Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge

About Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge

This page is a community for local teenage girls to join together to uplift, empower, and encourage one another.

Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge Description

Pushing past insecurities and labels, we aim to build a community for teenage girls that celebrates everyone's unique selves, builds bonds based on trust, vulnerability and acceptance, empowers one another, and loves each other and our community with the same love that rescued us!



It’s FUNDRAISER time!!
$44 total (including tax and shipping to me) gets you a Large Utility Tote in the pattern you choose (personalization is extra) aaaand puts $15 into the hands of Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge 🙌🏼
Help me help them continue to provide an amazing and safe space for these equally amazing teenage girls!
... ————— I only own a few items from Thirty-One and this is definitely one of them. It’s also one of my favourites!
Comment below or message me to order yours!
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We put together 10 big freezer bags full of socks, gloves, toothbrushes, toothpaste, chocolate, and $5 gift cards and hit the streets to hand them out to some homeless people and wish them a Merry Christmas. It was definitely an eye opening experience, and our favourite was the last man that was so touched he was actually getting something for Christmas this year! #bb2018events #nonprofit #makingachange #bbevents #christmas #spreadlove @ Lethbridge, Alberta


Just a reminder about our Christmas "giving back" party NEXT WEEK FRIDAY evening!! Teen girls, please bring socks, toothbrushes and toothpaste as well as $5 gift cards to places such as McDonalds. We will be putting these into small kits and will then be personally handing them out to those in need!! For any questions, or to RSVP, head on over to the event page :)


HAVE YOU HEARD?!! 🎉 @primhealthandbeauty is celebrating their birthday and are having a huge celebration day tomorrow, December 1st!! 🎁 Their theme this year is Ugly Sweaters, and they've been so, so incredibly kind in choosing us (@boldlybeautiful.yql) to celebrate with them!! For every client that goes in wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, they'll donate $5 towards our workshops and girls!!!! Whaaaaat?! How lucky are we and how awesome are they?? ... 💕 Join them Saturday from 9-4 for all their fun birthday celebrations! There will be treats (!!!), discounted gift cards and so many other cool things. You should definitely to celebrate with them! 🎉 And thank you so, so much @primhealthandbeauty!! Your support means the world to us!! 💕
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A huge, HUGE thank you to @chellseadee from @leeladivineplay for coming in and teaching us how to make delicious rice bowls and for the amazing yoga! We are so thankful for the way you so patiently walked us through some yoga poses and for answering any and all the questions we had. It was so, so good!!!! I have a feeling the girls will want more yoga classes soon ;)
#bb2018events #yogaclass #eattogether #cooking #healthyeatingworkshop #healthandwellness


