Brave Culture

About Brave Culture

Group fitness & Health coaching



If your health and fitness is a goal this summer or you just want to continue to stay in shape during BBQ and beer season, we are OPEN ! Classes are 9:00am and 5:30 pm Monday- Thursday. Try a class for free and see if it’s right for you.
July 3rd -Aug 31st
... Join 1 class or hop around between morning or evening classes so you can train whenever it works best for you
We are also offering a special rate for those of you looking for some fun bonding time with your kid this summer ( must be 12 or older ). Come train with your kid. We lead by example more than words 😉.
Yes we work hard and you will learn your capable of so much more than you think. But we also have fun. We have amazing trainers that truly care and put lots of focus on proper form and working around any physical limitations you have.
We also know that summer is a time for vacations with your family. If you want to join but know you Will be absent for a few weeks just let me know and we can work out a deal. We are cool like that 😎.
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Was such an amazing day!!! I love seeing our community...and surrounding communities ( Fort Vermillion, Peace River and Grimshaw) to name a few, come together for events that make a difference to so many families... Enjoy the photos and feel free to tag and share!


What if you fail? Oh but what If you succeed!!


Starting is the hardest part right ? I understand the feeling. When I started my own journey I was 90 lbs heavier, scared shitless and feeling like “I need to lose weight and get in shape” before I started. I had already set my limitations and decided I could never join a group class or hire a trainer. So much wasted time trying to figure it out on my own and beating myself up because I kept failing at my own attempts. It took one brave moment to walk into a gym and ask for h...elp. It was One of the best things I ever did. It wasn’t an easy journey because showing up for yourself can be the hardest thing to do. Taking full responsibility on how I got to that point and then stop making excuses and actually show up. Hufffff 😳 that’s the hard part. But Little by little it becomes easier, I started feeling better, my clothes were fitting better, I was getting stronger, I felt happier, and that motivated me to keep going. None of that would’ve happened if I didn’t START.
We run a Beginner class at 10:30 am on monday and Wednesday’s. You have an opportunity to work in a small group setting with 2 coaches. This means you are never lost in the crowd and make sure you get enough attention so everything is being done properly and safely. We also have one on one or small group training options. If you’re unsure if the beginner class is right for you or if you can hop into one of our regular classes ( 9:00am, 5:30pm )we will meet up and do an assessment.
For questions and details DM me or call 780-834-6453
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New sessions start next week. Wednesday and Thursday nights at 7:00 Message for details and pricing options. or call 780-834-6453


Friends in Fairview and vicinity... Gayle Jonson will be offering another Sound Journey with her Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls at Brave Culture. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled. Bring blankets, a pillow, and anything you wish for personal comfort. Yoga mats and bolsters are available in the yoga studio. Limited space. Please message Gayle to hold your spot.


Pause - Reset - Begin Again...
Gayle Jonson is once again offering a healing Sound Journey at Brave Culture in Fairview, this Monday evening, April 2.
Allow yourself to slow down, take a deep breath, and prepare yourself to transition into the energy of springtime as you ride the waves of Gayle's powerful and transformational Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.
... Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled. Bring some blankets, a pillow, and whatever you require to create a comfortable nest. Yoga mats and bolsters are available in the yoga studio.
7-8:15 p.m. $20 offering/ $15 for Brave Culture Members Limited space, so book ahead to guarantee a spot! Please message Gayle to hold your place.
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If you haven’t started cause your feeling unsure, intimidated, or just not ready, this is the class for you. We will be starting at the beginning going over proper form and modifying. We all start somewhere. DM me or call 780-834-6453 for details and any questions.


Come and experience a Sound Journey through space and time…
Gayle Jonson has recently returned from Maui and is excited to share the restorative and transformational power of her Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls with the community.
The sound frequency of each bowl works as a vibrational tool to energize and balance the brain, enhance the immune system, tune the nervous system, increase relaxation, reduce stress and heighten conscious awareness. The bowls Gayle works with are inf...used with minerals, crystals, precious stones and metals, further magnifying their benefits. Some people experience a “floating sensation” during the session; for all, it is a “time out” from the challenges of daily life.
Join Gayle at Brave Culture this Saturday, March 24 at 7:00 pm. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled. Bring your blanket, pillow, and whatever else you require to create a comfortable lying position. Yoga mats, bolsters and eye pillows are available in the yoga studio.
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. $20 offering Limited space, so book ahead to guarantee a spot! DM or call 780-834-6453.
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🎶🎵 everybody was Kungfoo fighting 🎶
Seriously though. We have Chuck Arcand at the gym every Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:00 instructing White Crane Gung Fu. He is also trained in Karate and Muay Thai kickboxing. This is a southern Chinese style martial arts where You learn Discipline, control and self defense while getting in a great workout. Fun facts about Chuck : he has won numerous first place trophies over the years and was asked to be a body guard for Willie DeWit ( amateur heavyweight boxing world champion. ) This class is offered as a drop in right now. $10.00 and if you have any specific questions contact Chuck ( Charles if we are being professional 😌 ) @ 780-835-2007


