Calgary Crime Stoppers

About Calgary Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is a citizen, media and police co-operative program designed to involve the public in the fight against crime.

Calgary Crime Stoppers Description

Crime Stoppers is a highly successful crime solving program, separate and apart from the police. It is a program that provides a venue for the public to provide information to police anonymously.

The Crime Stoppers phone line is staffed by trained personnel and callers are never asked to identify themselves or provide any personal information. Callers are given a code number, which is used in all subsequent calls. It is the caller's responsibility to call back for to check on the status of the tip.

The public can call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip on line at www. tttTipscom. Web Tips are also completely anonymous through the use of MS SQL server technology. *Do not provide personal information*

If a tip is successful it is submitted to the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors for a reward. The amount of the reward is based on the type of crime and the amount of help the tip was in solving the case. When a tipster calls to check on a tip status, they are provided details on the amount of the reward and instruction on how to pick up the reward.

More about Calgary Crime Stoppers
