Become A Better, Balanced & Wealthier Version Of You

About Become A Better, Balanced & Wealthier Version Of You

Having the ability to look at people, without judgment, & being able to bring out the best in each one of them have increased my connections globally!

Become A Better, Balanced & Wealthier Version Of You Description

My name is @RinaChong you may know me on Facebook as Rinaisan Angel. I was born and raised in Calgary and I have an 21 year old son whom I love to death but my body has never been the same after birth. I've always been pretty care free at how I treated my body, I like to meditate and I try to get in 2 - 3 dates with the gym and if you know me well I love to cook, eat and dine out and I LOVE, LOVE my noodles and rice, sauces, wine and junk food.

Ever since I moved to Vancouver, a few years ago, I started to feel flabby, I don't like to bake but I can't seem to get rid of my muffin tops and I'm tired of having to suck it in all the time. I was losing my hair (I still am a little) and at one point I'm sure I was able to make a wig out of my blow dry sessions. I got my thyroid test done and that came back negative.

I got rid of my job and relationship stress and I was STILL losing my hair and the doctors have no clue what's going on. I felt groggy when I woke up and felt frazzled with my to-do list. Life should be lived in a state of wellness, well-being, not in an unconscious state of lethargicness. As most of you know, I'm pretty positive but I have to admit that at one point feeling so blaze made it difficult to stay motivated and positive.

I not only want to feel fantastic in my head but I want my temple to feel fantastic too! I need a vacation so badly that my body is about to go into sleep mode and I'm tired of it. I want to live longer, be stronger and with that I know I have to make a drastic lifestyle change with healthy choices on a conscious level. And so I have decided to take that step. I not going to lie, I was a bit hesitant and it's a bit scary but I have too much to live for and I deserve better. I cut down on alcohol, read meat, sugar and refined carbs and I am back on the right track. My skin is more supple, my nails are stronger and my hair is shinier and I'm not losing as much hair anymore.

My journey onto this new path has been incredible. Then my mother fell ill, yet again, and gave me one of the worst scares so that has lead me back to the health and wellness industry. Support is all about the leaders out there. Who do you listen to? There are many topical creams out there but true beauty and health happens inside out. I'm on a mission to help people with diabetes, inflammation, heart disease, obesity - I'm not an expert but I have a whole team of world-class experts, doctors and scientists behind me. Message me if your vision has been to live in a world of minimized and managed inflammation, leading to improved health and prolonged useful life. I am happy to announce that I was the first person to bring this incredible company to Canada and it's Health Canada approved! www.

#healthyWELLthyandHOT #healthyWELLthyandEDUCATED

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+1 954-815-1295