Experience the new Studio and our amazing instructors. These classes are for anyone who needs to show their bodies some love. Stretch, breath, relax.
Register for the full session and save 50% compared to drop in price.
Brave Yoga – Instructors Sam Campbell (Wed) – Jackie Heck (Thurs)
... 8-week program ‪starting March 7th – May 3rd‬ ( first week of April off in leu of Easter )
Wednesday & Thursday ‪7:00 pm – 8:00 pm (60-minute class)‬ Wednesday night is a Vinyasa Flow Class, Thursday night is a restorative roll and recover Class (Total 16 classes)
$180.00 + GST = ($189.00)
1 day a week evening yoga- total 8 classes $99.99 + GST = $104.98
Brave Culture Fitness Members receive a 20% Discount
$180.00 - 20% = ($144.00) + GST = $151.20 $99.99 - 20% = $79.99+ GST =$83.98
Message or call Leah Fox 780-834-6453
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Mindful Movement - Instructor Jackie-Anne Hansen-Heck
Mindful Movement Classes You’re sitting at your desk and the stiffness creeps into your body. You ignore it, but it starts to follow you. You notice it during your workouts, when you’re driving, perhaps while you are washing dishes and even when you’re trying to fall asleep. And then it’s more than a minor annoyance. It’s a major distraction that makes everything feel hard that won’t go away, no matter how much you stretch.... It doesn’t have to be this way. Sometimes, you just need a little help. Mindful Movement Classes incorporate intelligent and mindful mind-body exercises from Yoga, Pilates, strength training and active recovery techniques, corrective exercise, stretching, self myofascial release techniques and relaxing restorative postures that can help reduce tension, stress and increase mobility. You might not be a teenager any more, but your body is still designed to move. Even if life has thrown a few aches and pains your way, or even a couple of injuries, it doesn’t mean you have to give up what you love. In fact, you want to be doing more of it! And even though Jane Fonda did the leotards and leg warmers justice, you’re starting to wonder if it’s even possible to feel fit without also feeling pain. The good news? It totally is. (The other good news? It definitely doesn’t require leotards and leg warmers.) Fun fact: You might not know that Jane Fonda went on to have not one but two hip replacements. I like to think it was because she didn’t work with me!! For you, feeling fit is about more than how you look in a mirror. It’s about how you feel in a moment.
8-week program starting March 6th – May 3rd. ( first week of April off in Lue of Easter break ) Tuesday & Thursday 10:30 am – 11:45 am (75 Minute Classes) (Total 16 classes) $240.00 + GST = ($252.00)
Brave Culture Fitness Members receive a 20% Discount $240.00 - 20% = ($192.00) + GST = ($201.60)
Seniors Discount 10% $240.00 – 10% = ($216.00) + GST = ($226.80)
Message Brave Culture or call to register 780-834-6453
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Bring your hunny or just yourself and 💕❤️ your body cause you are blessed to be able to move it.


obviously, I own the place..... so I think its pretty awesome


Unlike any other "gym"! You get a lot more than just a work out! I have never been apart of any other fitness group where the commitment is so easy and long term. Even if it means being full on one year and not as much the next, every time you walk back in you feel like you have always been there. I have learnt A LOT from Leah and her group, and not only about fitness and nutrition, but about myself too!! Have to join to find out!!


