Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy



Everyone wants to be heard. Before I touch into the clients, I give them respect and gratitude to trust me enough to work with them. And ask permission to enter their sacrad space to them and their higher-self. (Usually, they say "Yes", because otherwise, they wouldn't make an appointment with me)
Then, When I touch in, My role is simply to listen their body. I ask their body, "How may I serve you ?" ... Surprisingly, body starts to communicate with me and direct me where I need to go, and what stories they carry in that part of body. Sometimes, I recieve messages like mantra. The person need to say to herself, " I am good enough" etc...
The Other time, The part of body tells me how they feel, and gives me words like "I am sad because I was disregard"
And, interestingly, most of those words has roots going back to not only to our childhood, but also 3 months before we conceived to mother's womb.
Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy can help heal these wounds from cellular level, and rewire our belief patterns. So, we can be more risiliant to our life.
If you are struggling listening your inner voice, intuition and trusting yourself, Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy will help you to have more awareness about yourself.
Let's love ourselves and our body 💗
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We all need compassion💜 May all beings blessed with peace and harmony. Namaste…/just-like-my-mot her-how-we-inherit-o…


In order for us to function daily life, Hypothalamus and Pituitary are very important part of human body. Here is what it does, controlling autonomic nervous system, emotions, sexual behaviour, endocrine functions, homeostasis of temperature, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, motor functions and regulates sleep wake cycle. it not only controls the actions of the pituitary but it secretes at least nine hormones to the pituitary's seven. Hypothalamus is like a older siblings of p...ituitary gland. This hypothalamus and pituitary's network has a huge impact on the basic necessity for our health. How can it control such tasks. It is a small part of our body, yet the task is huge. Pituitary is a size of pea and it's located under the hypothalamus and sits in the cavity of sphenoid and protected from damaging by outside force.
What is amazing about the relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is the hypothalamus produce and send down the proper hormones at the time they are needed, to the pituitary gland that sends them where they are needed. Also, the hypothalamus tells pituitary what to release and when.
So as the hypothalamus and the pituitary overall role is to monitor and ensure that the whole kingdom of the body is in harmony.
If I they were an animal what would they be? The first animals that came into my head was the emperor penguins. Penguins communicate by vocalizing and performing physical behaviors called displays. They use many vocal and visual displays to communicate nesting territories, mating information, nest relief rituals, partner and chick recognition, and defense against intruders. In all of the Penguins, emperor penguin is the only the penguin that Male does the entire breeding. If the chick hatches before the female returns, the male, despite his fasting, is able to produce and secrete a curdlike substance from his esophagus to feed the chick, allowing for survival and growth for up to two weeks.
The male and female penguins know exactly how to communicate to each other for the best interest of their chicks, when to do it and how to do it. It is just like tge relationship between hypothalamus and pituitary.
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A Little Background
biodynamic Craniosacral is on the cutting edge of energy medicine. The study of this form of Craniosacral therapy, as taught by Franklyn Sills, focuses on the formation of a relationship between the practitioner and the Inherent Ordering Principle, the Breath of Life of the client.
The work of Franklyn Sills was deeply influenced by his Buddhist beliefs and practice. He was also influenced by the work of Dr. W.G. Sutherland, who believed that the human sy...stem was more than bones, fluid, tissues and biochemicals. Dr. Sutherland experienced a “Creative Intelligence” which orders and organizes the various layers of the human system. A manifestation of this Intelligence is expressed as tidal movement. Three different tides can be palpated or sensed in the human system; these are Long Tide, mid-tide and cranial rhythmic impulse. The work of Dr. Rollin Becker, D.O. and Dr. David Bohm profoundly influenced the development of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy by introducing the holographic concept and tidal rhythms of the body. The Breath of Life holographically unfolds a blue print principle, or Original matrix, at the moment of conception. It is around this matrix that we are able to maintain the integrity of our human form.
The potency of the Breath of Life is palpable as it unfolds throughout the many layers of the body. This biodynamic ordering process expresses an inherent treatment plan to resolve the inertial resistance in the body. The inertia is created from unresolved trauma of life experiences becoming encapsulated within the human system.
The practitioner is trained to sense different levels of stillness and thus palpate the expression of the system as the treatment unfolds according to its own Ordering Principle.
It is a gentle and subtle whole body approach to the human experience. This hands on therapy is non-manipulative and non-invasive.
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Why does he put up walls? Why does she become clingy? Why won’t he hold my hand more? Why does she hug me then push me away? Why do we yell every time we disagree?
The answers and solutions for these questions may be found through understanding your partners childhood emotional connections and past relationship connections. The theory of attachment, first recognized by John Bowlby, indicates that our perceptions of our parents emotional support, trustworthiness, caring a...nd acceptance affect our relationships later in life.
In Biodynmic craniosacral therapy we believe Attachment is necessary for our survival. Our first attachment is to our mother's uterus. And, as the baby grow in the mother's uterus, the baby attaches even more strongly through umbilicus. After the birth, the baby attatches to the breast and then forms powerful attatchments to a mother. These relationships are vital to life. As the baby grows, it's clear that it's the relationship themselves that are the most important thing. If it forms stable and secure reltionships then it continues to develop healthily. If these relationships are not secure, the baby's development is affected. There are key moments and windows of development that require the right external environment. Key developments in the brain's hard-wiring and functioning can be affected by the lack of a secure and healthy caregiving environment.
A biodynamic craniosacral therapist offer a touch that duplicates these ideal early states. By offering this original space, a therapist mimic the security our brain is looking for. Clients are offered a place to grow again, and the brain and body can reprogramme themselves.
You can change not only your life but also the relationship you have with your friends, family, and partner.
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This is a good book to understand Trauma. It explains Trauma with illustrations.
Some Traumas are stored in our subconscious level, especiallt if we have Trauma when you are in mother's uterus, you don't even remember what happened to you, yet, your body has memories in your cell level. And we precieve the world though that lense.
... So, for example, once you perceive the world around you as a dangerous place, you are always looking at things through "danger lense" so, your body can not relax and end up with holding tensions in your body or have fear s without reason or feeling insecure etc...abd create patterns in your system and thoughts.
These patterns are start to form even pre-conception (3 months before your mother conceive you).
Amazingly, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy accesse to these patterns, we called " Birth Pattern" and release and heal your birth Trauma.
@ Calgary, Alberta
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My son has Invisalign and every week he puts new set, so I work on his weekly bases. Because it is such a fast paced shifts occurring in his whole body, I found it really helping him. Especially his cranio-base and jaws. When I touch in him, his whole facial bones move and aligned, then the rest of his body starts to shift as cranio-base align. So much tension release from his body. I am so thankful he doesn't have to suffer with pain. I really recommend Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy not only to the people who are going through orthodontics, but also just done dental work as well.


