Calgary Dream Centre

About Calgary Dream Centre

Life Change for the Homeless
We help people to restore Dignity, discover Destiny, and realize their Dreams. visit www. for more info

Calgary Dream Centre Description

The Calgary Dream Centre has been serving men struggling with addiction and homelessness for over 13 years. We are committed to maintaining a high level of programming and supportive care for those caught in the cycle of addiction and homelessness.

Since 2002 we have seen countless families rebuild and restore relationships over the years - this is what keeps us inspired to continue our mission as an organization. We have been able to help over 4000 men and women restore their dignity, discover their destiny, and realize their dreams.

We believe everyone deserves a chance; we believe that families can be reunited and lives can be changed. It is because of the support from our donors, that we are able to sustain our existing services and continue to grow and expand our programs to help more clients and families in need. With your help, we can reach more vulnerable men, women and youth caught in the cycle of addiction; providing a safe and supportive housing system for ones who need it most.



Every Friday we celebrate the individuals who complete our 49-Day Addiction Recovery program. Here are some of our favourite moments!


We are in a good mood today because we get to announce that Hope Arise is around the corner! This annual brunch in support of our Women's Recovery program is a highlight of our year, every year.
We transform our conference hall into a beautiful banquet, eat delicious food and stand with the women in our city who need it most.
Call, text or tag your friends! Let's make this the best year yet.
... *We are also looking for people to host tables. As a table host, you can unleash your creativity by decorating your table and filling it with seven guests. This is a great way to gather your friends and family around a cause, and we'd love to have you!*
#yyc #yycevents #womenhelpingwomen
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The latest edition of Transformations is out for you to read! Discover how donors like you are helping men and women recover from crippling addictions, building lives of purpose. Read Transformations Winter 2019! tions/feb19/


The dish duty team! Not only do regular chores keep our building running smooth, but they also help the individuals in our Recovery Program learn teamwork, practice conflict resolution, stay accountable, and connect with each other. Thankful for their hard work!


It’s cold out there. This weather isn’t fun for anyone, but it’s especially difficult for those caught in the cycle of homelessness and addiction.
If you or anyone you know needs help, we can be reached any time at 403-243-5598. You can also stop by our location on Macleod Trail. Let’s do what we can to ensure our brothers and sisters stay safe and warm this winter!


Every Friday we celebrate the individuals who complete our 49-Day Addiction Recovery program. Here are some of our favourite moments!


Addiction doesn't discriminate and that means anyone can be affected. If you or someone you know needs help, don't hesitate to reach out. We have programs to help men, women, youth and families find freedom and healing from addiction.
You can call us at 403-243-5598 or apply for our programs at


Matt lived many years with undiagnosed mental illness. Now a few years into his recovery, here are some of his thoughts for #BellLetsTalk
“I was finally diagnosed with anxiety and depression. The anxiety I understood because it had manifestations that came and went. But all of my life I had Major Depressive Disorder, and I didn’t know life wasn’t like that for everyone.
I didn’t understand addiction or mental illness until the last two years. It has made a huge difference in ...that it’s allowed me to have compassion for myself, because I understand it now as a disease rather than a failure or a giving up on life.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in addiction is you can’t beat it alone. Addiction is a mental illness, so I think depression is very similar and anxiety is similar. Talking to people who have suffered from the same thing seems to resonate a lot. A few of the things that I use are to stop, bring myself into the present and look at the situation again rather than staying in my head. Even just simple things like if I can mindfully eat, I feel better than if I don’t mindfully eat.
I don’t think that my dreams have changed. I haven’t had any remarkable change, but now I’m on the path to achieve things I have set as goals. I lived through life for many years, but now I’m living life.”
Mental health is important and we are thankful for days like today when we can stand together and talk about it. But this doesn’t mean the other 364 days in the year it’s okay to forget. Help us keep this conversation going by taking it seriously, staying informed and speaking up!
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Update: We are two washers and two dryers richer! We picked these guys up yesterday from Sheila who heard about our need through a friend's Facebook share, and we are picking up another few this week! We are beyond thankful and have almost filled the need - we just need TWO more!
If you can help us find two more older-style washers (the newer ones cost a lot to maintain), it would help keep our building running smoothly and avoid unneeded expenses. With over 300 clients, our laundry machines are well used and highly important. Thank you thank you!


