Calgary Immigrant Support Society

About Calgary Immigrant Support Society

This is a volunteer Society dedicated to the betterment of the Immigrants and refugees in Calgary. Sam Nammoura and Saima Jamal are co-founders.

Calgary Immigrant Support Society Description

Welcome to the Syrian Refugee Support Group Calgary! This group is for Syrian refugee related posts or refugees in general. To keep it fully action oriented to help and support the refugees, we avoid any political or ideological discussion here. If you post any religious events here, please do it by relating the significance of this event to the refugees. This is not a place to promote your general event unless it has some significance that you can directly relate to the newcomers. We also do not allow any fundraiser in this group unless previously consulted with Sam or myself Saima. Same applies for a business. You can only promote a business here if there is a discount for refugees or the item is highly sought after by them (cannot find it anywhere else) or it is a business /service by one of our dedicated volunteer / donor / sponsor.
This group is dedicated to the betterment of the Syrian and other refugees. Sam Nammoura and Saima Jamal are co-founders of this group and we have 100s of volunteers. This is a citizens action driven group of community volunteers with various origins and beliefs, from all walks of life, that made Calgary the most welcoming place for refugees. This group serve all Syrian refugees in Calgary whether they were government, church or privately sponsored in the most extensive way imaginable. SRSG give practical help to integrate and settle the refugees including: airport welcomes, translation services, meeting hubs for refugees, sponsors, donors, employers, support organization, staff, media, a warehouse distribution centre and delivery services for donated household items, family support groups and home visits, driving assistance for appointments and meetings, emotional support, community awareness through school, church and other presentations, information on Canadian life skills, resume writing and job search support, ESL support, one-on-one friendships through sports events, soccer and volleyball, play groups, library visits, recreational outings and coordination of sponsorships for new refugee applicants. SRSG allowed volunteers who share a common belief in the value of human life to welcome and integrate newcomers who have escaped the Syrian war zone. The heart of the SRSG was the cinderblock warehouse that for 4. 5 months buzzed with the energy of hopeful refugees and compassionate volunteers. There, newcomers came to pick up furniture and clothing but left with much more. The warehouse is a place where new friendships began, job opportunities discovered and a rich support system created. We continue to fiercely better the lives of refugees by focusing on getting them their household needs, jobs, starting their businesses, improving their English, bettering their health and lifestyle and involving the youth in a multitude of activities. If you have joined this group to volunteer, donate or sponsor - we welcome you with open arms!
Contact info:
To post items or ask for help, join the SRSG by clicking "Join" here: https://www. /YYCSYR /
General inquiries:
Direct email:;

You will find us in our temporary home (upto June 30, 2017) : Warehouse / Donation Centre & Newcomer's Community Centre in 6923 Farrell Road SE Calgary on Wednesday / Thursday 6pm-9pm and Saturday / Sunday 12pm-6pm.

For donations, please bring gently used household and kitchen items, furniture here during the stated hours of operations.
If you are refugee who has been here for the last 90 days or any needy individual, single parent or homeless - you can surely drop by our warehouse to get a leg up on free clothes, household and furniture.

www. yycsyr. ca
www. /yycsyr



For all your Renovation and Construction Needs Call جورج ناشف بالخدمه George Nashef . #5875851841 Hardworking man with Years of experience. كل انواع التصليحات و البناء والديكور .. From Aleppo to Calgary with Love 😉