It's just about Christmas time and in celebration of Christmas and all that it means, we're hosting a "Giving Back Christmas Party" for teen girls (ages 15-20).
Collect and bring in socks (men's and women's), toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as $5 gift cards for a coffee. We will start off our party by assembling them into small packages. Each girl will write a few encouraging notes which, attached to the package, will be personally handed out to a homeless person in Leth...bridge.
Please note, for those who can't drive, you will be able to get a ride from one of the program directors into Lethbridge, however, you will need a signed transportation waiver to do so and will need to get picked up in Lethbridge!
After handing them out we will head to the Program Director & Founder's house (Jessica Elizabeth) for a taco dinner and games.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! We would absolutely love it if you'd join us!
**Also, even if you aren't a teenage girl, ages 15-20, we are still looking for donations of socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste and $5 coffee gift cards. Please message us so we can arrange pickup/drop off)
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Know who's excited to see you girls (15-20) THIS SATURDAY for our healthy eating & yoga workshop?!!
Uhh.. us, of course!!
We KNOW how hard it is to find the motivation to cook a healthy meal. It's so much easier to throw together Mac and cheese.. every day. Or something. (Have you seen that they sell that stuff in individual packages and it only takes 3 minutes to throw together?!! You're welcome.) Buuuut alas, you can't eat mac and cheese every day. Which is why we're pump...ed to invite you to the workshop on Saturday to learn how to make a delicious, healthy recipe! And then, yoga.
4:00 - 8:30, at The Loft. Bring yo' stretchy pants and yo' yoga mat. K? K. See you then!!!
#nonprofit #nonprofitforteengirls #yoga #healthyeatingworkshop #buildingacommunity #buildingyourrecipebook #quickandhealthy #comelearn #lethbridge #lethbridgenonprofit #yql
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Meet Chellsea Jensen, the lady behind our workshop this upcoming Saturday! She's a wife, a mom of four (so we're basically besties already because #fourkidclub...) and is a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher. Through back injury during her second pregnancy, Chellsea was led to yoga, where she fell in love with it immediately. At the time, she never realized how much of a solace it would become in her life. Chellsea feels strongly about connecting and sharing love, being happy i...n our own skin, and having a tender respect for each other.. something she brings to every aspect of her life and classes. ✨ @chellseadee, we are so, super excited to meet you on Saturday and to have you come teach a healthy meal and a yoga class! 🧘 Girls (ages 15-20), we would love it if you'd join us for this event! 4:00-8:30 THIS Saturday, November 24th at @theloft.venuespace (2004 18 Street - on the third floor) (And it's free so...) ✨
#nonprofitforteengirls #nonprofit #yoga #yogaclass #healthyeating #buildingacommunity #loveyourself #empoweringwomen #bb2018events
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Please help us get our beautiful offices rented out!
Only 10 minutes from Lethbridge, you really won't find an office this beautiful elsewhere. You'll have your own private office as well as access and use of the main space. A comfortable sitting area to meet with clients, a 10-foot long boardroom table, a kitchen (with a stove and fridge).. this place has it all! Plus, wifi is included AND there's an amazing pizza place below which, let's be real, makes it even more amazing...! ;)
But for real. We need to fill this office! Please help! :)…/private-office- in-modern…/1398791575
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In case you've forgotten, YOU ARE LOVED! You really, truly are! And when you hit that low spot where you feel like that isn't the case, remind yourself of this.
Somebody sees your worth. Somebody believes in you. Somebody adores the person you are. Somebody loves you for you. Unconditionally, without judgement. Through the ups and downs, the joys and trials.
... You are loved.
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Knowing from experience, Jess and I at Boldly Beautiful know that knowing how to cook a healthy, easy, budget friendly meal is an important lesson for you to learn for when you move out on your own!
So! We put together a fun, interactive evening for you. Young women, ( ages 15-20) come join us at the Loft for an evening of creating ( and eating!) a healthy meal followed by a free, relaxing yoga session taught by the lovely, Chellsea Jensen! Learn what it means to practice m...indfulness and how to incorporate healthy choices into your every day life.
*Please bring a yoga mat/ towel. *Meal will be gluten free
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We are now taking coffee orders for our last order of the year! Boldly Brew-tiful (ha get it?!) is a delicious blend of @cupperscoffee, made with hints of milk chocolate, almonds and stone fruit. For every bag sold, $5 goes towards workshops, events and keeping our doors open! So basically, you're changing a teen girls life one sip at a time. Now that's one way to feel amazing about drinking extra coffee each day ;)
Orders will be ready for pick up/delivery on December 11th..... meaning you can gift them to all your loved ones for Christmas! Bags are $21 each.
To place an order, please DM us, email or chat with Jess or Emma :)
Have a lovely day, everyone!!
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I used to allow myself to burn with envy over girls I thought were prettier or smarter than me. Instead of getting to know them I shyed away and automatically labeled them in my mind before even getting to know them. Sad, but true. I look back now and realize just how silly that was. I started to meet soo many interesting, funny, smart, talented and beautiful women when I finally just got over my own insecurities. Once I started seeing 'that girl' as a friend and sister with ...her own insecurities and battles, I started to feel a lot better about myself. I didn't feel the need to try so hard or be better than her anymore.
Life is just too short to spend it comparing and competing with each other. Let's stand up for one another. Choose to speak kindly and not gossip or tear down. We all have a choice. Why not choose kindness?
#choosekindness #buildingacommunity #propelwomen #communitybeforecompetition #teengirls #nonprofitforteengirls #nonprofit #loveeachother
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What if we stopped comparing ourselves to the girl next to us and started lifting her up instead? What would happen if we stopped looking beauty as a competition and started believing we are all beautiful just the way we are. What if you really started believing that just because "she is pretty" , doesn't mean you're not. What if we got rid of the jealousy and the self-hatred and the pressure of media and started loving ourselves wholeheartedly just the way we are .
Young women we invite you to come to our event, EMPOWER, tonight as we watch a documentary about body image and the effects of media. You're going to learn a lot during this session so bring a notebook and a few of your friends!