This group has been my saving grace! Battled depression for years since having kids and gaining weight faster than I realized. Once I reached my highest weight, 238lbs, I realized that o needed to step up and put my health first. A friend signed me up for classes with Leah and it has literally changed my life for the better. I have lost almost 70lbs and countless inches since start by my journey 3 years ago. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging no matter age, size, or fitness level. It is a group for ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to put their health first. Doesn't feel like a regular "gym" setting but after an hour of working out, you realize why it's so special to have a trainer with you the whole way! Leah is kind, knowledgable, and overall a very real, down to earth kind of woman. I went from not being able to run one single lap to running the Zulu race at nite hawk! It's a choice you won't regret. These reviews that us "barefoot and buff" ladies give, are 100% real. Leah hasn't paid any of us to write this stuff lol�

Go ahead and give it a try on January 9th! Make 2017 a year about your health and happiness! Cheers all �


Some friends highly recommended me to try Leah's class.... so I started March 2016. Such an amazing turning point in my life! The fitness, mental & physical health, friendships, and unbelievable support is the least that I can say of how amazing Leah's "culture" is. The atmosphere is an incredible thing to be apart of no matter what your fitness goals are. Anyone that is looking to get healthier should seriously consider Leah's training/guidance, you won't be dissatisfied. She is for real 😊!


Never been to the new place but I was in leahs boot camp and it was awesome !!


Leah's classes are great for all ages and abilities! Leah offers a great functional fitness type workout that is always interesting and never boring! Leah is very up to date and knowledgeable about the world of fitness and is an excellent instructor. Come and try it out, you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish with the support and motivation of a group like this behind you! An hour with this group always boosts my mood, reduces stress and increases my energy for the day. �


Leah is a very knowledgeable, encouraging, and inspiring trainer. Her classes are fun and can be tailored to each individual's abilities, fitness level, and goals. These classes and the group are so much more than just the workouts!


If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, physically and mentally I can not recommend a place more than this one. I have been to many classes and fitness groups over the years, but none with the supportive community this has. Leah and this group make the workouts fun, and it is tailored to fit each persons fitness level, goals and abilities.


I've been working out with Leah since she first started teaching so long time now. I love how much it has grown and we always seem to have the best group ever. You will not be disappointed for doing this, you will find the inner you that maybe you lost somewhere along the way. I look forward to seeing some new faces at the classes. Never be scared to try new things it maybe out of your comfort zone, but will soon become the new norm and you will feel like a better you. I've overcome injuries and obstacles with this group and it just made me become stronger as a person. Everyone is very encouraging and will not judge you, and we hope to keep it that way, make everyone feel welcomed. See some brave new faces in the new year �� just have fun with it.


I've been with Leah for 31/2 years. It's a safe and motivating environment. You'll be pushed when you need to be and listened to when you need to be and somehow Leah seems to know which you need. Leah is a living inspiration showing that goals can be achieved and can be modified when they need to be. She is always able to adapt exercises to accommodate injuries and individualize your work to what you need. I love being part of this group it's usually the highlight of my day


I'm Leah's Mom and am very proud of her accomplishments. I attend her classes and for many years of her young life I told her what to do. Now she is telling me what to do. Lol...Being one of the "older ladies" in the class, I can't say enough about the strength, confidence and goals I have accomplished under her encouragement. As we age it becomes ever more important to keep active and strong so that our bones, muscles and brains don't atrophy. Never did I imagine that I would one day acomplish a 13 km Zulu Challenge. If there are two words that describe Leah it's authentic and real. Don't let your fears stop you from coming and giving "Brave Culture" a try. You won't regret it.


I started with Leah last September honestly the best decision I have ever made.

So happy to see her business growing �

It will seem impossible at first but just stick too it thing get a bit easier and you feel AMAZING.

You won't regret the hurt (well you might �) it's a good hurt ��


I just recently started going, last October. I'm not one for going to places where there's a ton of people or where I might goof up.. I was worried and intimidated about going. However, I never once felt out of place. Leah is amazing, and the ladies are amazing too!! If your looking for a place to gain some new muscles, skills and friends, this is it! �


I joined Leah's group over a year ago because after I had kids, my core strength was gone, causing lots of lower back pain. I tried doing it on my own but found myself doing the wrong exercises and only added to my discomfort. Joining this group has allowed me to increase my strength by doing the right exercises for my body. Having a personal trainer designing the workouts and being by your side every step of the way is the way to go. I am not usually overly motivated to workout but I LOVE going to this class. I don't have to drag my butt to go because I enjoy it.