Last year we helped 308 individuals take positive steps from our building into long-term supportive housing or independence!
Every person has potential. Every person matters.


Every Friday we celebrate the individuals who complete our 49-Day Addiction Recovery program. Here are some of our favourite moments!


Not all heroes wear capes. We serve over 600 cups of coffee a day and last week our machine broke down. Thankfully, this guy brought it back to life! Mario has been on our maintenance team for almost three years now and is a jack of all trades. We are beyond thankful to have him on our team!


Hey Calgary! We have a bit of a strange request. Our maintenance team is looking for 5 older style washing machines to help our residents keep their clothes clean. The newer ones we have keep breaking and the repairs are very pricey!
If you have any machines you were thinking of replacing or know anyone who does, please let us know! Your help will keep our building running smooth.


Over the last 3 weeks we have been casting our vision for 2019 (including team work and Lego building). Here is Jim Moore, our CEO, with his thoughts:
“2019 is going to be one of those phenomenal years. We have worked hard to get the right team in place and have all the tools. Last year we focused on our four pillars – client care, staff care, resource care, and spiritual care. This year we are getting in our boats, and we are going to catch the wind! When sailing, you have trim the sails in order to keep the momentum going. This is what we want to do in order to propel towards our goal, and that goal is making a big difference for our clients. We want to increase the number of people in homes, opportunities for jobs and integration back into the community. We want to work close with our community partners and build a city where hope is found. We are looking forward to this year and we hope you will join us and catch the wind too!”
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Every Friday we celebrate the individuals who complete our 49-Day Addiction Recovery program. Here are some of our favourite moments!


It’s turducken for dinner! Thank you Calgary Food Bank for helping us fill all these big appetites we have here! There will be no hungry stomachs tonight.


The Friendship Room is a space in our Women's Apartment building devoted to community. Formerly known as the common room, this area was renamed the Friendship Room by our ladies in memory of Brittney, a young life lost to addiction.
Brittney had lived in our building and her passing was difficult for all. But in the face of addiction and loss, it has been beautiful to see our ladies come together and choose hope. If the opposite of addiction is connection, then this room is definitely a special one.


It was a pleasure to have Fire Chief Steve Dongworth visit us a few months ago. With no signs of this crises peaking, we couldn't be more thankful for our first responders and all their continued hard work. True heroes!…/calgary-fire-chief -steve-dongworth-yea…


Every Friday we celebrate the individuals who complete our 49-Day Addiction Recovery program. Here are some of our favourite moments!


the calgary dream center has saved my life. i wouldn't be where i am today if it wasn't for the dream center. they have changed my life for the better. i love who i am today, and if it wasn't because of the dream center i wouldn't. This small little part of the world, the world calls dream center i call home. I'm crying as i write this, because of the gratitude i have for this place, not only the staff but the clients as well. Thwy loved me until i could love my self. i owe a big shout out to the man that took me in and gave me his bed, he came with me to detox and sat beside me. i wish i could be half the man he is. just thinking about "Mr. Mayor" makes me cry. this man that went through the dream center, and used what he was taught to teach me something. it's love, compassion, bravery, and courage. if it wasn't for him showing me the kind of love, i wouldn't be here today. Thank you dream center, for giving me a life worth living. for showing me its okay to be me. and a big shout out to thw guy that gave me his bed, food, and most important of all love that i never had for my self until i came here.


amazing blessing to those needing a kind, compassionate environment so as to find oneself again while providing the necessary abilities to do so...


Well....what can you say about an organization that changes people's lives for the better? Hooray!!


This is a no brainer. Place literally saved my life. I came in as a 6'3 150lb emaciated addict with absolutely nothing. No Hope, dreams, friends or even family. Rock bottom. I spent 17 amaizing month's and left a new man. Cliche? Lol, maybe but no truer words have I spoken. Food was awesome (200lbs when I left) and staff weren't staff, they were family. I'll never forget that place. �


The Calgary Dream Centre, Really is a Dream...A Dream Come TRUE!

