Calgary Drop-In Centre

About Calgary Drop-In Centre

The Calgary Drop-In Centre (the DI) is more than emergency shelter. We provide essential care as well as health services, employment training, and housing supports to people who need help.

Calgary Drop-In Centre Description

We provide a complete range of wraparound services to Calgary's homeless, marginalized and low-income residents, including:

- Meals, Clothing, Hygiene Services & Shelter
- Counselling
- On-site Intox & Harm Reduction Facility
- Referrals to Addiction & Mental Health Resources
- Employment Training, Support & Placement
- Computer Training
- Computers for Low Income Calgarians
- Supportive & Permanent Housing



Let’s continue to work together #yyc! To volunteer, donate or otherwise make an impact, visit
“’It’s great that we’ve been able to decrease numbers by the amount that we have, but we still have a really high number of people who are experiencing homelessness and the work is not done.’
[The acting executive director,] Sandra Clarkson said… the [Calgary Drop-In Centre] has been shifting toward being a more housing-focused shelter.”


We have a great way for you, your family and friends to give back this summer!
We have partnered with Christ Church to host a Sandwich Making Event on July 21 and August 11. They provide the facility, you provide the ingredients and sandwich makers!
Every day the DI provides approx. 1000 sandwiches to people who need nutritious meals to take to work. Sign up today!
... Please note: the DI won't be provided ingredients for the sandwiches however, tax receipts are available when the original receipts are provided.
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#YYC thank you for your kindness! We received numerous donations from all over Calgary, including from our friends, the The Mustard Seed. With the heat here to stay, agencies throughout Calgary will need more water. Please continue to donate!
If you are concerned for someone who is vulnerable, please call 211.


We had a donation of shampoo and towels come in from Laurel, who instead of asking for birthday presents, asked for money to buy items for the DI. When we asked her why she chose to help the DI, she said she wasn't really sure, it just seemed like the right thing to do. Thank you Laurel! #BeSomeoneYYC
To see our needs list, please visit: tions/


We need your help, #YYC! Given this heat, we're seeking reusable water bottles for Calgarians in need. New or used, every bottle counts! #BeSomeoneYYC


On Saturday, our DI Joes are playing the Calgary Fire Department in a friendly soccer game! Swing by McDougall Park and cheer them on.


Thank you Mealshare for their continued support. Not only does Mealshare sponsor meals but they bring in staff from restaurants around #yyc to volunteer. You can get involved too! Meal service and sandwich making opportunities are open. Visit, to sign up. #BeSomeoneYYC


We are accepting proposals for services to upgrade a portion of the existing Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM 1) in consultation with the Human Resources department.
For more information, please visit: proposal-policy-a…/


We received an incredible sponsorship from Microsoft Canada which will have a huge impact on the support we provide to Calgarians transitioning out of homelessness. Thank you Microsoft Canada! #Tech4Good #BeSomeoneYYC


This morning we had more than 80 volunteers from Convergint Technologies, wearing matching blue shirts with “community” on the back, bright smiles and open hearts, head to several of our buildings including, the Donation Centre and our downtown location to spend their day with us.
Every minute of their Day of Giving, was spent giving back either by improving our infrastructure, supporting meal service or sorting donations in the Clothing Room.
By improving the tools we use to... support men and women experiencing homelessness, we can increase the effectiveness of the services we offer to help Calgarians on their journey to being whole, healthy and housed.
Our hearts are full of gratitude and we cannot say thank you enough for their generosity and kindness. #ConvergintCares #BeSomeoneYYC
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Thank you Citi for bringing Enerplus to volunteer for our #EmpathyWeek celebration! Citi's sponsorship combined with with the Humainologie grant, the DI provided an indoor BBQ lunch accompanied with live music. #BeSomeoneYYC


We received a massive donation from Mountain Park School yesterday! Thank you to the students and teachers for supporting fellow Calgarians on their journey to being whole, healthy and housed.
Their donation will go towards Meal Sponsorship. To sponsor a meal, visit: ship/ #BeSomeoneYYC


