Scan comes back negative to any new cancer. Please keep my nephew, my neice, my brother and my sister inlaw in your prayers, today was a stressful day for all of them. We are confident that God is watching over us and that it will be ok. Thank you to everyone for staying in contact and asking for about my family. Forever grateful to all of you ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻 much love and God Bless. He truly is a warrior, he is a fighter! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #effcancer #wegotthis #cancersucks #hesawarrior #hesmynephew #pray #powerofprayer
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User 92019/ yes! Manifest, release, accept, enjoy!!! This is going to be a beauty! Deep breaths!


This little man, has been my Valentine for almost 12 years! He always holds my heart and will always be my baby boy! The tradition continues heart shaped pizza for our date! This is our 11 year of sharing a pizza! Love this boy forever and always! Hes my baby boy and I couldnt be more proud and honoured to be his momma, I am so thankful and blessed he chose me to be his MOMMY! Love you Stinky! #bestValentinedayeever #hesprettyspecial #proudmomma #heartshapedpizza #lovebeinghismom #hechoseme #cutestguy #mybabyboy #soblessed #sothankful #stinky #Icantbelieveheisalmosttwelve #dontgrowupyet #loveyoualways #tothemoonandaroundtheuniverse


Happy Valentines Day to this guy! The guy I am honoured to call my Valentine! Today and all days I am so thankful for you. For your presence in my journey, for your hand to hold, for the beauty you have inside and out! Heres to many more adventures, to more laughs, to more dances in the kitchen, to more moments! You are an earth angel and I am so blessed that you have chose me! Two souls don't meet by simple accident. @ryerye2196 @littlekinggraphics #happyvalentinesday #icouldntbehappier #youaresuchablessing #mymissingpiece #myhandtohold #mydancepartner #mycalm #mysmile #myfavoriteadventure #Ichooseyou #thankyouforchoosingme #myanchor #myRyguy #heart #soul #makingmemories #laughter #thisiswhatitfeelsliketohaveafullheart #youmakemylifebetterbybeinginit #allbecauseofamermaidcar #earthangel #iknowitscorny


Truly the most unexpected and incredible blessing! He can calm my storm, like no other, he pulls me out of my own head, and it is a remarkable feeling to know I am worth all of this happiness and joy. Babes! You are amazing, and you are worth it too! Remember that always. #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #Ikindalikehim #hekindalikesmetoo #smile #thecalminmystorm #Iamworthit #heisworthit #myheart #mysmile #myfavoriteadventure #holdinghands #pieceofapuzzle #mylight #heisprettyincredible #anearthangel #thankyoudoesntseemlikeenough


New moon! And a powerful one. Release all that doesnt serve you to your highest power, accept the love and happiness presenting itself to you. Know your worth and enjoy. Manifest manifest manifest. All things magical, all things that make you smile, all things that make your heart beat differently. Accept all of those things because you are worth it! Enjoy it's going to be an amazing one! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #newmoon #blessings #manifest #knowyouareworthit #beauty #peace #breathe #release #accept #lifeisbeautiful #powerful #enjoy #moments


Everyday I start with meditation and prayer, my gratitude journal, and yes I make my bed! It truly is amazing what self reflection, gratitude and a good attitude will do for your day! Enjoy cause you are worth it. Dont forget coffee! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #readings #youareworthit #gratitude #believe #meditation #prayer #thepowerofprayer #startyourdayright #dontforgetcoffee #breathe


Somedays are easier than others, today honoring #letstalk I am going to be real! I have suffered with depression and anxiety most of my life, and yes somedays I feel like it would be easier to no longer be present, somedays I want to hide under my blankets, and somedays even though my eyes are sad and my soul is in pain I make people laugh, and act like I am "fine" I have pushed people away, I have hurt the ones I love out of fear I am not worthy. Today and everyday I am than...kful that my thoughts and attempts have not come to fruition. I am thankful that through all of my ups and downs I can say I made it! I am blessed with a beautiful life, I dont pass judgement on others as we all have a story. Believe in yourself and know no matter what time of day it is I am here for you, and I am here for myself! Be proud, smile, and trust you are worth it. #Bell #letstalk #depression #anxiety #Iamworthit #seeyourbeauty #knowyouareworthit #trust #breathe #Iamhere #sothankful #soblessed #GodBless
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Maybe it's because of WOLF MOON or maybe it's just because the eyes are the window to the soul, but if I do say so myself theres more of a sparkle and the color is fabulous! Today and always I celebrate me, how far I have come, how hard I have worked, and my worth. The difference is now, I know I am worth it all.... yes my eyes are the window to my soul and if you look a little longer you might get a little lost, and maybe even see yourself! Always remember to celebrate yours...elf.... know your worth, see your beauty and believe. #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #readings #theeyesarethewindowtothesoul #wolfmoon #fullmoon #trust #believe #seeyourbeauty #Iamworthit #celebrate #getlostinhereyes #itsworthit #eyesthatsparkle
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We are headed into a full moon, blood moon and if I'm being honest it is kicking my ass!!!! Emotional, teary, anxious, and no sleep, and way too many thoughts in my head..... so today as I release, which I always do the day prior to a moon, I will release past pain, I will be thankful for the lessons I have learned in the process and I will be open to accept abundance of self worth, unconditional love, finances, strength, breath and beauty. I will accept all of this and more ...willingly and openly because I know I am worth it! So today if you are feeling under the weather, a bit emotional, or arent sure what you are feeling, please take the time to rest, to heal, to release and allow yourself to be open to abundance because, you too, are worth it! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #readings #youareworthit #Iamworthit #fullmoon #lunareclipse #bloodmoon #breathe #release #believe #trust #abundance
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Book a reading for you and get a second reading for $50.00 you can gift the reading or bring a friend with you! This includes all phone readings, and in person readings JANUARY only. *some restrictions apply* please contact me 587-896-5355 or PM me! This is an amazing deal! All readings must be booked in the month of January. I have lots of openings! Let's fill my January and bring some healing and peace to all of you! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #readings #peace #specialoffer #amazingdeal #Januaryonly #bookings #lovemygift #lovegivingmessages


