Beautycounter By Krista

About Beautycounter By Krista

I'm excited to share Beautycounter and its mission - to get safer products into the hands of everyone. It's time for change and I love this change.

Beautycounter By Krista Description

I am excited to be a part of Beautycounter and sharing in its commitment to making safer, better beauty. Beautycounter is a B-Corp with a mission of getting safe products into the hands of everyone.

Here is a little about Beautycounter and its mission. The European Union bans over 1, 400 ingredients from its personal care products. Canada has banned less than half that amount. We deserve better, and Beautycounter is doing something about it. Beautycounter has banned more than 1, 500 ingredients, setting a new health and safety standard, and advocating for change in legislation and across the industry, all while ensuring its products perform. Beautycounter has a "Never Ever" list of ingredients it will never use. Beautycounter also lists on its website every ingredient it uses in every product.

Why does this mission mean something to me? My reasons are simple. This is why.

Pregnant with our first child, my husband and I were looking for a baby mattress. After researching the contents of mattresses that our baby would soon be laying his head on every night, the results naturally led us to look closer into the foods that we ate and products that we used.

We were surprised at the ingredients in our beauty products and even more shocked that these harmful ingredients were permitted in our homes and on our skin. We did an overhaul of our house and started our search for products we were comfortable using on a daily basis on our baby.

Fast forward three years, several tried and failed products and some fabulous products that we use on our toddler and preschooler. I was still struggling to find a personal care line that was safe but also more nourishing and high performing on my skin than the baby lotion I regularly used. In the recent months, I have tried several product lines advertised as "all natural" or "chemical-free" and I have not been satisfied - either because I could not find ingredients for the products (or the ingredients were questionable), the price-point was too high or it wasn't working for my skin. Beautycounter has changed this for me.

I get how busy our lives are and how confusing (or impossible to find) ingredient lists can be. I want to share what I've learned to help you find the products that work for you and your family.

I will be using my page to post information about Beautycounter's mission and its products, along with other information about safe products.

Please like and /or share my page if you are interested in learning more.

More about Beautycounter By Krista

Beautycounter By Krista is located at Calgary, Alberta