I have been part of this group off and on for a few years. To me personally this is so much more then a gym or workout place. You can feel the heart behind it. The passion Leah has for fitness and health, the passion she has for everyone to live life at their best is felt. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Not only her but the other ladies in the group as well. I have never felt judged by the others there only lifted up and encouraged. But it all started with me making the choice to be vulnerable and put myself out there. To want the change more then the fear of the what if..... I still may not "look" like I work out but not all of my changes have been on the outside �


I have been going to classes for almost 4 yrs now. It's part of my daily routine. At my age I think it is very important to keep moving and this class helps me to get the exercise I need and Leah makes sure we do it properly. Leah makes sure we do the exercises the correct way so as we don't hurt ourselves and she also tells us how to alter certain exercises as some of us have back or knee issues. I am glad that I found this supportive group of ladies it makes it easy to attend class everyday. I find myself doing things I never thought I could do and I must say I am a little bit proud of myself. So if I can do this then anyone can.


I am very excited about this newly renovated location of Leah's space. I always have the best day when I start it with her class. The flexibility she has in tailoring each centre to each individual is so nice. She can make sure you have a great workout whether you are in your 20s or 60s or anywhere in betweeen! I so love the atmosphere she has created and the commitment she has to helping us stay healthy in all aspects of our lives.


Best class anyone could ask for! Leah is so supportive and helpful!! All of the ladies there support each other no words can describe how awesome this class is.. it is something that must be tried!! I had to stop going due to health reasons, I am past due to rejoin I will be back!! I will!! 😘


Amazing supportive group of women! It's much more then just a boot camp! It becomes a place for encouragement, friendships, and learning to not only become stronger but love yourself! Leah has a very special place in my heart!


obviously, I own the place..... so I think its pretty awesome


Unlike any other "gym"! You get a lot more than just a work out! I have never been apart of any other fitness group where the commitment is so easy and long term. Even if it means being full on one year and not as much the next, every time you walk back in you feel like you have always been there. I have learnt A LOT from Leah and her group, and not only about fitness and nutrition, but about myself too!! Have to join to find out!!


This group has been my saving grace! Battled depression for years since having kids and gaining weight faster than I realized. Once I reached my highest weight, 238lbs, I realized that o needed to step up and put my health first. A friend signed me up for classes with Leah and it has literally changed my life for the better. I have lost almost 70lbs and countless inches since start by my journey 3 years ago. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging no matter age, size, or fitness level. It is a group for ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to put their health first. Doesn't feel like a regular "gym" setting but after an hour of working out, you realize why it's so special to have a trainer with you the whole way! Leah is kind, knowledgable, and overall a very real, down to earth kind of woman. I went from not being able to run one single lap to running the Zulu race at nite hawk! It's a choice you won't regret. These reviews that us "barefoot and buff" ladies give, are 100% real. Leah hasn't paid any of us to write this stuff lol�

Go ahead and give it a try on January 9th! Make 2017 a year about your health and happiness! Cheers all �


Some friends highly recommended me to try Leah's class.... so I started March 2016. Such an amazing turning point in my life! The fitness, mental & physical health, friendships, and unbelievable support is the least that I can say of how amazing Leah's "culture" is. The atmosphere is an incredible thing to be apart of no matter what your fitness goals are. Anyone that is looking to get healthier should seriously consider Leah's training/guidance, you won't be dissatisfied. She is for real 😊!


Never been to the new place but I was in leahs boot camp and it was awesome !!


Leah's classes are great for all ages and abilities! Leah offers a great functional fitness type workout that is always interesting and never boring! Leah is very up to date and knowledgeable about the world of fitness and is an excellent instructor. Come and try it out, you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish with the support and motivation of a group like this behind you! An hour with this group always boosts my mood, reduces stress and increases my energy for the day. �


Leah is a very knowledgeable, encouraging, and inspiring trainer. Her classes are fun and can be tailored to each individual's abilities, fitness level, and goals. These classes and the group are so much more than just the workouts!


If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, physically and mentally I can not recommend a place more than this one. I have been to many classes and fitness groups over the years, but none with the supportive community this has. Leah and this group make the workouts fun, and it is tailored to fit each persons fitness level, goals and abilities.


