Bessie Nichols School Epsb

About Bessie Nichols School Epsb

New K-9 Edmonton Public School located in the Hamptons area of Edmonton. We welcomed our first students on September 4, 2012.

Bessie Nichols School Epsb Description

General Information
Edmonton Public Schools Commenting Policy

1) Stay on Topic – Please make sure to follow the topic of the original post you are responding to. This will help keep the discussion orderly and give everyone a fair chance to share their views and opinions.

2) Be Respectful – We reserve the right to edit, remove or mark as spam any comments that contain harmful, abusive, threatening or foul language. If you have concerns to voice, please keep the language respectful and on-topic. While debate is welcome, commenters are asked to refrain from arguing. Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated.

3) Don’t Spam – We will remove any comments that we deem to be spam. This includes comments that are off-topic, include irrelevant links or contain keyword spam.

Consistent violation of these rules may result in you being blocked from commenting.

More about Bessie Nichols School Epsb
