Blissful Nights' Sleep

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 14:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Blissful Nights' Sleep

Are you ready to teach your children the sleep skills they need and enjoy blissful, uninterrupted sleep? As a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach ®, I can help.

Blissful Nights' Sleep Description

I’m Andrea and I am Calgary’s Gentle Sleep Coach. I have been trained by Kim West, author of "Good Night Sleep Tight" to help you teach your child to sleep peacefully using the gentle sleep coaching method. I work with exhausted, sleep deprived parents of infants and small children helping them gently and lovingly teach their children invaluable sleep skills. As the children learn to sleep, parents are reunited with their own long-lost and desperately missed uninterrupted sleep.

I am passionate about helping people live their best lives and have found that rested people are often the happiest people. I truly understand how life changing sleep can be and I want to help you feel well rested once again. I look forward to helping as your Gentle Sleep Coach.

Have questions about your child's sleep? Join my Facebook sleep support group, Gentle Sleep Solutions for Babies and Children https://www. /160707660951907 /
This group is a place to ask anything related to your child's sleep. I pop into the group daily to offer advice based on the latest sleep research.

Sweet Dreams,




And there he goes... First day riding a bus to a new school on the first day of grade one. I feel like a kindergarten mama all over again but I’m so proud of my little man.
I *might* have followed the bus to school.... ❤️😢❤️
... Show me your back to school cuties!!
#firstdayofgradeone #firstdayofschool #firstborn #misshimalready
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How do you navigate “sharing” in your house?


How long were your kids rear-facing?