The Dream Centre SAVED MY SONS LIFE!!!

The Fear, and Despair , a Parent Feels when there Kid tells them they have an

ADDICTION is so Scarey...The People at The Dream Centre are absolutely

AMAZING, they really do Care. My son is Clean and ALIVE TODAY


The CDC helped me greatly to deal with housing transition and I commend their work around the city of Calgary as a model of excellence in meeting the huge needs that exist to the most vulnerable of citizens both men and women with children greatly affected as a result. RAK


Thank you from the bottom of my heart without you I would have lost my son for ever.


Thank you Dream Centre. My future looks bright thanks to everybody who works there. You're changing lives.


In my personal opinion the Calgary Dream Center is one of the most helpful places in the city of Calgary for addicts and alcoholics as well as the homeless population.

The Dream center relies heavily on donation, and from what I have seen, uses every penny they get.

A truly amazing place, full of great staff, both friendly and very knowledgeable.

In my past, I struggled with alcoholism, and each and every time I reached out to the Dream center, they did whatever they could to help.

Never having to pay for their services (which at the time I couldn't have anyways), and always treated with the utmost dignity and respect (my behavior and attitude didn't warrant this).

They help with recovery, they help with housing, they help with employment, they help with learning how to be a productive member of society. They restore dignity, they show love and compassion.


I know a young man (well younger than me) who was on the streets for few years and long story short he now works at the Centre and follows The Lord.

Congratulations for every year you celebrate Lyle.


Honestly the Dream Centre saved my life, they helped teach me a new way of living, helped me see God and realize he has always been there. Without the help from the ABSOLUTELY AMAZING people of the dream centre I wouldn’t be where I am today. I now have my boys back in my life 24/7 and it’s wonderful. Of course there are daily struggles but because of God’s protection and the tools I learned I am able to apply them and get through my day. At the end of the day I am completely satisfied with how things went. I would HIGHLY recommend someone to go to the dream centre if they are or know someone who is struggling with this disease we call addiction. For once I was able to go somewhere, unthaw the bad and ugly and still be accepted and loved. No judgments passed by anyone and made me feel welcomed. I finally had a safe place to stay and work on me. Something I haven’t been able to do my whole life. Thank you Dream Centre, I love you all so very much! ��


Coming out of a drug induced coma, nightmare, dream into a reality, that there is hope. It's time 4 this TOOL to use the tools the center has 2 offer. thank you staff and all those who made it possible GOD BLESS @ JESU'S LOVES "u"......


Calgary dream centre is a great place to be,You will find and meet a Lot of great people here with a tremendous amount of support and I would recommend this place to anybody who wants to make a change in their lives.Thank you CDC.


Calgary Dream Center change my path in life. The path i was going down was going to end either jail or death. Now i have a goals set and im trying the best i can to succeed. I thank jordan for taking me into the youth program.


An amazing place where men can get help and change .


Wonderful welcome of a place for volunteers to help people in turning their lives around for the better from major problems. Great opportunity for hope in life...I wish all at the Calgary Dream Centre continuing success in all their good and great efforts always X


the calgary dream center has saved my life. i wouldn't be where i am today if it wasn't for the dream center. they have changed my life for the better. i love who i am today, and if it wasn't because of the dream center i wouldn't. This small little part of the world, the world calls dream center i call home. I'm crying as i write this, because of the gratitude i have for this place, not only the staff but the clients as well. Thwy loved me until i could love my self. i owe a big shout out to the man that took me in and gave me his bed, he came with me to detox and sat beside me. i wish i could be half the man he is. just thinking about "Mr. Mayor" makes me cry. this man that went through the dream center, and used what he was taught to teach me something. it's love, compassion, bravery, and courage. if it wasn't for him showing me the kind of love, i wouldn't be here today. Thank you dream center, for giving me a life worth living. for showing me its okay to be me. and a big shout out to thw guy that gave me his bed, food, and most important of all love that i never had for my self until i came here.


amazing blessing to those needing a kind, compassionate environment so as to find oneself again while providing the necessary abilities to do so...


Well....what can you say about an organization that changes people's lives for the better? Hooray!!


