Boozelator Breathalyzer Vending

About Boozelator Breathalyzer Vending

World's Most Advanced Breathalyzer Machine Deters Drunk Driving
Allows anyone who has been drinking to quickly determine his or her breath alcohol level.

Boozelator Breathalyzer Vending Description

The Boozelator 5000 Breath Alcohol Content Tester was designed to help save lives!

The unique vending machine style device allows anyone who has been drinking alcohol to quickly determine his or her breath alcohol level. However, unlike other breathalyzer vending machines, the Boozelator 5000 uses a law enforcement grade platinum fuel sensor to ensure absolutely accurate results!

The fundamental purpose of the Boozelator 5000 is to make communities, towns, and cities safer for their residents.

Consequently, the Boozelator 5000 allows any individual to be certain he or she is below the legal blood alcohol limit before operating a vehicle! The Boozelator™ 5000, however, cautions that you should never operate a vehicle or machinery after consuming any bit of alcohol.

Furthermore, the Boozelator 5000 is extremely easy to use! First, the customer must insert $2 (accepts loonies or toonies)
Secondly, the customer will be instructed to insert a sanitary straw into the device. He or she will then be prompted to blow a long steady breath through the straw. Likewise, if an individual does not blow hard enough, the highly sensitive Boozelator 5000 will prompt the individual to blow again; unlike some other brands of breathalyzer vending machines which will display a result even if the test was not taken properly. Lastly, the result for the breath test will be digitally displayed.

In the event a patron has had too much to drink at a restaurant, bar or club and is then later involved in an alcohol related accident outside of that establishment, the owner of said establishment would most certainly experience a flood of mixed emotions.

Could the tragedy have been prevented?

The aforementioned scenario is precisely why the Boozelator 5000 is marketed as a safety device that is specifically designed to prevent senseless accidents and fatalities!

In addition, if a bar or club owner experiences a problem with an unruly or rowdy patron, the Boozelator 5000 can be used to instantly and accurately determine whether or not the individual is overly intoxicated. The patron may then be asked to leave the establishment peaceably.
In a society where safety is often overlooked, the presence of the machine alone sends a loud and clear message that the establishment in question fully supports the safe and responsible consumption of alcohol and further encourages those who have had too much to refrain from driving drunk.

Better informed people make better decisions and that is exactly how the Boozelator 5000 helps save lives each and every day!

For more information regarding the Boozelator 5000, the world’s most advanced breathalyzer machine, please contact 780-625-1000

Question #1: Is having a breathalyzer vending machine at my location a liability?
Answer: No
• The Boozelator® 5000 will never say ‘you are safe to drive. ’ It will simply give you a BAC% numerical reading (such as 0. 08% ) and suggest with every result that ‘you should not driver or operate machinery after consuming ANY alcohol. ’ Even at 0. 01% , the lowest possible alcohol reading, it will read: “0. 01% . Alcohol detected, do not drive or operate machinery. ”
The most obvious reason that most people can relate to in order to show it is not a liability is that a person cannot self-administer their own drug or alcohol test to be admissible as evidence; It would have to be administered by a certified tech, along with several other criteria, as listed below.
• If this is not enough, we will liken the Boozelator® 5000 to a road-side police breathalyzer that police keep in their cruisers and may issue in a road-side sobriety test. Even the portable breathalyzer the police keep in their cruisers cannot be used as evidence, because it does not meet the proper criteria. This tester is just used as a guide as part of their sobriety testing to see if the individual should be brought down to the police station to be issued the official breathalyzer test.
In order for a breathalyzer to hold up as evidence, it must: a. Be administered by a certified tech on the testing equipment. There are no certifications available for breathalyzer vending machines. b. Be administered in a controlled environment. Not a public place, such as a bar or side of the road. Be administered on state certified evidentiary testing equipment. A BAC vending machine is not statecertified for evidentiary testing d. Keep a detailed record of everyone that uses the machine, including time, date, results, etc. The Boozelator® keeps no records to link back to any individual. e. Have 2 sensors that present results within a certain % of each other. Every state % may be different. The Boozelator® 5000 only has 1 sensor, just like a roadside police tester. f. In addition to the above, there are several other criteria necessary, which may vary by state

