Balance Fitness-Judy Dredge

About Balance Fitness-Judy Dredge

I am a Certified ISSA Personal Trainer, Certified Keiser Spin Instructor, INBF competitor, helping people get the best results in leading a balanced life!



Happy Monday my peeps!!! You like my drawing bahah!! The next two weeks I will be training for my marathon and a strength test... Which includes doing 30 push up's in 2 minutes... On my toes.... If you know me... I dislike push up's... However the point of this test is they want to see how bad you want something... Because if I want it bad enough... I will won't be easy... And I may very well suck my way through it... But I am about to work the hardest I ever hav...e at doing these lovely push up's!!! So what better way than to push my clients to motivate me... By making them do push up's!!! Muahaha...
I also have to jump rope for 10 minutes and do 50 sit up's in 2 minutes..... Just in case you want a sneak peek into next week's menu... Lol!!
In the meantime if any of my peeps know of a 1500-2000 sqaure foot space for lease on the north side of the bridge in McMurray... Please message me!!!!!
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THIS!!! My EDUCATION book is on a roll today lol!!! Soooo true!!!!!
In case you wonder why I be posting things straight from the source which is the International Sports Science Association... I so bad want my peeps to know what I know!!!!....maybe minus the chemistry, musculoskeletal anatomy, and cell transfer stuff(I'd be pushing it then because I can't even pronounce some of those words out loud lol)... But I want to emlo it down so you can see how easy it can be!!!!!!!


Every week, I have at least 5 conversations about some fad diet on the go... And I seriously have to head back into my studies.... Cause the world is tricky and convincing sometimes....
Keto, low not new guys!!! Been around for years and years!!! And it does great things for people who are in the competitive side... I've been there... Done it... It's also done some horrible things mentally and physically.... See below... "these diets are essentially imbalanced, and ...imbalances can lead to physiological problems." I mean we already face a world of imbalanced people... And now we try to tell the world that we shouldn't be eating a balanced diet... Scares me!!!
I have been working with clients who are honestly petrified of carbs because of what the world is showing them... My goodness it makes me sad!!
My studies also tell me that turning fat into fuel or low carb can be amazing for athletes looking to thin out for their competition but should never be a lifestyle!! The only way you should really have to switch up your macronutrients is if you have some medical condition where your body doesn't use carbs as it should.... And even then... If you go to a professional... Someone certified in that field... They will help you however they can to make sure you are feeding your body correctly!! We spend so much time wasting ourselves on quick fixes to only fail in the end... Find someone who actually knows about the body and how it breaks down foods and what cells it uses, where the food goes, etc.... Not just someone who knows... You can make your body burn fat by eating this, drinking that, etc... Make sure they know YOUR body and how everything works... Not just how their diet or product works! have a loooonngggg time in that body of yours (or I pray you do)... Find someone who is going to help you find your balance!!!!!
As you can tell... I'm in my studies today lol!!!
4 years holding onto a weight that I know I can lean out if need be, and one that I can still eat chips with!!! It. Is. Possible.
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Happy Friday my peeps!!! Last night me and my friendly competition decided to become a team lol... And ran 20k!!!! When I stress to you how important it is to find people who support you... This is an example... I wouldn't have done this without her lol. My legs were numb by the end and the only thing that kept me moving was the one beside me.
I didn’t start running until I was in my late 20's. I could not run for 2 minutes straight. I was there just like the people who t...ell me... I can't run..but I refused to give up even on the days that sucked. I set my goal and I kept moving. Since then... I've reached goal after goal after dream after dream. And there were many hills to climb to reach those goals(I'm talking running and life in general lol) but every day I face was a new day and every support person I clung to was my extra push I needed.
Find those people who lift you up, sometimes those people are the people you never imagined would be your support and sometimes the support you thought you had wasn't support at all. Whatever you do, do it with your heart.... That will always lead you right!
Have a great weekend peeps... For my clients... I. Am. Sore. Lol
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We made it to Friday!!!! Ladies... It was a rough week in the gym!! I had so many clients having not just your regular crazy week but life changing roughness. Their minds were in so many other places and coming here probably wasn't something they wanted lol... But they did. And I can't stress to you all enough how important exercise is to you and I don't just mean physically. Mentally. These pictures.... My running... When my life was literally upside down and I had no wh...ere to turn... I ran.... And it kept me moving in more ways than one. Sat in a doctor's office as he was getting ready to write the usual prescription he writes for so many, I stopped him. He was surprised. I left his office with the only thing that would change me. Hope. And I hoped that my love for exercise would be what helped me, not drugs.
That was 5 years ago and I only look back to see how far I've come. Physically and mentally. These views, the trails(even the burnt ones that have life growing again... Totally a sign) here in McMurray are amazing, get out and move!!! Even if you have to push yourself out that door... Do it... You won't regret it!!!
Have an amazing weekend peeps!!
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Well this was an adventure at tonight's run! Lol!!


