Angels Inspire Me

About Angels Inspire Me

Since I was young, I always thought I was very intuitive, and when I learned to listen to my intuition, I realized that I could trust my inner knowing and intuition. Then after a major car accident in 2005 when I was rear-ended while stopped at an intersection, and in which my vehicle significantly damaged, I heard the sound of two vehicles colliding, yet I did not know it was my vehicle that was hit. My spinal and neck injuries, I instantly crossed over and briefly flew with the Angels; however, it was not my time to go as I still had much to accomplish in this life. I struggled with day to day life and while I was still struggling to find healing, I was in a second car accident within eight months. These two car accidents put me on an even longer journey to wellbeing that took many years. The silver lining to all of it was that I realized that the Universe had different plans for me . . . and the desire for healing put me on a spiritual quest to learn more. All that I was learning was so fascinating and the more open I became to all that I learned and discovered. I enrolled in several energy healing programs and became certified at an advanced practitioner and trainer level in approximately 10 differently modalities and chakra work and I discovered that my intuition and psychic abilites increased dramatically also. And during this time, I also connected more with the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and with Source. I discovered that I could also communicate with those who had crossed over; however, I didn’t want to … and so I kept pushing the Mediumship abilities back into the Spiritual Closet … but it kept coming out when I was not expecting it.

I had several experiences where I thought at some point I may develop the Mediumship abilities, but it was on one specific session when I was doing an Intuitive and Angel Messages session for a client when a departed loved one for the client pushed their way to the front of the line when I was least expecting it. The message that came through was loud and clear and just what the client wanted to hear and know. It was in that moment that I realized that I should not be resisting mediumship and be comfortable sharing messages from their loved ones. From that day on, I started to embrace ALL of my spiritual gifts and dedicated much time, effort and resources to strengthen these skills even more.

As an advanced energy healer and trainer, I have extensive training and certification in alternative healing which allows me to share an incredible wealth of knowledge and to coach, train and empower others to transform their lives at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and rediscover the secrets to joy, health and happiness.

In addition to having a Business and MBA degrees, I am certified as an:
~ Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner (AAEP)
~ Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing Practitioner
~ Psychic-Medium & Spiritual Advisor
~ Angel Healing Practitioner with the Archangels and Ascended Masters
~ Advanced Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner and Trainer
~ Reiki Master & Trainer
~ Advanced Soul Awakening Practitioner & Trainer
~ Advanced Spring Forest QiGong Practitioner
~ Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner
~ Advanced Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) - Past Life Regression
~ Evolutional Soul Coaching - Personal Development & Transformation
~ . . . and more.
If you’re ready to transform your health and your life, it would be my pleasure to work with you!
Message or call 403-975-2454 to connect and schedule a consultation and discover your path forward to living in purpose, joy and happiness.

Angels Inspire Me Description

Since I was young, I always thought I was very intuitive, and when I learned to listen to my intuition, I realized that I could trust my inner knowing and intuition. Then after a major car accident in 2005 when I was rear-ended while stopped at an intersection, and in which my vehicle significantly damaged, I heard the sound of two vehicles colliding, yet I did not know it was my vehicle that was hit. My spinal and neck injuries, I instantly crossed over and briefly flew with the Angels; however, it was not my time to go as I still had much to accomplish in this life. I struggled with day to day life and while I was still struggling to find healing, I was in a second car accident within eight months. These two car accidents put me on an even longer journey to wellbeing that took many years. The silver lining to all of it was that I realized that the Universe had different plans for me . . . and the desire for healing put me on a spiritual quest to learn more. All that I was learning was so fascinating and the more open I became to all that I learned and discovered. I enrolled in several energy healing programs and became certified at an advanced practitioner and trainer level in approximately 10 differently modalities and chakra work and I discovered that my intuition and psychic abilites increased dramatically also. And during this time, I also connected more with the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and with Source. I discovered that I could also communicate with those who had crossed over; however, I didn’t want to … and so I kept pushing the Mediumship abilities back into the Spiritual Closet … but it kept coming out when I was not expecting it.

I had several experiences where I thought at some point I may develop the Mediumship abilities, but it was on one specific session when I was doing an Intuitive and Angel Messages session for a client when a departed loved one for the client pushed their way to the front of the line when I was least expecting it. The message that came through was loud and clear and just what the client wanted to hear and know. It was in that moment that I realized that I should not be resisting mediumship and be comfortable sharing messages from their loved ones. From that day on, I started to embrace ALL of my spiritual gifts and dedicated much time, effort and resources to strengthen these skills even more.

As an advanced energy healer and trainer, I have extensive training and certification in alternative healing which allows me to share an incredible wealth of knowledge and to coach, train and empower others to transform their lives at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and rediscover the secrets to joy, health and happiness.

In addition to having a Business and MBA degrees, I am certified as an:
~ Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner (AAEP)
~ Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing Practitioner
~ Psychic-Medium & Spiritual Advisor
~ Angel Healing Practitioner with the Archangels and Ascended Masters
~ Advanced Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner and Trainer
~ Reiki Master & Trainer
~ Advanced Soul Awakening Practitioner & Trainer
~ Advanced Spring Forest QiGong Practitioner
~ Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner
~ Advanced Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) - Past Life Regression
~ Evolutional Soul Coaching - Personal Development & Transformation
~ . . . and more.
If you’re ready to transform your health and your life, it would be my pleasure to work with you!
Message or call 403-975-2454 to connect and schedule a consultation and discover your path forward to living in purpose, joy and happiness.

More about Angels Inspire Me

Angels Inspire Me is located at 20 Harvest Rose Park NE, Calgary, Alberta T3K 4Z1