This is a no brainer. Place literally saved my life. I came in as a 6'3 150lb emaciated addict with absolutely nothing. No Hope, dreams, friends or even family. Rock bottom. I spent 17 amaizing month's and left a new man. Cliche? Lol, maybe but no truer words have I spoken. Food was awesome (200lbs when I left) and staff weren't staff, they were family. I'll never forget that place. �


The Calgary Dream Centre, Really is a Dream...A Dream Come TRUE!

The Dream Centre SAVED MY SONS LIFE!!!

The Fear, and Despair , a Parent Feels when there Kid tells them they have an

ADDICTION is so Scarey...The People at The Dream Centre are absolutely

AMAZING, they really do Care. My son is Clean and ALIVE TODAY


The CDC helped me greatly to deal with housing transition and I commend their work around the city of Calgary as a model of excellence in meeting the huge needs that exist to the most vulnerable of citizens both men and women with children greatly affected as a result. RAK


Thank you from the bottom of my heart without you I would have lost my son for ever.


Thank you Dream Centre. My future looks bright thanks to everybody who works there. You're changing lives.


In my personal opinion the Calgary Dream Center is one of the most helpful places in the city of Calgary for addicts and alcoholics as well as the homeless population.

The Dream center relies heavily on donation, and from what I have seen, uses every penny they get.

A truly amazing place, full of great staff, both friendly and very knowledgeable.

In my past, I struggled with alcoholism, and each and every time I reached out to the Dream center, they did whatever they could to help.

Never having to pay for their services (which at the time I couldn't have anyways), and always treated with the utmost dignity and respect (my behavior and attitude didn't warrant this).

They help with recovery, they help with housing, they help with employment, they help with learning how to be a productive member of society. They restore dignity, they show love and compassion.


I know a young man (well younger than me) who was on the streets for few years and long story short he now works at the Centre and follows The Lord.

Congratulations for every year you celebrate Lyle.


Honestly the Dream Centre saved my life, they helped teach me a new way of living, helped me see God and realize he has always been there. Without the help from the ABSOLUTELY AMAZING people of the dream centre I wouldn’t be where I am today. I now have my boys back in my life 24/7 and it’s wonderful. Of course there are daily struggles but because of God’s protection and the tools I learned I am able to apply them and get through my day. At the end of the day I am completely satisfied with how things went. I would HIGHLY recommend someone to go to the dream centre if they are or know someone who is struggling with this disease we call addiction. For once I was able to go somewhere, unthaw the bad and ugly and still be accepted and loved. No judgments passed by anyone and made me feel welcomed. I finally had a safe place to stay and work on me. Something I haven’t been able to do my whole life. Thank you Dream Centre, I love you all so very much! ��


Coming out of a drug induced coma, nightmare, dream into a reality, that there is hope. It's time 4 this TOOL to use the tools the center has 2 offer. thank you staff and all those who made it possible GOD BLESS @ JESU'S LOVES "u"......


Calgary dream centre is a great place to be,You will find and meet a Lot of great people here with a tremendous amount of support and I would recommend this place to anybody who wants to make a change in their lives.Thank you CDC.


Calgary Dream Center change my path in life. The path i was going down was going to end either jail or death. Now i have a goals set and im trying the best i can to succeed. I thank jordan for taking me into the youth program.


An amazing place where men can get help and change .


Wonderful welcome of a place for volunteers to help people in turning their lives around for the better from major problems. Great opportunity for hope in life...I wish all at the Calgary Dream Centre continuing success in all their good and great efforts always X


the calgary dream center has saved my life. i wouldn't be where i am today if it wasn't for the dream center. they have changed my life for the better. i love who i am today, and if it wasn't because of the dream center i wouldn't. This small little part of the world, the world calls dream center i call home. I'm crying as i write this, because of the gratitude i have for this place, not only the staff but the clients as well. Thwy loved me until i could love my self. i owe a big shout out to the man that took me in and gave me his bed, he came with me to detox and sat beside me. i wish i could be half the man he is. just thinking about "Mr. Mayor" makes me cry. this man that went through the dream center, and used what he was taught to teach me something. it's love, compassion, bravery, and courage. if it wasn't for him showing me the kind of love, i wouldn't be here today. Thank you dream center, for giving me a life worth living. for showing me its okay to be me. and a big shout out to thw guy that gave me his bed, food, and most important of all love that i never had for my self until i came here.


amazing blessing to those needing a kind, compassionate environment so as to find oneself again while providing the necessary abilities to do so...