‎السلام عليكم
‎نعلمكم أهالينا الكرام بفرصة كبيرة لدمج أولادكم بمخيمنا الصيفي الإسلاميّ ليعيشوا أجواء دينية وترفيهيّة في آن معاً.
‎هذا الاعلان موجّه بشكل خاص إلى شبابنا وبناتنا السوريين المتوافدين محدثاً إلى كندا، حيث أنهم مدعوون للاشتراك بمخيمنا الصيفي Camp DEENSTRONG ... ‎الذي سنقيمه في هذا الشهر الحالي، ابتداء من ٣٠ آب إلى ٢ أيلول ٢٠١٨ للفئة العمرية المترواحة بين ١١ الى ١٤ سنة ومن ١٥ الى ٢٤ سنة.
‎ملاحظة: هنالك مقاعد مجانية لأول ٢٠ مشترك في هذا المخيم.
‎ للاستفسار أو للاشتراك يُرجى التواصل مع السيّد محمّد الرّفيع على هاتفه الخاص (403) 390-6302.
‎حضوركم يُشرفنا. .be&v=QbgBrvQ8q64
‎للمزيد من المعلومات، اضغطوا على هذا الموقع: g
20 FREE Registrations available for summer camp for Syrian newcomer boys and girls aged 11-14 and 15-24 years old in Sylvan Lake on August 30- September 2. Please call brother Mohamed El-Rafih to register 4033906302.
For everyone else, registration is $250 includes food, lodging, transportation and all other activities. Camp site: g
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🚩 The best awnswer I have ever Heard🚩 When A reporter Kendra Fowler Asked Our top Donor Mart Trim ( whom he offer a piece of his farm to two newcomers Families to use it )
Q: What does it mean to you looking around you and seeing this Things happening?
... A: Watch Marty Trim giving us the best answer I ever heard. ..
Marty Trim provide. Land, equipments, know how and fund to support these two families . And he is working on his third project with Syrian Agricultural Engineer to build a MicroGreen greenhouse, Stay tuned. .
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A Syrian man and his family who escaped violence in his homeland two years ago has been able to put down some roots in Canada and now hopes his hard labour will be rewarded.
Mohamed El Daher says he is proud of his farm that he has poured so much work into.
“When I work here, I feel happy. My children are around me and my wife behind me every day. Many people told me this is a hard job but for me, it’s easy.”
... El Daher came to Canada on June 1, 2016 and immediately wanted to put his farming skills that served him so well back home to work for his family in Canada.
In the short time he’s been here, he’s grown his operation from a backyard plot to a modest piece of land northwest of Delacour.
El Daher has an arrangement with the landowner that allows him to cultivate the land and work towards his dream of becoming a self-sufficient farmer.
Sam Nammoura, a community advocate says that El Daher’s crops are almost ready to be harvested, so it’s a crucial time to show how well they can support themselves.
“This is a tough business, farming. They are still willing to do it because they want to be positive, active members of society.”
As well as a tenacious spirit, El Daher also has a giving heart. This year, he donated the entire proceeds of his backyard garden, about 300 pounds of food, to Calgary Food Bank.

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Listen to this amazing newcomers trying so hard to speak English to a Reporter , But when he did , the memories of his two daughters left behind in Lebanon takeover his emotions. .. محاوله رائعه من محمد كنعان
M. Kanaan came to Canada 2 years ago, he has his Business Employees and farm back in Syria. But he has to start all over again ... للحديث عن مشروعه الزراعي ولكن شوقه لبناته يغلبه
... He was Lucky to meet Marty Trim Via Calgary Immigrant Support Society and he provide him with Land and Equipment to farm and put this land for good use ... شي رائع اخ محمد . Thanks Mohamad Kanaan . K For trying so hard . Thank you Kendra Fowler
We are so proud of you .
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Free clean king size bed and mattress available for pick-up from downtown Calgary. Needs to be picked up by this weekend.


Hello Bear Mattress
On behlaf of All members of Calgary Immigrant Support Society in Calgary Alberta We would like to thank you so much for your kind donation of brandnew mattress to a newcomer family in Calgary .
... your Kindness is much appreciated
Thank You from all of us at CISS
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A Call from overseas :
" Je suis experte de beauté de la Tunisie je cherche un contract de travail à Calgary un diplôme d.esthétique international visage et corps... avec une expérience de 18 ans de maquillage et coiffure "
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله. خبيرة تجميل من تونس ابحث عن عقد عمل ب Cargary متحصلة على شهادة للعناية بالبشرة. (الوجه و جسم) خبيرة في المكياج و الحلاقة و صاحبة خبرة مدة 18سنة
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Newcomer = New Ideas × New Flavors . Call Bella Upholstery NOW


A talented newcomer is wanting to show you , what he can do ... This is what he did back in the War torn Syria. Message us if you can help him finding a Job .