I've been working out with Leah since she first started teaching so long time now. I love how much it has grown and we always seem to have the best group ever. You will not be disappointed for doing this, you will find the inner you that maybe you lost somewhere along the way. I look forward to seeing some new faces at the classes. Never be scared to try new things it maybe out of your comfort zone, but will soon become the new norm and you will feel like a better you. I've overcome injuries and obstacles with this group and it just made me become stronger as a person. Everyone is very encouraging and will not judge you, and we hope to keep it that way, make everyone feel welcomed. See some brave new faces in the new year �� just have fun with it.


I've been with Leah for 31/2 years. It's a safe and motivating environment. You'll be pushed when you need to be and listened to when you need to be and somehow Leah seems to know which you need. Leah is a living inspiration showing that goals can be achieved and can be modified when they need to be. She is always able to adapt exercises to accommodate injuries and individualize your work to what you need. I love being part of this group it's usually the highlight of my day


I'm Leah's Mom and am very proud of her accomplishments. I attend her classes and for many years of her young life I told her what to do. Now she is telling me what to do. Lol...Being one of the "older ladies" in the class, I can't say enough about the strength, confidence and goals I have accomplished under her encouragement. As we age it becomes ever more important to keep active and strong so that our bones, muscles and brains don't atrophy. Never did I imagine that I would one day acomplish a 13 km Zulu Challenge. If there are two words that describe Leah it's authentic and real. Don't let your fears stop you from coming and giving "Brave Culture" a try. You won't regret it.


I started with Leah last September honestly the best decision I have ever made.

So happy to see her business growing �

It will seem impossible at first but just stick too it thing get a bit easier and you feel AMAZING.

You won't regret the hurt (well you might �) it's a good hurt ��


I just recently started going, last October. I'm not one for going to places where there's a ton of people or where I might goof up.. I was worried and intimidated about going. However, I never once felt out of place. Leah is amazing, and the ladies are amazing too!! If your looking for a place to gain some new muscles, skills and friends, this is it! �


I joined Leah's group over a year ago because after I had kids, my core strength was gone, causing lots of lower back pain. I tried doing it on my own but found myself doing the wrong exercises and only added to my discomfort. Joining this group has allowed me to increase my strength by doing the right exercises for my body. Having a personal trainer designing the workouts and being by your side every step of the way is the way to go. I am not usually overly motivated to workout but I LOVE going to this class. I don't have to drag my butt to go because I enjoy it.


I have been part of this group off and on for a few years. To me personally this is so much more then a gym or workout place. You can feel the heart behind it. The passion Leah has for fitness and health, the passion she has for everyone to live life at their best is felt. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Not only her but the other ladies in the group as well. I have never felt judged by the others there only lifted up and encouraged. But it all started with me making the choice to be vulnerable and put myself out there. To want the change more then the fear of the what if..... I still may not "look" like I work out but not all of my changes have been on the outside �


I have been going to classes for almost 4 yrs now. It's part of my daily routine. At my age I think it is very important to keep moving and this class helps me to get the exercise I need and Leah makes sure we do it properly. Leah makes sure we do the exercises the correct way so as we don't hurt ourselves and she also tells us how to alter certain exercises as some of us have back or knee issues. I am glad that I found this supportive group of ladies it makes it easy to attend class everyday. I find myself doing things I never thought I could do and I must say I am a little bit proud of myself. So if I can do this then anyone can.


I am very excited about this newly renovated location of Leah's space. I always have the best day when I start it with her class. The flexibility she has in tailoring each centre to each individual is so nice. She can make sure you have a great workout whether you are in your 20s or 60s or anywhere in betweeen! I so love the atmosphere she has created and the commitment she has to helping us stay healthy in all aspects of our lives.


Best class anyone could ask for! Leah is so supportive and helpful!! All of the ladies there support each other no words can describe how awesome this class is.. it is something that must be tried!! I had to stop going due to health reasons, I am past due to rejoin I will be back!! I will!! 😘


Amazing supportive group of women! It's much more then just a boot camp! It becomes a place for encouragement, friendships, and learning to not only become stronger but love yourself! Leah has a very special place in my heart!


obviously, I own the place..... so I think its pretty awesome


Unlike any other "gym"! You get a lot more than just a work out! I have never been apart of any other fitness group where the commitment is so easy and long term. Even if it means being full on one year and not as much the next, every time you walk back in you feel like you have always been there. I have learnt A LOT from Leah and her group, and not only about fitness and nutrition, but about myself too!! Have to join to find out!!