• If a person has any alcohol on their breath or in their bloodstream and they are involved in a traffic accident while driving from the bar, they are automatically at fault for the accident if they are tested for alcohol and will probably get arrested. Even if the other driver caused the accident, the driver that has alcohol on their breath would be legally at fault, as the laws are written. This can even be the case if they are under the legal intoxication limit (currently 0. 08% in all 50 USA states). This is why we always recommend that you should not drive after consuming any alcohol, even if you are under the legal intoxication limit. Question #2: Will having a breathalyzer vending machine hurt alcohol sales? Answer: Not likely. In fact, having a Boozelator® 5000 has even been reported by many bar owners to potentially increase sales. This is because:
• The vast majority of users tend to be using the machine for other reasons aside from immediate safety reasons; whether it be curiosity, educational purposes, entertainment, to pass the time, or for future reference to see how they feel at different BAC levels. These people may be likely to purchase an extra drink or two throughout their time there to see how alcohol affects their BAC content.
• Those who are at or near the legal limit and still plan on driving may stick around for another hour or two longer than they planned and may order a meal and non-alcoholic beverages while they try and sober up. So you may even see an increase in kitchen sales and non-alcoholic beverage sales.
• Those who are at, near or above the legal limit may decide they are not fit to drive and stick around for the remainder of the night and continue to drink more alcohol, since they need a ride anyway.
• The bar may see an increased customer base for having this machine. With DUI laws getting forever stricter, more and more people are choosing to stay home instead of a night out if they plan on consuming alcohol, because they simply can’t afford a DUI for financial, personal, employment or even social reasons. Many people assume that they will be at or over the legal limit after just one or two drinks, and that is not always the case. For instance, one person may be able to consume 1-2 light beers per hour and stay at around a 0. 00% , and another person may consume 1 drink and be near a 0. 08% and be unsafe to drive. The point is that everyone may process liquor at a different rate, depending on liver function, size and other factors, so there is no drink limit to gauge themselves. Having a safety tool (breathalyzer machine) to gauge themselves can bring confidence to some people to be able to enjoy some alcoholic beverages in a bar /pub /club (as opposed to their house) so they can test themselves after each drink to be sure they are okay to drive after their alcohol consumption.
• Some people may choose to frequent a bar (over a competitor bar) that has this machine so they can test themselves and feel safe.
• Those who are alcoholics are not likely to drink any less by having this machine, however, we are hoping that they will use the machine to let them know they should not be driving if it detects alcohol on their breath.
• As a bar owner, you do not want someone leaving your establishment and getting a DUI! This can create bad PR for your business, as people may be scared to go there in fear that they may get a DUI as well. If the Boozelator® 5000 has prevented just one person from driving drunk and getting a DUI or an accident, then it has done it’s job.
Question #3: How accurate is the Boozelator® 5000? Answer: Please refer to our online news clips (see link below "Advanced Bar Breathalyzer News Clips") where it shows still pictures from a news-clip comparing the Boozelator® 5000 to a road-side police breathalyzer test, issued by a police officer. This test showed the Boozelator® 5000 to be accurate within 0. 002% of the police breathalyzer. The law enforcement standard for breathalyzer accuracy is + /-0. 0051% at the calibrated level, and the Boozelator® 5000 tested right within that range.
Question #4: What if someone blows over a 0. 08% ? Does that mean we cannot serve them anymore?
Answer: No. Just because someone is over the legal limit to drive, it does not mean that they are over the legal limit to consume alcohol. There is no legal BAC limit in which a person must be cutoff. This is done from a visual observation only.

More about Boozelator Breathalyzer Vending

Boozelator Breathalyzer Vending is located at 950 WOODS ROAD, Peace River, Alberta T8S1Y9