Well, at least there’s a reason for it! 😂😜


Sleep deprivation is definitely one of the most challenging parts of parenthood. But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if your baby's sleep improved because you increased your sleep knowledge and added a few tools to your parenting toolbox?
My next Sleep Secrets Seminar is coming up in less than 2 weeks!
... Seats are limited! Reserve yours by calling Dr. For Moms Perinatal & Pediatric Natural Health Center at (403) 247-9301 or through this link:…/sleep-secr ets-seminar-0-3-years
Let's get you sleeping!
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Don’t panic - it’s still summer! But back-to-school isn’t too far away and children benefit from having some time to settle into a different sleep schedule.
Check out this blog for my top tips to help your child (and you) head into fall well-rested!…/…/6-bac k-to-school-sleep-tips/
... #whyisshespeakingofthisalready #blasphemy #routine #sleepregression #yycgentlesleepcoach #backtoschoolsleeptips #backtoschool #gentlesleepcoach #babysleep #toddlersleep #blissfulnightssleep #blissfulnights
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**SUMMER SLEEP PROMO** ⭐️ Summer can be full of fun, excitement, adventures, …… and exhaustion! ⭐️... You deserve to feel well-rested by fall! ⭐️ For the next two weeks, I am offering a FREE in-home consultation with room assessment (value $49) which can be added to either sleep package. ⭐️ Package details can found through the link in my bio. ⭐️ This offer is valid for all consultations booked by August 19th within Calgary city limits. ⭐️ #summersleeppromo #freefreefree #mygifttoyou #sleepingbybacktoschool #sleepcoaching #sleeptraining #gentlesleepcoaching #babysleep #toddlersleep #blissfulnights #blissfulnightssleep #gentlesleepcoach #yyc
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WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK 🤱🏻💞 * My breastfeeding journey has not been easy. I was in a car accident 3 weeks before my eldest child was born, leaving me unable to sit up to nurse him for the first few weeks. I pumped milk for him in hopes that I would be able to breastfeed once my body started healing. Eventually I was able to sit up long enough to nurse him, but it was a fight to get him off of the bottle. After these challenges subsided, we enjoyed a blissful 19-month breast...feeding relationship. * My second born fractured his clavicle in birth, had reflux, and a posterior tongue tie that wasn't discovered until he was 4 weeks old. Breastfeeding was intensely painful and I almost gave up. But I'm stubborn and pushed through and we made it to almost 2 years of nursing. * Along comes my daughter; also having reflux and a tongue and lip tie. Luckily, I remembered from my previous journeys how easy breastfeeding was once we pushed through the initial hard part. We did push through and are still going strong 2 years later. * Breastfeeding isn't always easy, and it isn't everyone's journey, but it is mine. I'll be sad to leave this time in life behind, but am so appreciative that I have this picture to commemorate this milestone. �* A big thank you to @codiophotography for capturing this beautiful moment and to @kristimarti for making me feel like a princess with your incredible makeup skills!
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Sleep deprivation is definitely one of the most challenging parts of parenthood. But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if your baby's sleep improved because you increased your sleep knowledge and added a few tools to your parenting toolbox?
My next Sleep Secrets Seminar is coming up in THREE DAYS!
... Seats are limited! Reserve yours by calling Dr. For Moms Perinatal & Pediatric Natural Health Center at (403) 247-9301.
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*TODDLER NAP REGRESSION* - Many two-year-olds go through a TEMPORARY nap-resistance phase. - Did you know that most children still need an afternoon nap until close to the age of four?... - The two-year-old nap resistance phase can be exhausting and can last a couple of weeks to a couple of months. - Naps are still vitally important at the age of two. Have you seen a two-year-old who has skipped their nap? Goodbye emotional regulation. Hello, terrible two's! - So what can you do? ⭐Stay as consistent as possible. ⭐Stick to your naptime routine. ⭐Remove toys, books, or any other distractions from the room. ⭐Review their schedule (ie. does the nap need to be a little earlier or a little later?) ⭐Have a toddler-talk; let them know that their body needs to rest. They don't have to sleep but they do need to rest in a dark room. Most toddlers become pretty bored laying in the dark and resume napping within a week or so. - Signs that a child is NOT ready to drop a nap: ⭐after removing a nap, they have difficulty falling asleep at bedtime. ⭐They start awakening more frequently through the night. ⭐They wake early in the morning (before 6am). ⭐They begin exhibiting less emotional regulation and more meltdowns. - My advice: hold onto that nap as long as you possibly can- it will help you maintain your own sanity😉😘 - #toddlersleep #toddlernapregression #toddlernapresistance #terribletwos #overtiredtwos #sleepdeprivation #babysleep #sleepcoaching #gentlesleepcoach #yyc #blissfulnights #blissfulnightssleep
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*A BABY'S SAFE PLACE* - Many babies start their life most content when glued to their mama's chest. Although exhausting, this is a normal stage of development. - When growing in the womb, all of a baby's needs are taken care of. They never feel too hot, too cold, or too hungry; loud noises are muffled by the constant white noise of the placenta and mama's heartbeat. ... - After they are birthed, babies are bombarded with sensory stimulation ALL DAY LONG! Silence, bright lights, hunger, feeling too cold, overheated, etc. etc. can be absolutely overwhelming for many babies. - When a baby lays on their mama's chest, their body temperature is regulated by their mama's body, they can hear the familiar sound of their mama's heartbeat, AND they instinctually know that they are in their safe place. _ Some babies have less of a filter against all of this sensory stimulation than others. Sensitivity is a spectrum. Some people can walk into a room and notice an empty chair beside their friend. Others would notice the fan moving overhead, the chatter of conversation, the light flickering in the corner, the dirty spot on the floor, etc. - Did you know that approximately 20% of the population is considered highly sensitive? - It might feel like forever that you are stuck in a chair with a sleeping baby laying on your chest, but it doesn't last forever. As their world becomes less overwhelming they will be able to sleep without being on top of you. - In the meantime, coping strategies can help: ⭐Babywear during the day (this can help you get out of the chair and fill up your sensitive baby's need for closeness) ⭐Take shifts (with your partner or anyone else who offers to help) ⭐ACCEPT HELP!!! (When people offer to help, it's usually because they want to! Learn to say yes - it's one of the best things you can do for yourself as a new parent.) ⭐Ask for help!! (Yup. You are allowed to ask for help when you need it. You might just be surprised at how good it feels!) ⭐Prioritize your to-do list (many things can wait). ⭐Delegate (when people offer to help, let them know what would be most useful; ie. picking up groceries, cooking a meal, laundry, etc). ⭐Be kind to yourself. This phase is temporary. You will get through it. I know of exactly zero eighteen-year-olds who still need to fall asleep on their mama's chest every night 😘 - You've got this mama❤️ - #babysleep #sleepdeprivation #newbornsleep #sleepdeprivation #momlife #wearallthebabies #babywearing #babywearingforthewin #parenthood #sensitivebaby #sensitivebabies #babyssafeplace #blissfulnights #blissfulnightssleep #gentlesleepcoach #yyc
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The Gentle Sleep Coaching Workshop covers: • 2-3 different sleep coaching methods (Cry it Out is not a method that will be discussed.) • Troubleshooting tips if you hit any bumps in the road • How to help transition your baby from sleep associations to independent sleep • How to transition out of the swaddle...
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Sleep deprivation is definitely one of the most challenging parts of parenthood. But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if your baby's sleep improved because you increased your sleep knowledge and added a few tools to your parenting toolbox?
My next Sleep Secrets Seminar is coming up in just over ONE WEEK!
... Seats are limited! Reserve yours by calling Dr. For Moms Perinatal & Pediatric Natural Health Center at (403) 247-9301.
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Coming up tomorrow!! Only 2 spaces left!!
Call Dr. For Moms at ‭(403)247-9301‬ to register.
See you soon 😊