Well....what can you say about an organization that changes people's lives for the better? Hooray!!


This is a no brainer. Place literally saved my life. I came in as a 6'3 150lb emaciated addict with absolutely nothing. No Hope, dreams, friends or even family. Rock bottom. I spent 17 amaizing month's and left a new man. Cliche? Lol, maybe but no truer words have I spoken. Food was awesome (200lbs when I left) and staff weren't staff, they were family. I'll never forget that place. �


The Calgary Dream Centre, Really is a Dream...A Dream Come TRUE!

The Dream Centre SAVED MY SONS LIFE!!!

The Fear, and Despair , a Parent Feels when there Kid tells them they have an

ADDICTION is so Scarey...The People at The Dream Centre are absolutely

AMAZING, they really do Care. My son is Clean and ALIVE TODAY


The CDC helped me greatly to deal with housing transition and I commend their work around the city of Calgary as a model of excellence in meeting the huge needs that exist to the most vulnerable of citizens both men and women with children greatly affected as a result. RAK


Thank you from the bottom of my heart without you I would have lost my son for ever.


Thank you Dream Centre. My future looks bright thanks to everybody who works there. You're changing lives.


In my personal opinion the Calgary Dream Center is one of the most helpful places in the city of Calgary for addicts and alcoholics as well as the homeless population.

The Dream center relies heavily on donation, and from what I have seen, uses every penny they get.

A truly amazing place, full of great staff, both friendly and very knowledgeable.

In my past, I struggled with alcoholism, and each and every time I reached out to the Dream center, they did whatever they could to help.

Never having to pay for their services (which at the time I couldn't have anyways), and always treated with the utmost dignity and respect (my behavior and attitude didn't warrant this).

They help with recovery, they help with housing, they help with employment, they help with learning how to be a productive member of society. They restore dignity, they show love and compassion.


I know a young man (well younger than me) who was on the streets for few years and long story short he now works at the Centre and follows The Lord.

Congratulations for every year you celebrate Lyle.


Honestly the Dream Centre saved my life, they helped teach me a new way of living, helped me see God and realize he has always been there. Without the help from the ABSOLUTELY AMAZING people of the dream centre I wouldn’t be where I am today. I now have my boys back in my life 24/7 and it’s wonderful. Of course there are daily struggles but because of God’s protection and the tools I learned I am able to apply them and get through my day. At the end of the day I am completely satisfied with how things went. I would HIGHLY recommend someone to go to the dream centre if they are or know someone who is struggling with this disease we call addiction. For once I was able to go somewhere, unthaw the bad and ugly and still be accepted and loved. No judgments passed by anyone and made me feel welcomed. I finally had a safe place to stay and work on me. Something I haven’t been able to do my whole life. Thank you Dream Centre, I love you all so very much! ��


Coming out of a drug induced coma, nightmare, dream into a reality, that there is hope. It's time 4 this TOOL to use the tools the center has 2 offer. thank you staff and all those who made it possible GOD BLESS @ JESU'S LOVES "u"......


Calgary dream centre is a great place to be,You will find and meet a Lot of great people here with a tremendous amount of support and I would recommend this place to anybody who wants to make a change in their lives.Thank you CDC.


Calgary Dream Center change my path in life. The path i was going down was going to end either jail or death. Now i have a goals set and im trying the best i can to succeed. I thank jordan for taking me into the youth program.


An amazing place where men can get help and change .


Wonderful welcome of a place for volunteers to help people in turning their lives around for the better from major problems. Great opportunity for hope in life...I wish all at the Calgary Dream Centre continuing success in all their good and great efforts always X

More about Calgary Dream Centre

Calgary Dream Centre is located at 4510 Macleod Trail S, Calgary, Alberta T2G 0A4
(403) 243 5598