Today kicks off #EmpathyWeek and we would like to thank Humainologie and Citibank for supporting our Empathy Week Event: an indoor BBQ and showcase of artistic musical talent for all attendees. Our event will bring together the downtown public, local musical talent, our staff and clients of the DI.
The next seven days will have interactive programs around the city to Calgarians to become more empathic.
Check out the full schedule of events at different locations around Calga...ry, June 1-7.< br> See More


We are having a garage sale! Swing by the DI's Woodworks & Upholstery Shop on June 9, 2018 to purchase hand tools, power tools and exotic hardwoods. #BeSomeoneYYC
All proceeds go to the Woodworks & Upholstery student training program.


Please help our friends at carya! They are trying to win $25,000 for their East Village Calgary Community Kitchen. The kitchen will be a community space that will meet the needs of both current residents and the evolving needs of a distinct urban neighborhood.
To vote, please visit:…/car ya-community-kitchen/


We were so excited to man Water Station #14 at this year's Calgary Marathon Thank you to the incredible runners who fund-raised for the DI.


We want to give a special thank you to the runners who are fundraising for us this weekend at Calgary Marathon. Thank you Ally, Anna, Darlene, Roberta, Ram, Nick, Kristen, Kellen, Manisha and Annette! Visit this link in our bio to help them reach their goal of $5,000:
Proceeds will go to supporting Calgarians experiencing homelessness, marginalization and extreme poverty. #BeSomeoneYYC


Are you someone who loves interacting with #YYC? And wants to support Calgarians who are experiencing homelessness? Volunteer to be a Brand Ambassador and help us enrich the lives of Calgary’s marginalized population. #BeSomeoneYYC /index.php…


We have lunch serve opportunities open May 25 and May 27! Spend your lunch hour with your family, friends or colleagues while you give back to your community. #BeSomeoneYYC
To sign up, visit: /index.php…


The group of 21 from Temple B’nai Tikvah and the Lagua family, served a delicious sponsored lunch courtesy of the temple on Sunday. Directing a group of this size is sometimes a challenge, but when you have Paul assisting it goes smoothly; he brings a printed list of everyone’s roles and makes sure everyone serves with a smile. The Lagua family comes every Sunday after church and loves to help our kitchen with plating.
We can't thank them enough for being a part of our comm...unity and for their continued dedication.
Of the 90 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) we will serve in June, only 25 are sponsored. You can be the difference between powdered milk and cereal and pancakes, eggs and sausage. Sponsor a meal today: #BeSomeoneYYC
See More


it's alright I've meet a lot of people while I was there. there's a lot of good/nice people there and I think I met everyone there making everyone laugh and smile all day long miss some people over there. I wanted to say thank's for everything you guy's helped me with :)

peggy tagalik gibbons


The DI is an amazing place to work! I feel as if I'm

leaving a legacy by helping those less fortunate than myself. My brothers and sisters on my crew are absolutely amazing people - (they'd have to be to put up with me! LOL!).

Best supervisors who I love deeply and clients I love to work with! It's like winning the lottery every day! I LOVE IT!


If ever in Calgary.....and your on the down and out.... the DI will carry your sorry ass....


I went there to drop off a laptop for the computer program


I went in to volunteer to help feed people over lunch. I was more then happy to come in and help. My expectations were very much succeeded. After we were done our shift and walking out past the crowd, we got a room full of clapping. It was a very nice gesture and made me feel very much appreciated. I had so much fun, I plan on doing it again.


I love to volunteer at the DI. This is a place that encourages people to be the best they can in their own situation. Two corner stones of this approach are being respectful of others and taking responsibility for one's own actions.


I have great respect and admiration for all the staff at the Centre. It takes incredible selflessness and heart to care so much for so many day in and day out. I hope that more and more people and families continue to support, volunteer and share in the giving while also learning what it means to live in love and not in judgement.

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for those in need in and around Calgary.