Everyone is important and special to someone! Please remember your worth, believe in yourself, be true to who you are, and because you are here, remember you deserve to be here! Trust, believe, speak, listen, and love. Most of all love! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #readings #youareworthit #loveyourself #breathe #believe #trust #selfworth #heal #trust #Godisgood #strength #courage #thankyou #lovealwayslove


THE "HOW HARD DID AGING HIT YOU" CHALLENGE 🙌 upload your ‘first’ ever profile pic and a recent profile right next to it (without using filters!!) 👇 How much have you changed? 1st on the left 2007 , current on the right 2018 #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #greatgenes #likefinewine #Imokwithme #beautifullyimperfect #beautifulinsideandout #20072018


My favorite numbers. Believe in the power of the mind! Today and everyday manifest your true desire, your ability to feel and see love, the ability to express and see beauty. Speak you truth and believe today and always. You can call it, now trust! #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #readings #speakyourtruth #manifest #breathe #believeyouarebeautiful #believeinyourself #iamworthit #beauty #strength #powerofprayer #powerofthemind #trust #Godisgood #111 #strength #courage #thankyou


If we could all release fear, the insecurity, the ego, and just trust. Trust in God, the universe, our Angel's. If we allowed for them to heal us naturally, and didn't fear the what ifs, if we just accepted the abundance of love, of peace, and released the internal war.... allow yourself to see your worth, dont say things that arent kind to yourself or about yourself to others. We are all worth unconditional love, we are worth the moments, the laughter, the peace within. We worth trust, & genuine happiness. So please please release the fear, breathe and allow the work to happen, allow the healing to take place. Much love and God bless #sothankful #soblessed #Godbless #heal #peace #youareworthit #believeinyourself #strength #courage #thankyou #release #trustinfaith #Iknowitsscary #itsworthit #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual
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Who wants me to come to their city? Anywhere in the world, where would you like to see me go to! My goal in 2019 is to continue to spread messages to people all over the world.... I'd love to meet new clients, see old faces, and enjoy my gift and spreading it with all of you. Let me know if you want me to come to your city. Much love and God Bless #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #readings #peace #travel #Godisamazing #lovemylife #lovemygift #God #hechoseme #cantwait #2019isgoingtobeanamazingyear #Godisgood #strength


As we reflect on the past year, we must thank our lessons, focus on the blessings, trust and believe in your strength and power moving into the new year. This past year has taught me I am stronger than I thought, I am worth abundance and acceptance. And today and everyday I am worth peace and genuine unconditional love and happiness. I am thankful to God who has guided me, lifted me, and believed in me. Much love and God Bless to all of you. May 2019 be filled with love, laughter and breath #GodBless #soblessed #sothankful #kellieboutot #kellieboutotmedium #kbangelsamongus #angelsamongus #kellieboutotangelsamongus #travellingmedium #mediumintuitive #spiritual #spiritualhealer #peace #Godisgood #strength #believeyouarebeautiful #believeinyourself #Iamworthit #believe #happiness #abundance #2019isgoingtobeanamazingyear


This was the most amazing experience ever. I did a phone reading and she told me things that no one could know but me and my angels. I’m forever grateful for this. Thank you so much Kelly!!!! I feel at peace now


Thank you Kellie for sharing your special gift! You are absolutely amazing! Xo


Talented Lady with a very special, amazing gift. Left my reading with her today feeling at peace, it was so surreal � I'm still processing lol


Kellie is the real deal. When she told me someone in my family was going to Peru, I thought she was wrong as none of us had ever talked about going there. Imagine my surprise when my brother and his new wife decided to hike Machu Picchu for their honeymoon last year! This is just one example out of many insights Kelly gave me. A reading from her is highly recommended!


Kellie is so amazing! She knew things about me that only I would know. Very impressed with her abilities. Everything that she told me has come true! I am so happy to have connected with her. She really helped me make some important decisions in my life. Thank you so much Kellie.


I think your awesome I enjoyed talking with you :)


I had a beautiful phone reading with Kellie today that affirmed so much of what I have been seeing for the year ahead. Her reading was full of love and I feel so happy, peaceful and fully content knowing what is coming my way! As an oracle and healer myself, I work with Source and Light daily but it was so amazing to be on the receiving end and receive some truly enlightening clarity! Thank you for your time today Kellie, I am truly grateful!


Had my reading today and took everything for me not to cry. Great experience. Will highly recommend


Everything she told me was 100% accurate ! True believer !


Completely shocked me and blew me away best experience of my life


Absolutely amazing. Left me speechless and at peace. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with me ����

More about Angels Among Us - Kellie Boutot

Angels Among Us - Kellie Boutot is located at 60 CRYSTAL GREEEN WAY, Okotoks, Alberta T1S2K6