Broken Heart Studio

About Broken Heart Studio

Broken Heart Studio is my space to create impressionistic, emotional abstract works of art.

Broken Heart Studio Description

Through Abstract Art Coaching, Holistic Energy & Meditation, we guide you to achieve your goals.



Today I am delivering 3 clay sculptures to the Cedar Hill Centre to be included in the VAC Symbol & Language In Art show. These pieces are a bold statement of the emotional dynamics in the world today. They were created years past but are relevant and thus will now be shown. The group of three called 'Dark Expressions' will be on display from Sept. 20th to 30th. Price:$500.00.


After finishing the three canvas painting today, I started and completed "Not now, I'm busy!". My set up, the painting and then a close up.


Back into the studio today. I once again have completed a painting and then re-painted overtop. Here is another before and after.


I finished this a week ago, forgot to take a photo when it was completed and have taken it down 😣! Here is a un-finshed photo to give you an idea. It is a representation of the 'Family Tree' and is torn down the middle.


Here is a photo of my latest painting for my bedroom. I will not hang it until the re-painting happens this fall (colour for all walls will be dark blue) but will post a pic when it is up.




The paint is now dry on my newest piece. Its title is 'Fear'. Starting something new today, will keep you posted!!


I have been inspired to paint ever since I mounted raw canvas onto the wall of my studio. The painting size of 5ft wide by whatever length I choose, is so freeing that here is what I have created of late.
The black and white piece 5' x 4' is called Stillness. The colour piece 5' x 5' is called Centred.
... Since I have moved to Sooke in February I have only painted two small canvas pieces. Now, I am in my studio every day. Something changed and I am so glad it did. Someone got their mojo back!!!
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Congratulations to Brenda for winning the Sunday collaborative painting!! 💜


With paint still drying, I have added my part to complete my "Visitor Collaboration" paintings. These paintings (one done on Saturday and one on Sunday) capture the essence of all the visitors who came in to see me and were brave enough to participate with a chance to win the finished piece. Thank you to all who joined me at Broken Heart Studio!!


Here is my dear friend Roxanne explaining our new venture and collaboration between Roxanne Low Photography and Broken Heart Studio. 'Inner Light Portrait' is a completely unique 30 minute session that will leave you totally relaxed, in-tune with your inner self, clear, and with a professional portrait photo to prove it!! Come and relax with us...


Linda and I would love to have you come and join us, we guarantee you will leave with a connected heart and in a relaxed happy state!


Love this, it is all about how you hear the message... this message offers a different style of forgiveness, another way to do it. We all know forgiveness is key... choosing a style of forgiveness that makes sense to you, settles it into your soul. This style suits me to a tee!! xox


What does honesty mean to you? Do you hold a different degree of honesty for yourself then you do for others? How honest are you to yourself and how honest are you to others or how honest do you expect some to be?
If this level or degree of honesty is different, consider why.
... Your level of honesty should be completely the same for yourself and for others.
Balance this emotion to be equalized. Sit in meditation and sense where inside your physical body this emotion lies. Silently and firmly say to yourself that your level, or degree of honesty is ______ . Tell/announce to your physical, emotional and spiritual self what that degree is, and vow to hold to that degree or higher. For both you and those around you.
When you have different values for yourself than you do for others... there is a disconnect, a split in your moral code and you will not feel solid, complete. Set this into place and you will be balanced, equal, clear, loving and supportive. Keep this in check as life will test you and be mindful if there is a change.
This is a great tool for you to use in life. Knowing your level of honesty, the degree you live at, will help you find the right people to surround yourself with OR to understand those who are different. A calibration tool for you, a knowing of self to help you move in this world more in tune.
The dictionary's description of Honesty...
"Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere."
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Healing Love
Can you give healing love to another? If yes, then you know how to do that. It is a gift of love and easy to do.
What if you gave this gift to yourself? Again, it is a gift of love and easy to do.
... Using the method that you know will work for others, turn and give to your self. Time, gifts, love, food, care... give yourself love and see what happens.
To love oneself first is strength and power.
A broken heart lets the light shine through... Broken Heart Studio
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More about Broken Heart Studio