Good oppturnity to serve weekly suppers, and preparing it


Gives people hope over the holidays. It ties homless individuals with people that want to give and volunteers a chance to get hands on. Very cool program. I have been apart of it for 9 years, I still get choked up seeing the love, kindness and empathy towards others.


Detox, detoxification treatment or retox choices choices.


Amazingly the DI runs like a well-oiled machine serving 3 meals a day to over a thousand of our most vulnerable Calgarians year round!


Amazing work. The Donation Center (where I volunteer) is phenomenal - it provides clothing to so many, as well as a furniture program. And it works with other charities to make sure that as much as possible that is donated is used.


A beautiful safe and friendly place to warm up and be cared for. I had the opportunity to volunteer with my Justin Havre Team and it was incredible to see the support and love. Employees, volunteers and sponsors with DI, who save souls every single day. The true hero’s of Calgary! You fill my heart �


Worked at the DI from 2014-2016. I cherish the time that I was given there.


It was okay. The west hillhurst men's shelter was tolerable. The staff were friendly to me. It did not feel like a prison like the main building. The bedding was not the most comfortable. They did however keep it warm and provided laundry and showers. The showers were a little too powerful. The meals were descent compared to the main building. It was more peaceful there than the main building. My rating for the main building is not very good, mind you it had quite a bit to do with some people who use the services. The sixth floor was nice. That's my honest opinion of it.


We are former employees of the DI and this story from the CBC is true. And there are a lot more skeletons in the DI closet than Steve Baldwin. Maybe they will all come out – who knows. Stay tuned.

There is no doubt that many people mostly female consider(ed) Steve Baldwin creepy. That was the common sentiment that we heard and experienced ourselves. It's very similar to the story about if you're female and alone don't ride in the elevator with Kent Hehr kind of thing.

One lady that we used to work with there used the word "psychopath" to describe Baldwin.

During Steve Baldwin's reign, the DI and Baldwin hired people that they knew they could "own". They hired people with drug and alcohol problems, with mental health problems and promoted them but at the same time took care of them in different ways and reminded them that if it were not for the grace of the DI and Steve Baldwin in particular they would be leading a very different and less blessed life. (examples: two staff, two directors, one board member. We have names)

In short, if Steve Baldwin could not control you - he got rid of you. And our guess is that Debbie Newman turned a blind eye to the whole mess and did so for many years. Why? It's likely that she herself was controlled by Dermot Baldwin.

Former E.D. Dermot Baldwin was rumoured to have done exactly what Steve Baldwin - his son - allegedly did. It was Dermot who parachuted Steve into the HR Director position. No public job posting - he just appointed him into to a job paying about 150-200K.

I saw Dermot Baldwin give a female employee a "hug" that was more of a grope than a hug (touching and massaging her waist and hips). The phrase “Dermot’s girls” was spoken in whispers in the hallways.

Dermot was fired from the Board in early 2017. We’re guessing his past caught up with him. A few months later Steve was fired by the Board. Today we probably know why.

We know the story is about Steve but we think he learned a lot from his old man.

We believe Debbie Newman must resign. Another senior director, Alan Facey, would have knowledge of this shameful mess as well. Facey was another director who routinely verbally abused and yelled at employees.

It’s time for the Board of the DI to clean house of senior executives.

One final thought. The only way this reporter got the story published is that he made inquiries and people were willing to talk and corroborate what others said. Otherwise the story would be libelous. It’s unlikely for the CBC to let that happen.


The Drop In Centre is the worst organization that I have ever worked for. A "toxic" enviroment is an understatement. This organization does not care about there employees; which is one of the reason's they have such a high turn over rate. The vast majority of the long-term employees have left within the last year and more employees have left within the last couple of months due to the latest scandal (that was eventually swept under the rug). "Bullying" and inappropraite workplace conduct is apart of the workplace culture at the D.I. Bullying takes place on all levels of that building, from 6 floor, all the way down to front-line.