This group has been my saving grace! Battled depression for years since having kids and gaining weight faster than I realized. Once I reached my highest weight, 238lbs, I realized that o needed to step up and put my health first. A friend signed me up for classes with Leah and it has literally changed my life for the better. I have lost almost 70lbs and countless inches since start by my journey 3 years ago. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging no matter age, size, or fitness level. It is a group for ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to put their health first. Doesn't feel like a regular "gym" setting but after an hour of working out, you realize why it's so special to have a trainer with you the whole way! Leah is kind, knowledgable, and overall a very real, down to earth kind of woman. I went from not being able to run one single lap to running the Zulu race at nite hawk! It's a choice you won't regret. These reviews that us "barefoot and buff" ladies give, are 100% real. Leah hasn't paid any of us to write this stuff lol�

Go ahead and give it a try on January 9th! Make 2017 a year about your health and happiness! Cheers all �


Some friends highly recommended me to try Leah's class.... so I started March 2016. Such an amazing turning point in my life! The fitness, mental & physical health, friendships, and unbelievable support is the least that I can say of how amazing Leah's "culture" is. The atmosphere is an incredible thing to be apart of no matter what your fitness goals are. Anyone that is looking to get healthier should seriously consider Leah's training/guidance, you won't be dissatisfied. She is for real 😊!


Never been to the new place but I was in leahs boot camp and it was awesome !!


Leah's classes are great for all ages and abilities! Leah offers a great functional fitness type workout that is always interesting and never boring! Leah is very up to date and knowledgeable about the world of fitness and is an excellent instructor. Come and try it out, you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish with the support and motivation of a group like this behind you! An hour with this group always boosts my mood, reduces stress and increases my energy for the day. �


Leah is a very knowledgeable, encouraging, and inspiring trainer. Her classes are fun and can be tailored to each individual's abilities, fitness level, and goals. These classes and the group are so much more than just the workouts!


If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, physically and mentally I can not recommend a place more than this one. I have been to many classes and fitness groups over the years, but none with the supportive community this has. Leah and this group make the workouts fun, and it is tailored to fit each persons fitness level, goals and abilities.


I've been working out with Leah since she first started teaching so long time now. I love how much it has grown and we always seem to have the best group ever. You will not be disappointed for doing this, you will find the inner you that maybe you lost somewhere along the way. I look forward to seeing some new faces at the classes. Never be scared to try new things it maybe out of your comfort zone, but will soon become the new norm and you will feel like a better you. I've overcome injuries and obstacles with this group and it just made me become stronger as a person. Everyone is very encouraging and will not judge you, and we hope to keep it that way, make everyone feel welcomed. See some brave new faces in the new year �� just have fun with it.


I've been with Leah for 31/2 years. It's a safe and motivating environment. You'll be pushed when you need to be and listened to when you need to be and somehow Leah seems to know which you need. Leah is a living inspiration showing that goals can be achieved and can be modified when they need to be. She is always able to adapt exercises to accommodate injuries and individualize your work to what you need. I love being part of this group it's usually the highlight of my day


I'm Leah's Mom and am very proud of her accomplishments. I attend her classes and for many years of her young life I told her what to do. Now she is telling me what to do. Lol...Being one of the "older ladies" in the class, I can't say enough about the strength, confidence and goals I have accomplished under her encouragement. As we age it becomes ever more important to keep active and strong so that our bones, muscles and brains don't atrophy. Never did I imagine that I would one day acomplish a 13 km Zulu Challenge. If there are two words that describe Leah it's authentic and real. Don't let your fears stop you from coming and giving "Brave Culture" a try. You won't regret it.


I started with Leah last September honestly the best decision I have ever made.

So happy to see her business growing �

It will seem impossible at first but just stick too it thing get a bit easier and you feel AMAZING.

You won't regret the hurt (well you might �) it's a good hurt ��


I just recently started going, last October. I'm not one for going to places where there's a ton of people or where I might goof up.. I was worried and intimidated about going. However, I never once felt out of place. Leah is amazing, and the ladies are amazing too!! If your looking for a place to gain some new muscles, skills and friends, this is it! �


I joined Leah's group over a year ago because after I had kids, my core strength was gone, causing lots of lower back pain. I tried doing it on my own but found myself doing the wrong exercises and only added to my discomfort. Joining this group has allowed me to increase my strength by doing the right exercises for my body. Having a personal trainer designing the workouts and being by your side every step of the way is the way to go. I am not usually overly motivated to workout but I LOVE going to this class. I don't have to drag my butt to go because I enjoy it.