When the going gets tough, don't quit the going.
I know, I know.. that's not how it goes. The quote, I mean. But it's kind of how it goes in real life right? The going gets tough.. it feels impossible, like a giant ice covered mountain that you can't even see the top of, never mind get a footing secure enough to start taking small steps upwards. And so you consider quitting. Turning around. Ditching the backpack full of icepicks that feel useless in comparison, and plain old ...running for the hills. Preferably warm ones with lots of pretty flowers that you can dance and frolic through, please and thanks.
I hear you, because girl, that's been me. "Where's that meadow at?!" instead of grinning at the challenge, strapping the ice picks on and taking the step. But here's the deal. The views a lot better at the top of that mountain. You'll be able to see the coveted meadow and many more. Many more mountains too, but that's part of the beautiful journey. And I can also promise that although you may have some bumps and bruises after climbing the mountain, you'll be so very very glad that you did it. Because you can, you know.. you CAN do it!
So picture me in front of you, handing you the ice picks and encouraging you in person. You, pretty girl, CAN do hard things. You are amazing and capable and so very worth the hard journey. Believe in yourself, smile, and start picking your way to the top. And when you get to the top, shoot me a note so we can celebrate together! #encouragementforwomen #encouragement #buildingacommunity #climbthatmountain #nonprofitforteengirls #nonprofit
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In my first year of highschool I sat behind this girl who was curvier than me. During the warm months, she liked to wear a lot of halter tops and spaghetti straps.. things that showed off her shoulders and upper back. As weird as this may make me sound, I used to always admire her. I wished I had her body and looked soft and "huggable" like she did, instead of having my too skinny, "weigh less than a sack of potatoes", boney body. Maybe, if I'd had her body, people would no l...onger call me things like "toothpick" or "metabolism kid". Maybe they wouldn't tell me to eat a hamburger or make comments suggesting that I probably still had to sit in a booster seat. Even though the comments were all in good fun, it didn't help my dreams of being curvier.
To this day, I still don't like wearing watches or anything that may attract attention to my "too-thin, gross" wrists. Which I realize is something that I myself probably only notice, but it's there. I know that's probably miniscule in compare to how some people may feel about their bodies. In fact, I recently looked that girl up on Facebook only to find out she'd suffered from anorexia and been hospitalized for it. If only she could have seen herself the way I'd seen her and the way I'm sure so many others had. If only she'd seen how beautiful she was and learned to love her body instead of hating it and wanting to change it.
That's the thing though. We really truly are all beautiful. The blemishes, scars, stretch marks, frizz.. whatever it may be that you dislike about yourself.. they all add to your story. To your canvas. And what they create is the most beautiful, one of a kind masterpiece. Yes, you.. you are a masterpiece. I wish we could all, myself included, learn to see ourselves as such and in turn, learn to embrace and love the bodies we've been blessed with. We have one life to live. Why waste it wishing our bodies were different.. why waste it hating elements of who we are? Life isn't about looking "perfect" because really, what's perfect anyways?! We each have a beautiful, unique, wonderful and magical body. Let's learn to embrace them and perhaps, with a little work and time, maybe even love them! ✨
Girls, ages 15-20, we would love it if you'd join us this Saturday, November 3rd, at The Loft in Coaldale. We will be watching a documentary and starting the conversation on Body Image. There's so much to learn and discuss and I am so excited to learn to embrace (and maybe even love) myself right alongside you!! <3 9735065/
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Ahh, I think the mini conference we threw a few weeks back was one of our top favourite events we've ever done, and we are suuuper excited for our next event because it's going to be right up there on the list of awesome too!
THIS SATURDAY, at The Loft, from 7-10, we will be getting together to chat about Body Image! We have an amazing, eye-opening documentary to watch, followed by some awesome conversation starters. Body image is so very important and something we all deal w...ith in one way or another. Let's get together and get real as we chat how it effects our own day to day lives, the role social media plays on how we view ourselves, and how we can embrace our own unique bodies and love them as they are.
Just a heads up, if you are under the age of 18, this event does require you to have signed permission from a parent or guardian. Please let me know if you'd like one, or, head to the event on Facebook to find more details!
#nonprofitforteengirls #bodyimage #bodyimagemovement #documentary #bbminiconference2018 #bbevents2018 #coaldale #lethbridge #buildingacommunity #hardconversations #letschangeourviewsonbodyimage #letsstarttheconversation
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Life is hard. It can be messy and frustrating and downright miserable some days. I KNOW that. But how lucky are we to have freedom in how we respond and react to things? We either can allow our experiences to soften our hearts, shape us and mold us into better people,, or, we can let our experience harden our hearts and make us angry and bitter people..
Wouldn't you rather walk around a happier person? Instead of walking around with a chip on your shoulder? Wouldn't you look for the good instead of constantly pointing out the bad? Gah! We are only here for a short amount of time.. why spend it being miserable, judgmental and rude?
Let's all be kind to eachother. It's really that simple. (E.S)
#buildingacommunity #empoweringwomen #bekind #nonprofitforteengirls #coaldale #lethbridge #bekind
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More about Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge

Boldly Beautiful - Lethbridge is located at 2004 18 Street, Coaldale, Alberta T1M 1M6