Horrible. In order to get a meal, you have to be fingerprinted. Let's add more shame and humiliation to the shamed and the humiliated? Was there not one competent psychologist on board to stop this? Is there any wonder people tent wherever they can and eat out of the garbage? Today, on Thanksgiving at noon, there was a man sprawled out by the front door eating and spilling some soup out of a can. All about the building, people are sleeping on concrete and even erecting shelters. Something's very wrong. I was sort of broke and hungry, and now I know for sure I'm really on my own. I'd rather die than have to use the Drop-in services.


it's alright I've meet a lot of people while I was there. there's a lot of good/nice people there and I think I met everyone there making everyone laugh and smile all day long miss some people over there. I wanted to say thank's for everything you guy's helped me with :)

peggy tagalik gibbons


The DI is an amazing place to work! I feel as if I'm

leaving a legacy by helping those less fortunate than myself. My brothers and sisters on my crew are absolutely amazing people - (they'd have to be to put up with me! LOL!).

Best supervisors who I love deeply and clients I love to work with! It's like winning the lottery every day! I LOVE IT!


If ever in Calgary.....and your on the down and out.... the DI will carry your sorry ass....


I went there to drop off a laptop for the computer program


I went in to volunteer to help feed people over lunch. I was more then happy to come in and help. My expectations were very much succeeded. After we were done our shift and walking out past the crowd, we got a room full of clapping. It was a very nice gesture and made me feel very much appreciated. I had so much fun, I plan on doing it again.


I love to volunteer at the DI. This is a place that encourages people to be the best they can in their own situation. Two corner stones of this approach are being respectful of others and taking responsibility for one's own actions.


I have great respect and admiration for all the staff at the Centre. It takes incredible selflessness and heart to care so much for so many day in and day out. I hope that more and more people and families continue to support, volunteer and share in the giving while also learning what it means to live in love and not in judgement.

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for those in need in and around Calgary.



Good oppturnity to serve weekly suppers, and preparing it


Gives people hope over the holidays. It ties homless individuals with people that want to give and volunteers a chance to get hands on. Very cool program. I have been apart of it for 9 years, I still get choked up seeing the love, kindness and empathy towards others.


Detox, detoxification treatment or retox choices choices.


Amazingly the DI runs like a well-oiled machine serving 3 meals a day to over a thousand of our most vulnerable Calgarians year round!


Amazing work. The Donation Center (where I volunteer) is phenomenal - it provides clothing to so many, as well as a furniture program. And it works with other charities to make sure that as much as possible that is donated is used.


A beautiful safe and friendly place to warm up and be cared for. I had the opportunity to volunteer with my Justin Havre Team and it was incredible to see the support and love. Employees, volunteers and sponsors with DI, who save souls every single day. The true hero’s of Calgary! You fill my heart �


Worked at the DI from 2014-2016. I cherish the time that I was given there.


It was okay. The west hillhurst men's shelter was tolerable. The staff were friendly to me. It did not feel like a prison like the main building. The bedding was not the most comfortable. They did however keep it warm and provided laundry and showers. The showers were a little too powerful. The meals were descent compared to the main building. It was more peaceful there than the main building. My rating for the main building is not very good, mind you it had quite a bit to do with some people who use the services. The sixth floor was nice. That's my honest opinion of it.


We are former employees of the DI and this story from the CBC is true. And there are a lot more skeletons in the DI closet than Steve Baldwin. Maybe they will all come out – who knows. Stay tuned.

There is no doubt that many people mostly female consider(ed) Steve Baldwin creepy. That was the common sentiment that we heard and experienced ourselves. It's very similar to the story about if you're female and alone don't ride in the elevator with Kent Hehr kind of thing.

One lady that we used to work with there used the word "psychopath" to describe Baldwin.

During Steve Baldwin's reign, the DI and Baldwin hired people that they knew they could "own". They hired people with drug and alcohol problems, with mental health problems and promoted them but at the same time took care of them in different ways and reminded them that if it were not for the grace of the DI and Steve Baldwin in particular they would be leading a very different and less blessed life. (examples: two staff, two directors, one board member. We have names)

In short, if Steve Baldwin could not control you - he got rid of you. And our guess is that Debbie Newman turned a blind eye to the whole mess and did so for many years. Why? It's likely that she herself was controlled by Dermot Baldwin.