I have been part of this group off and on for a few years. To me personally this is so much more then a gym or workout place. You can feel the heart behind it. The passion Leah has for fitness and health, the passion she has for everyone to live life at their best is felt. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Not only her but the other ladies in the group as well. I have never felt judged by the others there only lifted up and encouraged. But it all started with me making the choice to be vulnerable and put myself out there. To want the change more then the fear of the what if..... I still may not "look" like I work out but not all of my changes have been on the outside �


I have been going to classes for almost 4 yrs now. It's part of my daily routine. At my age I think it is very important to keep moving and this class helps me to get the exercise I need and Leah makes sure we do it properly. Leah makes sure we do the exercises the correct way so as we don't hurt ourselves and she also tells us how to alter certain exercises as some of us have back or knee issues. I am glad that I found this supportive group of ladies it makes it easy to attend class everyday. I find myself doing things I never thought I could do and I must say I am a little bit proud of myself. So if I can do this then anyone can.


I am very excited about this newly renovated location of Leah's space. I always have the best day when I start it with her class. The flexibility she has in tailoring each centre to each individual is so nice. She can make sure you have a great workout whether you are in your 20s or 60s or anywhere in betweeen! I so love the atmosphere she has created and the commitment she has to helping us stay healthy in all aspects of our lives.


Best class anyone could ask for! Leah is so supportive and helpful!! All of the ladies there support each other no words can describe how awesome this class is.. it is something that must be tried!! I had to stop going due to health reasons, I am past due to rejoin I will be back!! I will!! 😘


Amazing supportive group of women! It's much more then just a boot camp! It becomes a place for encouragement, friendships, and learning to not only become stronger but love yourself! Leah has a very special place in my heart!


obviously, I own the place..... so I think its pretty awesome


Unlike any other "gym"! You get a lot more than just a work out! I have never been apart of any other fitness group where the commitment is so easy and long term. Even if it means being full on one year and not as much the next, every time you walk back in you feel like you have always been there. I have learnt A LOT from Leah and her group, and not only about fitness and nutrition, but about myself too!! Have to join to find out!!


This group has been my saving grace! Battled depression for years since having kids and gaining weight faster than I realized. Once I reached my highest weight, 238lbs, I realized that o needed to step up and put my health first. A friend signed me up for classes with Leah and it has literally changed my life for the better. I have lost almost 70lbs and countless inches since start by my journey 3 years ago. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging no matter age, size, or fitness level. It is a group for ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to put their health first. Doesn't feel like a regular "gym" setting but after an hour of working out, you realize why it's so special to have a trainer with you the whole way! Leah is kind, knowledgable, and overall a very real, down to earth kind of woman. I went from not being able to run one single lap to running the Zulu race at nite hawk! It's a choice you won't regret. These reviews that us "barefoot and buff" ladies give, are 100% real. Leah hasn't paid any of us to write this stuff lol�

Go ahead and give it a try on January 9th! Make 2017 a year about your health and happiness! Cheers all �


Some friends highly recommended me to try Leah's class.... so I started March 2016. Such an amazing turning point in my life! The fitness, mental & physical health, friendships, and unbelievable support is the least that I can say of how amazing Leah's "culture" is. The atmosphere is an incredible thing to be apart of no matter what your fitness goals are. Anyone that is looking to get healthier should seriously consider Leah's training/guidance, you won't be dissatisfied. She is for real 😊!


Never been to the new place but I was in leahs boot camp and it was awesome !!


Leah's classes are great for all ages and abilities! Leah offers a great functional fitness type workout that is always interesting and never boring! Leah is very up to date and knowledgeable about the world of fitness and is an excellent instructor. Come and try it out, you'll be amazed by what you can accomplish with the support and motivation of a group like this behind you! An hour with this group always boosts my mood, reduces stress and increases my energy for the day. �


Leah is a very knowledgeable, encouraging, and inspiring trainer. Her classes are fun and can be tailored to each individual's abilities, fitness level, and goals. These classes and the group are so much more than just the workouts!