Meet Belal Ba Belal the Master Craftsman of Furniture and upholstery 40347101l المعلم بلال لتصميم المفروشات العربيه و الجلسات الشعبيه 40347101l
" Ready to meet the design and manufacture of all types of Arab councils on demand to connect Phone 4034710143 جاهزون لتصميم وتصنيع جميع انواع المجالس العربية خشب أو بدون بأسعار معتدلة انشالله لاستفسار Call Now ... 40347101l
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🚩Looking for the right Connection 🚩
I met yesterday with another unique Syrian Engineer named Feras Saada, he has bachelor in Agronomy and Master degree in Horticulture Science. Very Humble and Kind father of three ...
He start talking to me with his soft voice about his educations and experience in Agriculture business ...
... What he said its like Magic to me or out of this space : controlling Environments for seeds and storing vegetables and produce using Gas technology . Arial Map studying for type of Soils and Trees and identity diseases and potential crops . Modern Irrigation Systems design and planning .Green houses technologies . Finally mass produce of Roses and flowers .
I feel Feras is over qualified and I need to connect him with the University Of Calgary Crowed or A company that he can contribute to its success .
Feras was a State future project , but unfortunately the State is in Civil War now and he fled that State to save his family , kids and their future .
I believe Feras can do something really unique to his new country but I need to connect him first with the right people ...
Please help if you can
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Some good news on something we have been advocating for months: Alberta government announced today refugee claimants will now be able to get driver’s license!


Welcome to the Syrian Refugee Support Group Calgary! This group is for Syrian refugee related posts or refugees in general. To keep it fully action oriented to help and support the refugees, we avoid any political or ideological discussion here. If you post any religious events here, please do it by relating the significance of this event to the refugees. This is not a place to promote your general event unless it has some significance that you can directly relate to the newc...
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عملكم جميل جدا وجزاكم الله كل خير عمل لايقدر بثمن ربي يتقبل


عمل أكثر من رائع مع أنه إرضاء الناس غاية لا تدرك.


انسان ممتاز و عمل أكثر من رائع

بارك الله فيك وجزاك كل خير



انا معجبه جدا بعملك وانه ممتاز ورائع ومساعدة الناس غايه لا تدرك وجزاكم الله كل خير وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم


الله يقويكم . معلومات حلوة عم تقدموها واخبار كندا بتوصل للكل من خلالكم شكرا لجهودكم


الله يدملكم هل الهمة العالية ويكثر من امثالكم يارب العالمين.

Good job God bless you all.


amazing work . thank you very much. god bless you all.


Very honest, loving, caring, passionate, supporting, dedicated and hard working team for a true Canadian humanitarian cause.

I'm always inspired and felt positive while participating in your programs or even just talking to you.

I'm proud of you .. Calgary & Canada is proud of you!

Love you all ..

Alla the best,



To get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

This group receives the most joy!!!!


This is an amazing group of caring compassionate and practical people. I am so thankful for them. For anyone wanting to help out with refugees, they provide quick and helpful information. Through their help I have met amazing newcomers who have so enriched my life. The founders are sincere, trustworthy, and helpful people, and I have no problem commending them and the group, to others.


This group made up of people from every corner of the earth really opened my eyes , my heart and mind.

It really gave me a reason to call Calgary my home. To see the generosity of Calgarians , and the friendships that were molded was just a portion of the millions of things witnessed. This group showed love , love , love and more love . It showed how hundreds even thousands of people can be helped no matter color , race, religion, or even financial income . This group showed strenght and solidarity in the face of weakness and racisim .

All of this was made possible because of a dream to make a difference. Thank you Sam Nammoura and Saima Jamal and the thousands of volunteers that came and gave their free time to support such and amazing cause. Thank you to the thousands of Calgarians for choosing to give charity of furniture, Clothing, laptops, and cars. In doing so our landfills are lighter but most importantly thousands have had their homes furnished, ability to have warm clothes for our cold winters etc. And emergency food essentials . All of this made possible by a dream , a hope . Congratulations to everyone who has had a part in this fantastic mirror of how things could be when you put your hearts before minds.


This group does amazing work to help newcomers, with very few resources. Bravo!


Love this group who so openly helps a wide range of people in need and provides opportunities for people to contribute and give back to their community.


I'd like to thank this page that helps all refugees in Canada


I give it 10 out of 5 stars. Yes, it is that great.

Now, the Warehouse... I feel sad about it closing.

So many wonderful people, doing so much.

It was always a great lift to come here online and see what was going on, from dancing to feasts to hard work! Love breathed in that place, and the coming together of so many people of all races, creeds, and no creed at all, women, men, kids and teens; the heartbeat of a rather extraordinary community.


God bless you , wish you more success ..