Former E.D. Dermot Baldwin was rumoured to have done exactly what Steve Baldwin - his son - allegedly did. It was Dermot who parachuted Steve into the HR Director position. No public job posting - he just appointed him into to a job paying about 150-200K.

I saw Dermot Baldwin give a female employee a "hug" that was more of a grope than a hug (touching and massaging her waist and hips). The phrase “Dermot’s girls” was spoken in whispers in the hallways.

Dermot was fired from the Board in early 2017. We’re guessing his past caught up with him. A few months later Steve was fired by the Board. Today we probably know why.

We know the story is about Steve but we think he learned a lot from his old man.

We believe Debbie Newman must resign. Another senior director, Alan Facey, would have knowledge of this shameful mess as well. Facey was another director who routinely verbally abused and yelled at employees.

It’s time for the Board of the DI to clean house of senior executives.

One final thought. The only way this reporter got the story published is that he made inquiries and people were willing to talk and corroborate what others said. Otherwise the story would be libelous. It’s unlikely for the CBC to let that happen.


The Drop In Centre is the worst organization that I have ever worked for. A "toxic" enviroment is an understatement. This organization does not care about there employees; which is one of the reason's they have such a high turn over rate. The vast majority of the long-term employees have left within the last year and more employees have left within the last couple of months due to the latest scandal (that was eventually swept under the rug). "Bullying" and inappropraite workplace conduct is apart of the workplace culture at the D.I. Bullying takes place on all levels of that building, from 6 floor, all the way down to front-line.


Horrible. In order to get a meal, you have to be fingerprinted. Let's add more shame and humiliation to the shamed and the humiliated? Was there not one competent psychologist on board to stop this? Is there any wonder people tent wherever they can and eat out of the garbage? Today, on Thanksgiving at noon, there was a man sprawled out by the front door eating and spilling some soup out of a can. All about the building, people are sleeping on concrete and even erecting shelters. Something's very wrong. I was sort of broke and hungry, and now I know for sure I'm really on my own. I'd rather die than have to use the Drop-in services.


it's alright I've meet a lot of people while I was there. there's a lot of good/nice people there and I think I met everyone there making everyone laugh and smile all day long miss some people over there. I wanted to say thank's for everything you guy's helped me with :)

peggy tagalik gibbons


The DI is an amazing place to work! I feel as if I'm

leaving a legacy by helping those less fortunate than myself. My brothers and sisters on my crew are absolutely amazing people - (they'd have to be to put up with me! LOL!).

Best supervisors who I love deeply and clients I love to work with! It's like winning the lottery every day! I LOVE IT!


If ever in Calgary.....and your on the down and out.... the DI will carry your sorry ass....


I went there to drop off a laptop for the computer program


I went in to volunteer to help feed people over lunch. I was more then happy to come in and help. My expectations were very much succeeded. After we were done our shift and walking out past the crowd, we got a room full of clapping. It was a very nice gesture and made me feel very much appreciated. I had so much fun, I plan on doing it again.


I love to volunteer at the DI. This is a place that encourages people to be the best they can in their own situation. Two corner stones of this approach are being respectful of others and taking responsibility for one's own actions.


I have great respect and admiration for all the staff at the Centre. It takes incredible selflessness and heart to care so much for so many day in and day out. I hope that more and more people and families continue to support, volunteer and share in the giving while also learning what it means to live in love and not in judgement.

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do for those in need in and around Calgary.



Good oppturnity to serve weekly suppers, and preparing it


Gives people hope over the holidays. It ties homless individuals with people that want to give and volunteers a chance to get hands on. Very cool program. I have been apart of it for 9 years, I still get choked up seeing the love, kindness and empathy towards others.


Detox, detoxification treatment or retox choices choices.


Amazingly the DI runs like a well-oiled machine serving 3 meals a day to over a thousand of our most vulnerable Calgarians year round!