If you are looking to make positive changes in your life, physically and mentally I can not recommend a place more than this one. I have been to many classes and fitness groups over the years, but none with the supportive community this has. Leah and this group make the workouts fun, and it is tailored to fit each persons fitness level, goals and abilities.


I've been working out with Leah since she first started teaching so long time now. I love how much it has grown and we always seem to have the best group ever. You will not be disappointed for doing this, you will find the inner you that maybe you lost somewhere along the way. I look forward to seeing some new faces at the classes. Never be scared to try new things it maybe out of your comfort zone, but will soon become the new norm and you will feel like a better you. I've overcome injuries and obstacles with this group and it just made me become stronger as a person. Everyone is very encouraging and will not judge you, and we hope to keep it that way, make everyone feel welcomed. See some brave new faces in the new year �� just have fun with it.


I've been with Leah for 31/2 years. It's a safe and motivating environment. You'll be pushed when you need to be and listened to when you need to be and somehow Leah seems to know which you need. Leah is a living inspiration showing that goals can be achieved and can be modified when they need to be. She is always able to adapt exercises to accommodate injuries and individualize your work to what you need. I love being part of this group it's usually the highlight of my day


I'm Leah's Mom and am very proud of her accomplishments. I attend her classes and for many years of her young life I told her what to do. Now she is telling me what to do. Lol...Being one of the "older ladies" in the class, I can't say enough about the strength, confidence and goals I have accomplished under her encouragement. As we age it becomes ever more important to keep active and strong so that our bones, muscles and brains don't atrophy. Never did I imagine that I would one day acomplish a 13 km Zulu Challenge. If there are two words that describe Leah it's authentic and real. Don't let your fears stop you from coming and giving "Brave Culture" a try. You won't regret it.


I started with Leah last September honestly the best decision I have ever made.

So happy to see her business growing �

It will seem impossible at first but just stick too it thing get a bit easier and you feel AMAZING.

You won't regret the hurt (well you might �) it's a good hurt ��


I just recently started going, last October. I'm not one for going to places where there's a ton of people or where I might goof up.. I was worried and intimidated about going. However, I never once felt out of place. Leah is amazing, and the ladies are amazing too!! If your looking for a place to gain some new muscles, skills and friends, this is it! �


I joined Leah's group over a year ago because after I had kids, my core strength was gone, causing lots of lower back pain. I tried doing it on my own but found myself doing the wrong exercises and only added to my discomfort. Joining this group has allowed me to increase my strength by doing the right exercises for my body. Having a personal trainer designing the workouts and being by your side every step of the way is the way to go. I am not usually overly motivated to workout but I LOVE going to this class. I don't have to drag my butt to go because I enjoy it.


I have been part of this group off and on for a few years. To me personally this is so much more then a gym or workout place. You can feel the heart behind it. The passion Leah has for fitness and health, the passion she has for everyone to live life at their best is felt. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Not only her but the other ladies in the group as well. I have never felt judged by the others there only lifted up and encouraged. But it all started with me making the choice to be vulnerable and put myself out there. To want the change more then the fear of the what if..... I still may not "look" like I work out but not all of my changes have been on the outside �


I have been going to classes for almost 4 yrs now. It's part of my daily routine. At my age I think it is very important to keep moving and this class helps me to get the exercise I need and Leah makes sure we do it properly. Leah makes sure we do the exercises the correct way so as we don't hurt ourselves and she also tells us how to alter certain exercises as some of us have back or knee issues. I am glad that I found this supportive group of ladies it makes it easy to attend class everyday. I find myself doing things I never thought I could do and I must say I am a little bit proud of myself. So if I can do this then anyone can.


I am very excited about this newly renovated location of Leah's space. I always have the best day when I start it with her class. The flexibility she has in tailoring each centre to each individual is so nice. She can make sure you have a great workout whether you are in your 20s or 60s or anywhere in betweeen! I so love the atmosphere she has created and the commitment she has to helping us stay healthy in all aspects of our lives.


Best class anyone could ask for! Leah is so supportive and helpful!! All of the ladies there support each other no words can describe how awesome this class is.. it is something that must be tried!! I had to stop going due to health reasons, I am past due to rejoin I will be back!! I will!! 😘


Amazing supportive group of women! It's much more then just a boot camp! It becomes a place for encouragement, friendships, and learning to not only become stronger but love yourself! Leah has a very special place in my heart!

More about Brave Culture

Brave Culture is located at 9700 113th st, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0