Amazing group. This was our home away from

home. We saw what people can accomplish when they work together. Sam also makes the best coffee. My kids already miss playing there with their new friends


A successful project. Despite the limited resources, perseverance, and ingenuity led success <3


A Syrian man and his family who escaped violence in his homeland two years ago has been able to put down some roots in Canada and now hopes his hard labour will be rewarded.
Mohamed El Daher says he is proud of his farm that he has poured so much work into.
“When I work here, I feel happy. My children are around me and my wife behind me every day. Many people told me this is a hard job but for me, it’s easy.”
... El Daher came to Canada on June 1, 2016 and immediately wanted to put his farming skills that served him so well back home to work for his family in Canada.
In the short time he’s been here, he’s grown his operation from a backyard plot to a modest piece of land northwest of Delacour.
El Daher has an arrangement with the landowner that allows him to cultivate the land and work towards his dream of becoming a self-sufficient farmer.
Sam Nammoura, a community advocate says that El Daher’s crops are almost ready to be harvested, so it’s a crucial time to show how well they can support themselves.
“This is a tough business, farming. They are still willing to do it because they want to be positive, active members of society.”
As well as a tenacious spirit, El Daher also has a giving heart. This year, he donated the entire proceeds of his backyard garden, about 300 pounds of food, to Calgary Food Bank.

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عملكم جميل جدا وجزاكم الله كل خير عمل لايقدر بثمن ربي يتقبل


عمل أكثر من رائع مع أنه إرضاء الناس غاية لا تدرك.


انسان ممتاز و عمل أكثر من رائع

بارك الله فيك وجزاك كل خير



انا معجبه جدا بعملك وانه ممتاز ورائع ومساعدة الناس غايه لا تدرك وجزاكم الله كل خير وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم


الله يقويكم . معلومات حلوة عم تقدموها واخبار كندا بتوصل للكل من خلالكم شكرا لجهودكم


الله يدملكم هل الهمة العالية ويكثر من امثالكم يارب العالمين.

Good job God bless you all.


amazing work . thank you very much. god bless you all.


Very honest, loving, caring, passionate, supporting, dedicated and hard working team for a true Canadian humanitarian cause.

I'm always inspired and felt positive while participating in your programs or even just talking to you.

I'm proud of you .. Calgary & Canada is proud of you!

Love you all ..

Alla the best,



To get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

This group receives the most joy!!!!


This is an amazing group of caring compassionate and practical people. I am so thankful for them. For anyone wanting to help out with refugees, they provide quick and helpful information. Through their help I have met amazing newcomers who have so enriched my life. The founders are sincere, trustworthy, and helpful people, and I have no problem commending them and the group, to others.


This group made up of people from every corner of the earth really opened my eyes , my heart and mind.

It really gave me a reason to call Calgary my home. To see the generosity of Calgarians , and the friendships that were molded was just a portion of the millions of things witnessed. This group showed love , love , love and more love . It showed how hundreds even thousands of people can be helped no matter color , race, religion, or even financial income . This group showed strenght and solidarity in the face of weakness and racisim .

All of this was made possible because of a dream to make a difference. Thank you Sam Nammoura and Saima Jamal and the thousands of volunteers that came and gave their free time to support such and amazing cause. Thank you to the thousands of Calgarians for choosing to give charity of furniture, Clothing, laptops, and cars. In doing so our landfills are lighter but most importantly thousands have had their homes furnished, ability to have warm clothes for our cold winters etc. And emergency food essentials . All of this made possible by a dream , a hope . Congratulations to everyone who has had a part in this fantastic mirror of how things could be when you put your hearts before minds.


This group does amazing work to help newcomers, with very few resources. Bravo!


Love this group who so openly helps a wide range of people in need and provides opportunities for people to contribute and give back to their community.


I'd like to thank this page that helps all refugees in Canada


I give it 10 out of 5 stars. Yes, it is that great.

Now, the Warehouse... I feel sad about it closing.

So many wonderful people, doing so much.

It was always a great lift to come here online and see what was going on, from dancing to feasts to hard work! Love breathed in that place, and the coming together of so many people of all races, creeds, and no creed at all, women, men, kids and teens; the heartbeat of a rather extraordinary community.


God bless you , wish you more success ..