It's a beautiful Sunday morning! And I love the days when clients message me about being active when they never would have been before!!
I want them to know though... To never focus on anyone else's progress but their own!! If I had to have focused on the others years ago... I'd never have made it this far!! I may never be able to run as fast as those speed runners I saw yesterday lol, or lift as heavy as those Instagram peeps, and I certainly know my darn thighs won't be t...hin unless I learn how to Photoshop lol.... But I am the best today than I ever was years ago and it's an amazing feeling!!! And that's gotta be enough for you, that's gotta be what keeps you going, because focusing on what you can't do quite yet will bring you down and you ain't gonna win that way!!!!
And then someday... Maybe you will run as fast, maybe you will lift as heavy... Thighs.... Maybe someday I'll learn Photoshop(bahah.. Who am I kidding). And what you thought seemed so impossible before, became possible.
Keep your mind focused on a better you!!!
Have a great Sunday peeps!
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Shout out to the amazing peeps running the Wood Buffalo Trail Run today!! It was hot, humid and hilly!!! Love being a part of these events, you get to see some super motivated peeps and the energy is always amazing!
My colorful pants have kinda became a thing for me... When we lost our home, it was the only pair of workout pants my hubby packed. Running can be a mental game... And these pants always remind me that I've been through the fire and came out stronger... So I can certainly keep running and come out stronger :).
Enjoy the beautiful day peeps!!


Happy Friday!!!
Today I wanna touch on the reason why I suggest and encourage everyone take a fish oil supplement. So supplements are exactly as they say... They supplement which means if you aren't getting enough through food you should take this supplement... Sounds simple hey... We've just made it so complicated over the years. Anyway... Most people do not get enough omega 3 in their diet.
Omega 3 is very important because they keep our cells more "fluid". More fluid m...eans more benefits and things move better. They also play a huge role in many other areas including cardiovascular function, nervous system function, and immune health. Further research(because I don't suggest anything without the research k!! ;)) shows that low DHA consumption (and blood levels) is associated with MEMORY LOSS(hint hint to some of my clients lol:p), difficulty concentrating, Alzheimer's disease, and other mood problems. The list of benefits keep going but you get my point.... So if you aren't taking omega 3... I suggest going to the health store and getting some!!! I recommend liquid form because it's more concentrated but if you really dislike fish then a capsule can work too.
Enjoy your weekend and see some of you tomorrow at the Birchwood bender!! :)
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My fav tank top!! One of my clients/friends has offered to help me try and keep my tongue in lol!! I say good luck with that lol!!
Truth be told, I hate taking selfies lol. I hate pictures of myself in general!! However, if I encourage just one person with a picture like this then these ridiculous selfies are worth it lol! There's no filter here... I don't have any idea how Photoshop works or those other apps that can make you look... Not like you lol. I mean I'm sure these... apps could thin out my thighs, take away my WiFi wrinkles(thanks to my daughter who told me this lol), and do other crazy things. I often make fun of my parents, especially my dad who still doesn't know how to turn on a computer... But the older I get the more I appreciate his simple, no filter ways. His heart is full and he doesn't need selfies, or media attention to show that. Although I clearly need social media to advertise, show progress, encourage more... I pray that my clients will all take more than just their amazing better looks with them... But their heart will be full:)!!!
Be real. Be you. Don't filter.
Today's back and bi workout;
Lat pull down 4 sets of 12 One arm dumbbell row 4 sets of 10/side Rope pull in 4 sets of 10 Barbell back extension 3 sets of 10
Dumbbell curl 3 sets of 12 Machine preacher curl 4 sets of 12 Inclined hammer curl 4 sets of 10
Ended of with a race for 50 sit up's in 2 minutes ;).
Enjoy this lovely day peeps I think a run is in order!!
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3 pounds and 3.75 inches gone in 2 weeks.
If you're doing a fad diet... That may not seem like much... May even get you down a little knowing that those fads you did before had you losing like 5-8 pounds in two weeks! May make you think it will take forever to get where you want to be.... But if you TRULY are looking for a lifestyle change, it also means you need to change your thinking too.
Those 2 week results came from a lady who has tried it all, lost and gained the sam...e weight over and over(sound familiar?!?!). Had her thinking everything she put in her mouth was bad and she was bad if she ate it. Those results took hard work... Mentally and physically. But here's the difference than her before thinking... I am teaching her that life is allowed to happen... On your daughters birthday... You can eat cake... And mashed potato... That you don't need to live a life thinking you can never enjoy a carb again. .. You just need to work with it.... So if that means you work a little harder to eat that cake then you work a little harder. You need to find your balance, not anyone else's. This woman has reactions to many many foods and it is not something she can totally change in an instant by doing a fad diet that is not individual based. She needs to learn about her body and the food she puts in her body. Then she needs to tell the people who keep telling her she shouldn't eat this or shouldn't eat that to go fly a kite(my nan would always tell me to say that lol.. It means zip it in a nice way haha)!! ;p
It won't happen overnight. Or weeks down the road... May take months... But a lifestyle change can not happen if you are thinking short term...and short term would be..."I only lost 3 pounds" ?!?!
Lifestyle change though... "3 pounds in 2 weeks and 3.75 inches gone...and I ate cake and didn't feel totally bad(she's learning lol)... I can totally maintain this is life"!!
She sees me twice a week and commits to another 3 hours besides me. I can't wait to keep moving with her to watch her transform mentally and physically. What a blessing to change people's lives!
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Greatful the rain held off to get a run in!!! And so greatful my hubby joined me and likes to run so fast 🙄. Here's a no excuse home workout to do today for your your legs!! Sqaut(y'all know I love squats lol) - 4 sets of 12 Sumo jump - 4 sets of 10 Reverse lung - 20 - 4 sets Glute bridge -15 - 4 sets... Happy Tuesday and let's hope that sun comes out tomorrow!!!!
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Happy Monday peeps!!! Oh yeah.... I'm going there on this lovely morning! In order to get the best results... It means you need to be all in!


