Calgary In Crisis Model United Nations Conference

About Calgary In Crisis Model United Nations Conference

The CICMUN Conference is an intensive two-day crisis conference, planned and created by the University of Calgary Model UN Team for academically-competitive high school students.

Calgary In Crisis Model United Nations Conference Description

The University of Calgary Model United Nations Team is pleased to welcome you to the re-launch of our World in Crisis initiative: new for 2018, the Calgary in Crisis Model United Nations Conference! This conference is aimed at high school students, and will be hosted on February 3rd through February 4th 2018 on the University of Calgary Main Campus.

The Calgary in Crisis Model United Nations Conference is a conference designed to engage delegates with Model United Nations crisis committees. These are fast paced and extremely fun committees that touch on the spirit of Model United Nations, but feature committees outside of the United Nations system. These can include simulations of historical events, future events, scenarios from television, movies and books, or other real world scenarios that do not fall within the scope of the United Nations. This year, the Calgary in Crisis Model United Nations Conference Simulation will feature the following committees:

1. The European Winter Crisis – Interpol (Joint Crisis Committee)
2. The European Winter Crisis – The Mafia (Joint Crisis Committee)
3. The League of Nations in the 1930’s (Historical Crisis)
4. A World in Nuclear Winter: 2100 (Future Crisis)

More about Calgary In Crisis Model United Nations Conference

Calgary In Crisis Model United Nations Conference is located at Department of Political Science The University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4