Baitun Nur Mosque Calgary



Came here for a tour arranged by my class instructor and met with 2 Imams who were generous with their time and they answered any questions the class had about their community, how they respond and view themselves in the world and the different ways they serve both their faith community and the wider community they live in.


Beware! It's just a Mirzai or Qadiani Gurdwara/Temple/Mandar but not a Mosque/Masjid.


Mashallah! Excellent... Great experience... Baitun Nur Mosque (Arabic for “House of Light”) – The largest mosque in Canada located besides the Wind Prairie Park Calgary. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the fifth Khalifa laid the foundation stone of Baitun Nur Mosque on 18th June, 2005. Mr. Dave Bronconnier, Mayor of Calgary at the time, on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of this mosque, has said “Canadian values are flourishing in the city of Calgary”. Baitun Nur Mosque construction was completed in 2008 for an estimated cost of C$ 15 million with roughly C$ 8 million of that coming from local Ahmadiyya Muslims of Calgary and great sacrifices were made by them.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the supreme head of worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, officially inaugurated the Baitun Nur Mosque on July 5, 2008. On the grand opening of the mosque with over 5000 people, the Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Stephen Harper, said “Ahmadis are renowned for their devotion to peace, universal brotherhood and submission to the will of God - the core principles of true Islam. They are also renowned for working together to serve the greater good through social, health and education initiatives, as well as mosque projects like this one. And wherever they live in the world, Ahmadis are renowned for participating in the larger community and peacefully co-existing with people of all faiths, languages and cultures”. Therefore, the community strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been holding many Interfaith Symposia and Conferences at Baitun Nur Mosque, Calgary. The Community firmly believes and always promotes its famous slogan; 🌷“Love for All, Hatred for None”🌷.


Amazing and beautiful the message 'love for all,hated for none'


These aren't even Muslims lol Just some people following a guy who died on a toilet.


This is Ahmadi/Qadyani faith Place of worship, they shouldn't be calling it mosque to confuse people. The place is large built with millions on dollars, have some class rooms, meeting rooms, game rooms etc.


Beautiful landmark of Calgary, a must visit if you are in town. The mosque welcomes thousands of visitors from all faiths and backgrounds every year. Once of the biggest Canada Day celebrations in Calgary is hosted by this Mosque right across in Prairie Winds Park. Food drives, interfaith symposiums and conferences, fund raising dinners, blood donation clinics, food prep for homeless, free tax prep clinics are few of the programs/events organized in the Mosque throughout the year.


Yesterday I went to visit this place, at the door immediately they recognized I am a real Muslim I can see the panic and they were pointing out to me and called their security guy, all this while I am still at the door and, their security guy escorted me and asked what is my name then where I am from which I replied non of his business then he realized that he is talking to a real Muslim he can't scam me, we exchange some words I told him why he is behaving like that? is this a behavior of a real Muslim towards another real Muslim? other couple of guys came in and he start filming me I proceeded to the front door wore my shoes and left. These Qadyanis are fake Muslims they were made in India by their masters the Zionist white European man as part of the west deceptive total war on Islam, it is not permissible for a Muslim to do their Salat in this place, it is truly Zio-Masonic building and part of the war on Islam, if you are a real Muslim keep away from these Zionist Mules and do your Salat in a real Masjids. If you want an advice, leave all western countries and go back to Muslim countries, soon you will be required in western countries to be a Zionist Muslim just like Qadiani or Ismaili or any of these manufactured sects, or you will be in trouble.

More about Baitun Nur Mosque Calgary

Baitun Nur Mosque Calgary is located at 4353 54 Ave NE, Calgary, AB T3J 4L3, Canada
+1 403-243-1600