What is the healthiest thing I can do in mindful way/in healthy way?
Answer is RELAX!!!
If you feel disconnected from Source/God/Creator (however you want to call it), most likely your nourveous system is out of whack. ... Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy can help you raise your healthy awareness and calm your over stimulated nervous system(=EGO).
Mantra for Spiritual Alignment ~Nothing will make me satisfy other than relaxation~by Matt Khan
According to Matt Khan's teaching, there is no such things as "Addiction".
Addiction is progressive dynial of relaxation, and absence of healthy awareness. Seek things in composive level and dynial of health=refusal of relaxation=avoidance of spiritual alignment
Let's take a good care of ourselves! You are worthy of it! World needs you💞
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What is BCST? Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle profound non-invasive, hands-on treatment for the whole body. Performed on a massage table, the client is fully clothed and the touch is generally light and still. The treatment is focused on supporting the health of the whole being, especially the nervous system. This is the system that dictates all of the body’s functioning, constantly sending and receiving information.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists understa...nd how an optimally functioning healthy nervous system performs. We are trained for years on how to use acute perception skills to perceive subtle physiological changes. We also are aware of the energetic map that underlies one‘s basic health and symptomology. We believe that health is never lost no matter what the ailment. We use our ability to identify the parts of the nervous system that are not functioning optimally and our awareness of the “always available health” in the body to assist the system in bringing itself back into balance. This supports greater ease and helps the body decrease symptoms.
From: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America.
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If you are having these symptoms, it means you might need Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. You are most likely in the state of either Hyperarousal or Hypoarousal which means your sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system needs to be balanced. It depends on how many symptoms you answered "Yse" to, that indicates how consistent you would need sessions.💆 If you answer less than 5 "yes"☹, you probably need at least 5 sessions, so that you can prevent those s...ymptoms to become chronic or disese. If you answered more than 5 "yes"😦, it is a good idea to have at least 10 sessions. the symptoms could be still manageable along with proffesional supports. You may feel relieved and healed.
If you answered more than 10 "yes"😵. You are most likely in PTSD. You need to have at least 1session/week for a year along with professional supports. It will change your perspectives and you may be much more resilient in your life. I am always there for you. May all beings live in peace and harmony 💖 @ Calgary Southwest
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Do you know what is the largest organ in the human body? Answer: Skin
The largest organ in the human body is the one you can see most easily: the skin. The skin is considered an organ because it has some very specific functions — like maintaining body temperature and protecting the other organs from bacteria — that require some specialized tissues.
... The skin of an average adult has a surface area of over 21 square feet and accounts for 6% to 10% of your body weight, edging out the liver, your body's second-largest organ, which accounts for approximately 2.5% of your body weight.
Craniosacral Therapy access underneath the layer of the skin it called "fascia" and not only release the tensions from our body, but also align the body structure. So when you have an accident or a surgery, it is very effective to have therapy done as soon as possible, so it helps heal faster. @ Calgary, Alberta
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More about Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is located at Calgary, Alberta