Amazing group. This was our home away from

home. We saw what people can accomplish when they work together. Sam also makes the best coffee. My kids already miss playing there with their new friends


A successful project. Despite the limited resources, perseverance, and ingenuity led success <3


A Syrian man and his family who escaped violence in his homeland two years ago has been able to put down some roots in Canada and now hopes his hard labour will be rewarded.
Mohamed El Daher says he is proud of his farm that he has poured so much work into.
“When I work here, I feel happy. My children are around me and my wife behind me every day. Many people told me this is a hard job but for me, it’s easy.”
... El Daher came to Canada on June 1, 2016 and immediately wanted to put his farming skills that served him so well back home to work for his family in Canada.
In the short time he’s been here, he’s grown his operation from a backyard plot to a modest piece of land northwest of Delacour.
El Daher has an arrangement with the landowner that allows him to cultivate the land and work towards his dream of becoming a self-sufficient farmer.
Sam Nammoura, a community advocate says that El Daher’s crops are almost ready to be harvested, so it’s a crucial time to show how well they can support themselves.
“This is a tough business, farming. They are still willing to do it because they want to be positive, active members of society.”
As well as a tenacious spirit, El Daher also has a giving heart. This year, he donated the entire proceeds of his backyard garden, about 300 pounds of food, to Calgary Food Bank.

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عملكم جميل جدا وجزاكم الله كل خير عمل لايقدر بثمن ربي يتقبل


عمل أكثر من رائع مع أنه إرضاء الناس غاية لا تدرك.


انسان ممتاز و عمل أكثر من رائع

بارك الله فيك وجزاك كل خير



انا معجبه جدا بعملك وانه ممتاز ورائع ومساعدة الناس غايه لا تدرك وجزاكم الله كل خير وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم


الله يقويكم . معلومات حلوة عم تقدموها واخبار كندا بتوصل للكل من خلالكم شكرا لجهودكم


الله يدملكم هل الهمة العالية ويكثر من امثالكم يارب العالمين.

Good job God bless you all.


amazing work . thank you very much. god bless you all.


Very honest, loving, caring, passionate, supporting, dedicated and hard working team for a true Canadian humanitarian cause.

I'm always inspired and felt positive while participating in your programs or even just talking to you.

I'm proud of you .. Calgary & Canada is proud of you!

Love you all ..

Alla the best,



To get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

This group receives the most joy!!!!


This is an amazing group of caring compassionate and practical people. I am so thankful for them. For anyone wanting to help out with refugees, they provide quick and helpful information. Through their help I have met amazing newcomers who have so enriched my life. The founders are sincere, trustworthy, and helpful people, and I have no problem commending them and the group, to others.


This group made up of people from every corner of the earth really opened my eyes , my heart and mind.

It really gave me a reason to call Calgary my home. To see the generosity of Calgarians , and the friendships that were molded was just a portion of the millions of things witnessed. This group showed love , love , love and more love . It showed how hundreds even thousands of people can be helped no matter color , race, religion, or even financial income . This group showed strenght and solidarity in the face of weakness and racisim .

All of this was made possible because of a dream to make a difference. Thank you Sam Nammoura and Saima Jamal and the thousands of volunteers that came and gave their free time to support such and amazing cause. Thank you to the thousands of Calgarians for choosing to give charity of furniture, Clothing, laptops, and cars. In doing so our landfills are lighter but most importantly thousands have had their homes furnished, ability to have warm clothes for our cold winters etc. And emergency food essentials . All of this made possible by a dream , a hope . Congratulations to everyone who has had a part in this fantastic mirror of how things could be when you put your hearts before minds.


This group does amazing work to help newcomers, with very few resources. Bravo!


Love this group who so openly helps a wide range of people in need and provides opportunities for people to contribute and give back to their community.


I'd like to thank this page that helps all refugees in Canada


I give it 10 out of 5 stars. Yes, it is that great.

Now, the Warehouse... I feel sad about it closing.

So many wonderful people, doing so much.

It was always a great lift to come here online and see what was going on, from dancing to feasts to hard work! Love breathed in that place, and the coming together of so many people of all races, creeds, and no creed at all, women, men, kids and teens; the heartbeat of a rather extraordinary community.


God bless you , wish you more success ..


Amazing group. This was our home away from

home. We saw what people can accomplish when they work together. Sam also makes the best coffee. My kids already miss playing there with their new friends


A successful project. Despite the limited resources, perseverance, and ingenuity led success <3

More about Calgary Immigrant Support Society

Calgary Immigrant Support Society is located at Calgary, Alberta