There is nothing more peaceful than a sleeping baby💕💕 - I love when clients send me #endresult pictures! - #sleepcoaching #sleeptraining #gentlesleepcoaching #peacefulsleepingbaby #blissfulnights #blissfulnightssleep #babysleep #toddlersleep


Thinking about sleep coaching but not sure what method would be the right fit for you?
I cover 2-3 different sleep coaching methods in my Gentle Sleep Coaching Workshops so you can pick the method that feels right for you and your baby!
My next workshop is coming up on Friday, July 27th from 10am-12pm.
... *the Sleep Secrets Seminar is a prerequisite for the Gentle Sleep Coaching Workshop (the next Sleep Secrets Seminar is on June 8th). *babies must be at least 4.5 months old before implementing sleep coaching. *Cry-It-Out is not a method that will be discussed.
I hope to see you there!
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Sleep deprivation is definitely one of the most challenging parts of parenthood. But what if it didn't have to be that way?
What if your baby's sleep improved because you increased your sleep knowledge and added a few tools to your parenting toolbox?
My next Sleep Secrets Seminar is coming up in just over ONE WEEK!
... Seats are limited! Reserve yours by calling Dr. For Moms Perinatal & Pediatric Natural Health Center at (403) 247-9301.
See More


Happy Canada Day!! 💥🇨🇦💥


I’ll love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, My baby you’ll be ❤️... (I still cry every time I read this Robert Munsch book😭❤️😭) #imnotcryingyourecrying #staylittleforever #firstborn #kindergartengrad
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Thank you so much Andrea for all of your help. You truly were amazing at getting us through a tough time with the sleep. Thank you for your patience. I would highly recommend Andrea if you are wishing for a peaceful nights sleep. Wishing you all the very best. Thanks again !


I honestly can't recommend Andrea highly enough. We contacted her frazzled and at our wits' end as new parents with no idea how to get our baby sleeping better. Although at first he was too young for sleep coaching, Andrea still helped us improve what we'd been doing to set us on the right path to better sleep and we saw immediate improvement.

Once our little one was old enough to coach properly, Andrea supported us through the process to ensure we could consistently help him learn to sleep better on his own. Her methods are gentle and we never abandoned our baby to cry - I think the process was harder on us than him, although there had to be some tears. Now at six months he sleeps the night in his own crib and is starting to nap like a champ.

The end result is a family that's so much happier and well-rested. I feel like a new person and I can enjoy my baby a lot more as well as having more time with my husband. Andrea is a goldmine of information. She is kind and clear, and she never made us feel bad or wrong for what we'd been doing but just started helping us from the beginning. A friend asked me whether hiring a sleep consultant was worth it - I can say absolutely it was the best money we've spent on our baby. Forget the gadgets and doodads, invest in learning how to help your baby sleep better so that *everyone* can sleep better. Thank you Andrea for all of those extra hours of sleep you've given us and for helping us be better parents!


I cannot recommend Andrea and her gentle sleep coaching techniques enough! This has changed our lives for the better!! We tried other methods that just did not work for our family. This is a life saver!!! Thank you Andrea and Blissful Nights Sleep!! �


I attended two workshops and Andrea's insights and personalized advice helped us immensely in getting our little one to sleep and nap better! Thank you!


Andrea supported us in teaching our 10 month old the skills she needed to have a restful, uninterrupted sleep.

We felt very supported throughout the process and always felt as though our daughter was benefitting from the process. It was a gentle approach that we felt very comfortable implementing and our sleep plan was customized to meet what we were comfortable with as parents as well as what was already working for our daughter.

We were so impressed with the service she offered and would recommend her to any parents struggling with a child who is having trouble sleeping.

Our daughter has been sleeping through the night since the first week of working with her and so have we!!


Andrea is very knowledgeable. Her guidance and encouragement is exactly what we needed to get our son on a proper nap schedule and sleeping through the night. We are very thankful for her.


Andrea helped us get our 4 year old back to sleeping through the night after months and months of multiple wake ups and issues. She's fabulous, listens and helped us come up with a game plan that was kind and gentle!!!

More about Blissful Nights' Sleep

Blissful Nights' Sleep is located at Calgary, Alberta T3g1c3
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 14:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -