B. Finnigan & Associates Ltd.

About B. Finnigan & Associates Ltd.

Commercial Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting

B. Finnigan & Associates Ltd. Description

Company History

The above company has been in practice since 1974. We have completed just over 10 000 real estate appraisals primarily on investment grade commercial real estate for the Real Estate Divisions of the Pension Funds of Canada and the Mortgage Lending Divisions of front line Life Insurance Companies, Banks and Trust Companies.

For 15 years, we were entrusted with the appraisal of major portions of the $1. 0 Billion Pooled Pension Fund Portfolios of Great West Life and Canada Life. During this period, we were regularily called upon by Sun Life to appraise some of their most challenging 9 figure holdings in downtown Calgary and Toronto.

By unsolicited Letters of Reference, from the above Life Companies, we were chosen as one of four appraisal companies in Canada, to tender on the appraisal of the $4. 5 Billion Portfolio of the Real Estate Division of O. M. E. R. S. (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System).

More recently, we were chosen, as one of three appraisal companies in Canada and the USA, to prepare an RFP for the Calgary Airport Authority for the required annual appraisal of the buildings on the Calgary and Springbank Airports, previously valued at $1. 1 Billion.

More about B. Finnigan & Associates Ltd.

B. Finnigan & Associates Ltd. is located at 10th Floor, West Tower, Bankers Hall, 1000 - 888 - 3rd Street SW., Calgary, Alberta T2P-5C5