Amazing work. The Donation Center (where I volunteer) is phenomenal - it provides clothing to so many, as well as a furniture program. And it works with other charities to make sure that as much as possible that is donated is used.


A beautiful safe and friendly place to warm up and be cared for. I had the opportunity to volunteer with my Justin Havre Team and it was incredible to see the support and love. Employees, volunteers and sponsors with DI, who save souls every single day. The true hero’s of Calgary! You fill my heart �


Worked at the DI from 2014-2016. I cherish the time that I was given there.


It was okay. The west hillhurst men's shelter was tolerable. The staff were friendly to me. It did not feel like a prison like the main building. The bedding was not the most comfortable. They did however keep it warm and provided laundry and showers. The showers were a little too powerful. The meals were descent compared to the main building. It was more peaceful there than the main building. My rating for the main building is not very good, mind you it had quite a bit to do with some people who use the services. The sixth floor was nice. That's my honest opinion of it.


We are former employees of the DI and this story from the CBC is true. And there are a lot more skeletons in the DI closet than Steve Baldwin. Maybe they will all come out – who knows. Stay tuned.

There is no doubt that many people mostly female consider(ed) Steve Baldwin creepy. That was the common sentiment that we heard and experienced ourselves. It's very similar to the story about if you're female and alone don't ride in the elevator with Kent Hehr kind of thing.

One lady that we used to work with there used the word "psychopath" to describe Baldwin.

During Steve Baldwin's reign, the DI and Baldwin hired people that they knew they could "own". They hired people with drug and alcohol problems, with mental health problems and promoted them but at the same time took care of them in different ways and reminded them that if it were not for the grace of the DI and Steve Baldwin in particular they would be leading a very different and less blessed life. (examples: two staff, two directors, one board member. We have names)

In short, if Steve Baldwin could not control you - he got rid of you. And our guess is that Debbie Newman turned a blind eye to the whole mess and did so for many years. Why? It's likely that she herself was controlled by Dermot Baldwin.

Former E.D. Dermot Baldwin was rumoured to have done exactly what Steve Baldwin - his son - allegedly did. It was Dermot who parachuted Steve into the HR Director position. No public job posting - he just appointed him into to a job paying about 150-200K.

I saw Dermot Baldwin give a female employee a "hug" that was more of a grope than a hug (touching and massaging her waist and hips). The phrase “Dermot’s girls” was spoken in whispers in the hallways.

Dermot was fired from the Board in early 2017. We’re guessing his past caught up with him. A few months later Steve was fired by the Board. Today we probably know why.

We know the story is about Steve but we think he learned a lot from his old man.

We believe Debbie Newman must resign. Another senior director, Alan Facey, would have knowledge of this shameful mess as well. Facey was another director who routinely verbally abused and yelled at employees.

It’s time for the Board of the DI to clean house of senior executives.

One final thought. The only way this reporter got the story published is that he made inquiries and people were willing to talk and corroborate what others said. Otherwise the story would be libelous. It’s unlikely for the CBC to let that happen.


The Drop In Centre is the worst organization that I have ever worked for. A "toxic" enviroment is an understatement. This organization does not care about there employees; which is one of the reason's they have such a high turn over rate. The vast majority of the long-term employees have left within the last year and more employees have left within the last couple of months due to the latest scandal (that was eventually swept under the rug). "Bullying" and inappropraite workplace conduct is apart of the workplace culture at the D.I. Bullying takes place on all levels of that building, from 6 floor, all the way down to front-line.


Horrible. In order to get a meal, you have to be fingerprinted. Let's add more shame and humiliation to the shamed and the humiliated? Was there not one competent psychologist on board to stop this? Is there any wonder people tent wherever they can and eat out of the garbage? Today, on Thanksgiving at noon, there was a man sprawled out by the front door eating and spilling some soup out of a can. All about the building, people are sleeping on concrete and even erecting shelters. Something's very wrong. I was sort of broke and hungry, and now I know for sure I'm really on my own. I'd rather die than have to use the Drop-in services.

More about Calgary Drop-In Centre
