Art De Cile

About Art De Cile

The Art of Cile is a brand mostly oriented on Jewelry Design, also Fine Art and Photography. All artistic compounds develops equally and simultaneously.

Art De Cile Description

The Design Ides for the Jewellery

Art de Cile Jewelery Design is focused on experimentation with beads and textile techniques. The inspiration comes from the world around us; especially from nature patterns and searching for the design colors are in the world of the birds. This is a never-ending story and the well of the ideas. All colors combinations are already created by the Nature and we can just observe and copy.
The name for each unique jewellery pieces comes from the name of birds. By this way we try to inputs the soul to the each design, give it the name and establish inner connection between product and inspiration source.

Each design is absolutely unique and it is never repeated. The philosophy is mostly orientated on the expression of the abstract art which is implemented to the jewelery design. Each piece has its own story behind and you can be sure that it is original. The colors patterns are pleated together based on the abstract art principles which are colors harmony, shapes balance or symmetry of the patterns and texture details. The pattern is the playground for the colours and the colour code is the unique identifiers.

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