Autism Awareness Centre

About Autism Awareness Centre

Autism Awareness Centre hosts conferences across Canada and the UK, while ensuring books, articles and resource supports are readily available to all communities keeping parents and professionals on the cutting edge of new information. Autism Awarene



Tips for making this school year a success. It takes team work.


"The mission of Xenia Concerts Inc. is to offer high quality music and arts performances, presentations, and educational programs, in an environment that welcomes those who might not have access to such events and activities due to physical, mental, or financial barriers. The first ongoing offering of the organization is a series of accessible concerts that are designed to appeal to, and be welcoming of, children on the autism spectrum and their families." Look for these opportunities throughout Canada on their website.


“Having a job normalizes people’s lives. It gives them a schedule and a purpose, and social connection,” Sean Wiltshire, chief executive of Avalon Employment Inc., says. “Having a paycheque is more than money, it says ‘I’m valuable.’”


Back to school anxiety - a parenting perspective.


"The proposed new version of the global manual for diagnosing medical conditions gets many things right about autism — but some items diverge from the manual’s American counterpart and are provoking concerns from scientists."


A few tips to help with the transition for back to school. Where did the summer go?


New to our bookstore and just in time for back to school.


If you live in Canada and are a caregiver, please read this article in case you aren't applying for all of the tax credits available to you.


There are two spots left for Train the Trainer in Winnipeg, MB. We are capping the training at 14. Let us know if you would like to become a Low Arousal Approach trainer for your organization or school district.


Temple Grandin will be speaking in Halifax, NS on September 28th at the Atlantic Abilities Conference. We'll also be there with our bookstore to support Temple.


Discuss disabilities with kids before they head back to school. Children can be vulnerable to peer pressure to exclude or make fun of someone who is different.


Developing leisure activities increases life satisfaction and happiness.


New to our bookstore from beloved author Julia Cook. Zak has autism. "As Zak describes his point of view, young readers gain a better understanding of his behaviors and learn valuable lessons about patience, tolerance and understanding."


SPD and anxiety - "Strangely, when we talk about sensory problems, anxiety is rarely part of that conversation. The focus is always on the sensory part of SPD. But I would like to shed some light on the chaos that anxiety can cause when it's teamed up with SPD, and why it's different than non-sensory anxiety."


All about communication for both verbal and non-verbal individuals on the spectrum.


What a great idea!

More about Autism Awareness Centre

Autism Awareness Centre is located at 56 Sussex Cr. SW, Calgary, Alberta T2W 0L5
+1 403-640-2710