Bitcoin Revolution

About Bitcoin Revolution

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FundMyCause with Bitcoin



Are you interested in Bitcoin or are you interested in having Bitcoin. There is no thinking here. It is a gamble, but a gamble with the odds in your favor. Your move.


What was the 'Glass-Steagall Act'
An act the U.S. Congress passed in 1933 as the Banking Act, which prohibited commercial banks from participating in the investment banking business.
The Glass-Steagall Act's repeal in 1999 is "believed in some circles" to have contributed to the 2008 global credit crisis.
... Commercial banks, around the world, were saddled with billions of dollars in losses due to the excessive exposure of their investment banking arms to derivatives and securities that were tied to U.S. home prices.
The severity of the crisis forced Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the last of the top-tier independent investment banks, to convert to bank holding companies.
Coupled with the acquisition of other prominent investment banks Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch by commercial banking giants JP Morgan and Bank of America, respectively, the 2008 developments ironically signaled the final demise of the Glass-Steagall
The cost to you:
***Today, the Real Economy Project of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released an assessment of the total cost to taxpayers of the Wall Street bailout. CMD concludes that multiple federal agencies have disbursed $4.6 trillion supporting the financial sector since the meltdown in 2007-2008. Of that, $2 trillion is still outstanding. Our tally shows that the Federal Reserve is the real source of the bailout funds.***
With the stature of banks in monetary system, supported by their government cronies, the power of common man is relegated to the back over his hard-earned money.
We have got to get our money out of their hands and regain control. We the People.
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780 488-6813