Last night I did something crazy... My friendly competition... Became my support friend lol!! We were meeting a run group (see post below) and we decided to run to the place they were running...we left home at 7pm and didn't get home till between we ran interval laps with the group(and I almost died lol) then socialized a bit(if you know me... You'll know that would be a given lol), then ran home. The run home was rough.... I ran outta water and then our friendship became real because my friend shared hers lol ;)
However... The friendly competition remained as she reminded me she ran almost another few kilometers more than me to meet me and get home lol... So she holds the title lol.. Ugh. Almost 16k...getting there!!


Moms!! This is a great group to join no matter what kind of runner you are!!
I am a firm believer that you need to surround yourself with supportive like minded people. In my nutrition course it talks about "limiting factors" that keep you from a goal. As much as we'd like to think we can go alone in a journey, finding supportive people will help you more than you think! And sadly... When doing a lifestyle change, some of the people you thought would support you, won't. ...It's the cycle of life and it's your choice to determine how you move forward and how important your goal is in life. When I started exercising, everyone was so great and happy for me... Till they saw that it wasn't a fad, that it wasn't temporary... It was now a part of my life and the longer and harder I worked at me... The more judged I became... Throw a divorce into that and some major faith changes... And let me tell ya the saying.. You find out who your real friends are... Came real quick to me lol!!
But here I am today... Stronger physically and mentally and it's because I kept walking in the light... And that meant I surrounded myself with encouraging, empowering, motivating people... People who lift people up... And I can't express to you enough how important that was in my journey!!!! So moms... Take a step out of the comfort zone, find a good group like this(the lady who started this page is truly an amazing person) and start going. You don't have to become BFFs with the group peeps or think now you'll have to make an effort to keep in contact all the time with the people(I'm a mom.. I get the... I'm too busy to do anything else lol), but what you would have is a support system of like minded people who too have kids, want to change their lifestyle, etc.. And I'm telling ya... It will do wonders for your soul!!
Shout out to the lady who took the task of making a group for us moms in McMurray that want to get out and get active!!!! It's a hard world out there.... Stay in the light peeps!!! Xo
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When your client comes off her last night shift and comes to you... And you tell them... Make sure you go home and get some protein!! Shift work is not an easy thing on your body, especially when it involves nightshifts. Finding balance with shift workers takes time and dedication... And this girls got it going on!! #noexcuses


Some can get even more simple!! It's hot today, and I didn't want to cook(don't worry dear there's leftovers from yesterday ;p). In the bowl I have a can of tuna with miracle whip, mustard, onion seasoning and peppers... And well you can see what's in my salad. Lol
As good as salads are for you... You need protein to go with it... About 20-30g with each meal... So I chose to have tuna as my protien! And yes I put miracle whip in it... Again if you're doing a lifes...tyle change... Taking away everything will not keep you maintaining.. But finding the balance and how your body works will bring you to a place of being ok with putting miracle whip in your tuna because it tastes better or putting ketchup on your potatoes!! I would much rather take the time to learn the balance than to completely take away the things I enjoy!
And yes... That's a minion placemat under my plate lol....and the minion don't look too happy about my meal choices lol!
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This was supper tonight! Real simple. Ground chicken, peppers, onion, bottle of pasta sauce, can of low fat cream of mushroom soup, laughing cow cheese. Put the edamame noodles on the bottom(very high in protein noodles!), meat sauce on top, topped with shredded cheese and parmasan cheese and popped in the oven to brown the cheese! I live a lifestyle change... That means if I like cream of mushroom soup in my baked spaghetti... I'm gonna use it and track it, I won't cut it out completely. And I did some serious cardio this evening so it balanced out... All about the balance;)

More about Balance Fitness-Judy Dredge

Balance Fitness-Judy Dredge is located at 132 Warren Way, Fort McMurray T9H 5H7