Berlin Advertising + Public Relations

About Berlin Advertising + Public Relations

Advertising and Public Relations agency in Edmonton, Alberta. Owned and operated by Michael Brechtel and Justin Archer.

Berlin Advertising + Public Relations Description

Berlin is kind of an odd name for an advertising and public relations agency based in Edmonton, Alberta. We often get asked why we called it that.

Berlin, the city, is one of the most creative places in the world. While the creative infrastructure in many other places is organized around galleries or design studios or other structures, in Berlin the creativity oozes out of the cracks. Art is everywhere.

Berlin has been the site of great tension. When the wall went up in 1961, opposing tanks squared off on either side a few dozen yards apart, ready. One false move could have sent the world into a tailspin. Now that’s tension.

Tension, for us, is the sweet spot. The most effective communication has a sense of tension in its DNA. It causes the audience to think twice, or to think harder. Finding those points of tension and teasing out the brilliant bits and the emotional bits and the human bits is what excites us.

That's why we called it Berlin.

More about Berlin Advertising + Public Relations

Berlin Advertising + Public Relations is located at Mercer Warehouse, 2F, 10363 104 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1B9