Boomers & Zoomers Inc.

About Boomers & Zoomers Inc.

A Senior Move Management Company

Boomers & Zoomers Inc. Description

RIGHTSIZING SERVICES…. SO YOU CAN enjoy user friendly living spaces as your lifestyle changes making your home feel just “RIGHT”

RELOCATION & RESETTLEMENT SERVICES…. SO YOU CAN be worry free, knowing all the work associated with moving and setting up the new residence is handled by trusted and knowledgeable professionals

AGING-IN-PLACE SERVICES …. SO YOU CAN feel safe and secure while you age gracefully in your current home by modifying bathrooms, bedroom & other living areas.

CLUTTER BUSTING SERVICES…SO YOU CAN be unburdened by clutter in your home, your life and your mind

A certified Senior Move Manager `moves people - not boxes. A great analogy to describe a certified Senior Move Manager is “Rent-a-Daughter”. We create a moving or age-in-place plan, assisting in the downsizing and organization of the transition in an effective manner. This includes arranging for the disposal of items that are no longer needed, hire a moving company, set up the new home, and other services such as change of address or finding a realtor.

You can trust our professionally trained and certified Senior Move Managers to look after all your relocating, resettlement and rightsiZing transition details while you spend time doing what you really want—like spending time with your family and friends.

Boomers & Zoomers Inc. is proud to be the first registered members of The National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM) in Calgary.

More about Boomers & Zoomers Inc.
